
shānɡ yè jìnɡ zhēnɡ
  • commercial competition;business rivalry
  1. 随着社会的发展,商业竞争的日益加剧。

    With the development of society , the growing commercial competition .

  2. 但他与密尔不同,他对商业竞争没兴趣。

    But he did not share Mill 's interest in commercial competition .

  3. 在中国加入WTO的今天,商业竞争研究是一个企业非常关注的课题。

    Since the China 's entry of WTO , the research into business competition has been a concerned problem .

  4. 为了适应快速变化的市场需求和异常激烈的商业竞争,实际工程对三维CAD系统的设计效率提出越来越高的要求。

    In order to adapt the rapid change of market and have business advantages in the fierce competition , ever-increasing demands for design efficiency of 3D CAD system would come into being in practice .

  5. 3G正在重组我国的电信产业组织,同时对电信运营商商业竞争模式的变革提出要求。

    The telecommunication industry is being restructured with the coming of 3G , and the competition modes for companies in telecom industry have to be reorganized to match up 3G .

  6. 它具有开发成本低、适应性强、协作性高等优势,它必将成为企业现代化商业竞争的信息化战略武器。

    So it is viewed as a strategic weapon for commercial competition .

  7. 我们一直努力工作以取得与我们的商业竞争对手同等的地位。

    We have worked hard to achieve parity with our commercial competitors .

  8. 用反平方数学模型分析本溪商业竞争规律

    A Negative Square Model used to Describe the Performance of Commercial Competition Benxi

  9. 一类商业竞争策略的模型和研究

    A kind of business enterprises competition models and analysis

  10. 定义商业竞争情况下的特征。

    Define character in the context of business competition .

  11. 在激烈的商业竞争中,人才成为越来越重要的筹码。

    In the fierce business competition , talents become more and more important .

  12. 在商业竞争中,快速准确的信息是最重要的。

    Prompt and accurate information is the most important element in business competition .

  13. 关于商业竞争与文化问题的新思考

    A New Reflection on the Commercial Competition and Culture

  14. 这是商业竞争的必然。

    It 's the nature of competitive business .

  15. 伴随着信息化的发展,在商业竞争中客流信息的重要性正日益凸显。

    So the information of passenger flow is becoming increasingly important in the business competition .

  16. 他对于商业竞争并不感兴趣,惟一关心的是发现物质作用的奥秘。

    He was not interested in commercial rivalry , but in discovering how matter worked .

  17. 在大商业竞争的世界里,你得注意保护自己。

    You have to look after number one in the competitive world of big business .

  18. 本文围绕着中国三大门户网站的盈利模式,以其商业竞争为视角,从六个方面进行了论述。

    From the viewpoint of the business competition and discuss it in the six parts .

  19. 由此可见,全球商业竞争的实质已经转化为供应链之间的竞争。

    The competition of supply chains has been the core matter of global commercial competition .

  20. 随着全球化和信息技术的发展,商业竞争愈发激烈。

    Business competition is becoming increasingly fierce with the development of globalization and information technology .

  21. 卖产品,还是卖服务?&设计经济,影响中国商业竞争的新因素

    Selling Product or Service : Design Economy as a New Influential Factor to Chinese Commercial Competence

  22. 此外,滴滴还被诉通过虚假或夸大宣传进行不公平商业竞争。

    Didi is also accused of engaging in unfair business competition through false or exaggerated publicity .

  23. 结合实际的供应链非合作博弈案例,用不完全信息静态博弈理论建立了零售商与供应商的出价&购买模型,分析了现代商业竞争中的店大欺厂现象并给出了相应对策;

    And analyzes the priority of retailer in modern commercial competition with incomplete information static game model .

  24. 倾销被认为是国际贸易违背公平竞争与公平贸易规则的不正当的商业竞争行为。

    Dumping considered violation of international trade fair competition and fair trade rules unfair commercial competition behavior .

  25. 这一趋势可能是由于对中国成为一个商业竞争对手的不安,调查说。

    The trend is likely due to unease about China as a commercial competitor , the survey said .

  26. 商业竞争中是好事,它可以为消费者带来更好的质量和更低的价格。

    Competition in business is good because it generally results in better quality and lower prices for consumers .

  27. 通信革命激化了争夺观众、听众和读者注意力的商业竞争。

    The communications revolution has intensified commercial competition to win the attention of viewers , listeners and readers .

  28. 出口商品商标的宣传已成为各国在国际市场上推销商品和参与商业竞争的战略之一。

    The publicity of brands has become one of the strategies of enterprises to compete in the international market .

  29. 由于存在着激烈的商业竞争,供需匹配成为供应链追求高绩效的关键。

    In today 's competitive business environment , matching supply with demand is essential in achieving an effective supply chain .

  30. 在互联网时代的商业竞争中,商业模式被认为是企业获取持久竞争优势的关键。

    It is widely acknowledged that business model potentially provide a sustainable competitive advantage for the enterprises in Internet times .