
  • 网络Business Automation;commerce automation;POS
  1. RFID作为无线领域新崛起的一项技术,已被广泛应用于工业自动化、商业自动化、交通运输管理等众多领域。

    As a newly emerging application technology in wireless communication field , RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) has been widely used in industrial automation , business automation , transportation management , and other fields .

  2. 由于其精度高、适应环境强、抗干扰强以及操作便捷等优点,RFID技术被广泛用于商业自动化、交通运输控制管理等众多领域。

    RFID technology is widely used in business automation , transportation and many other areas of control and management due to its advantages of high precision , strong adaptability , strong anti-interference and easy to operate .

  3. 最后,文章对商业自动化中的OALP应用的设计进行了详细的讨论,在设计中实现数据仓库和OLAP的概念、体系结构、特征要素,以及OMDDM模型的数据结构。

    In the end , this paper has detailedly discussed design and implementation of OLAP application to the business inventory Decision Support Systems .

  4. RFID(射频识别,RadioFrequencyIdentification)技术作为一种新兴的自动识别技术,近年来在国内外已经得到了迅速的发展,被广泛应用于现实世界中的工业自动化、商业自动化等自动控制管理领域。

    Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) technology , as an automatic identification technology , has a rapid development in recent years , and is widely used in the real world of industrial automation , business automation and automatic control , and in some other management areas .

  5. RFID技术从二十世纪90年代兴起以来,目前在国内外发展非常迅速,许多世界著名生产商都制造RFID产品,且已被广泛应用到零售业、工业及商业自动化、运输和物流管理等众多领域。

    In recent years , RFID technology is developing very rapidly at home and abroad , and many manufacturers are producing the RFID products , which has been widely used in industrial automation , business automation , transport , control and management and many other fields .

  6. 在分析国内多家商业自动化软件系统的基础上,把统一建模语言UML中捕获和描述用户需求的用例模型引入面向特征的领域分析法FODA;

    Based on the domain analysis of a class of domestic business automatic manage system , we have integrated the use case model of UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) which aims to capture and describe user requirement into FODA ( Feature Oriented Domain Analysis ) .

  7. 大型商业自动化管理信息系统及其决策与分析

    The large commercial automated management information system and decision and analysis

  8. 商业自动化与包装技术关系的探讨

    Discussion on the Relationship between Commerce Automation and Package Technology

  9. 商业自动化课程教学实践模式新探

    Exploration in New Practical Teaching Model of Commercial Automation Course

  10. 联机分析处理及其在商业自动化中的应用

    On-line Analytical Processing and Its Application in Commercial Automation

  11. 在商业自动化领域中,连锁经营模式的现代化管理是一个重要的课题。

    Designing the chain supermarket model management information system is a important subject .

  12. 三层结构与商业自动化系统

    Three - Tier and Auto - Commercial System

  13. 论提高商业自动化的可靠性

    Improve the Reliability of Commercial Automatic Software

  14. 商业自动化与商业基础数据字典

    Commerce automation and commerce data dictionary

  15. 商业自动化系统模型

    Model of Commerce Automation System

  16. 商业自动化软件是包括了对所经销商品的购、销、调、存及管理全过程的自动化。

    The commercial automatic software is what commodity are bought 、 sold 、 moved and managed by computer .

  17. 通过对比国内外著名的商业自动化测试软件,分析一个稳定易用的自动化平台所需要满足的特性。

    By comparing well-known commercial automated testing software , we lists the characteristics that a stable-to-use automation platform required .

  18. 本文通过在商业自动化建设过程中引入业务流程重组,实现了商业业务流程的优化及相关因素的改进,为商业管理信息系统的成功应用奠定了良好的基础;

    During the period of Commercial Automatization building , this paper introduces BRP , achieves the optimizing of commercial business process and improves the relevant elements .

  19. 本文回顾了国内外商业自动化的发展现状,说明了国内商业管理信息系统建设过程中存在的问题。

    In this paper , domestic and overseas developing actuality of Commercial Automatization was reviewed and existent problems in the development of CMIS ( Commercial Management Information System ) were illuminated .

  20. 商业自动化近年来发展迅速,包装技术是商业自动化的重要部分,因此探索商业自动化与包装技术之间的关系是非常必要的。

    In recent years , the commerce automation was booming fast . Since the packaging technology is part of the commerce automation , it is quite necessary to discuss the relationship between them .

  21. 设计的网络运行与管理系统,是一个先进的、高效的、低成本的企业信息化平台方案,完全满足现代商业自动化的需求。

    Its Internet operation and management mode can fully meet the demand of modern business company . It is a good Company information Platform with features of advanced technology , high efficiency and low cost .

  22. 文中从商业自动化的组成出发,探讨了包装技术与商业自动化相关的方面,并由此引深出发展包装技术相关领域。

    The elements of the commerce automation were introduced , and the elements related to package were also pointed out , and finally the field of packaging technology affecting the development of the commerce automation was presented .

  23. 本文分析了商业自动化课程教学实践的特点,提出了实验教学内容的改革应加强基本训练、逐步开设实用性、前瞻性实验项目的观点。探讨了实验教学改革的新思路。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of practical teaching in commercial automation course , presents the view that the reform of the experiment teaching content should strengthen basic training , offers practicable and perspective experiment item progressively , and discusses the new thought of practical teaching reform .

  24. 这实际上是许多商业GUI自动化工具使用的方式。

    This is actually the approach that many commercial GUI automation tools use .

  25. 物联网(Internetofthings,IOT)是使各种物件挟带感测设备,利用网络实现人和物件甚至物件之间的沟通,以达到商品生命周期过程透明化、商业交易自动化的目标。

    IOT ( Internet of Things ) is to make all kinds of objects with sensor equipment connected to communicate between objects and objects or between man and objects by using the network for the purpose of making the commodity life cycle transparent and commercial transaction automatic .

  26. 工作流管理系统提供了对商业过程自动化技术的支持。

    Workflow Management provides the way to automation of business process .

  27. 本文详细介绍了微机商业会计自动化分录登帐方法。

    This article deals with automatic entry method of microcomputer business accounting system .

  28. 微机商业会计自动化分录登帐系统

    Automatic Entry Method of Microcomputer Business Accounting System

  29. 管理数据和文档:提高文档的安全性、使用数字证书并获得文档和商业流程自动化的帮助。

    Manage data and documents enhance the security of your documents , use digital certificates , and get help with document and business process automation .

  30. 在信息时代,非接触式射频卡技术正越来越广泛地应用于各种行业中,特别是工业自动化、商业金融自动化、交通物流、门禁、考勤以及军事国防等领域。

    In IT times , none-contact radiofication card technologies have been gradually applied on various fields , especially on the fields of automatization , business automatization , traffic flow , door guard and military affair .