
  • 网络at the meeting;business meeting;business conference
  1. 比如,在商业会议上说,Letsdoaheadsuponthisissue.我至今还不知道是什么意思。

    A heads up . For example , as in a business meeting . Lets do a heads up on this issue . I have never been sure of the meaning .

  2. 我和拉蒂在MaBourgogne开了一次商业会议。

    Ratti and I were having a business meeting in Ma Bourgogne .

  3. 通过不停打电话、努力结识能够提供帮助的人、在商业会议上说日语,以及大无畏的做事风格,我最终促使英特尔被相关委员会接纳,获准将DVD应用在电脑上推广,而不仅仅是在家用电器上。

    Through cold calling , finding introductions to the right people , speaking Japanese in business meetings , and generally being fearless , I was able to get Intel onto the committee that allowed us to advocate for DVDs to work on computers , not just living room devices .

  4. 科克必须赶赴洛杉矶参加一次商业会议。

    Koch has to rush to Los Angeles for a business meeting .

  5. 主席在主要商业会议开始前先说开场白。

    The chairman made a preliminary statement before beginning the main business meeting .

  6. 通常商业会议,只允许一点点的特殊情况。

    Particularly for business meetings , and only a little less for social occasions .

  7. 他讲道:全国各地都有小型的商业会议。

    He says : There are small business conventions going on all over the country .

  8. 地点:4楼的管理学院大楼,595商业会议区。

    Location : 4th Floor conference area of the School of Management Building , 595 Comm.

  9. 公司规定男士在商业会议上必须穿西装打领带。

    The company regulates that men should wear a suit and tie in business meeting .

  10. 在访问期间,他在北京主持了一个旨在吸引更多中国投资的商业会议。

    During his visit , he hosted a business conference in Beijing to attract more Chinese investment .

  11. 我第一次遇见迈克尔·戴尔是在他蜜月期间的一次商业会议上。

    The first time I met Michael Dell was at a business meeting held during his honeymoon .

  12. 开了几乎一整天的商业会议,所以我无法去赴约。

    I was retarded from keeping an appointment by a business conference that lasted most of the day .

  13. 妨碍开了几乎一整天的商业会议,使我无法赴约。

    retarded I was retarded from keeping an appointment by a business conference that lasted most of the day .

  14. 很抱歉,我将无法出席原定于下星期举行的商业会议。

    I am sorry , but I will not be able to attend the business meeting scheduled for next week .

  15. 他们也拼命地用新词,任何一个参加过关于“授权”的商业会议的人都可以作证。

    They also use them to death , as anyone who has had to listen to a business meeting about'empowerment'can attest .

  16. 许多应用是对安全敏感的,例如战场、商业会议、个人通信等,其中中心问题是用户身份的认证与密钥的管理方式。

    Many applications are sensitive to the security , such as battlefield , business conference , person-to-person communication and so on .

  17. 1902年上海商业会议公所建立,同年首个旅沪同乡会诞生。

    In1902 , the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce was established and in the same year the first Huizhou Residents'Association in Shanghai was born .

  18. 事实上,他补充道,很多用英语召开的商业会议在没有英语母语人士在场时似乎运作得更加平稳。

    Indeed , he adds , many business meetings held in English appear to run more smoothly when there are no native English-speakers present .

  19. 由美国非洲企业理事会筹组的美国非洲商业会议将在10月举行。

    A promotion for an upcoming October Washington U.S. - Africa business meeting organized by the Corporate Council on Africa makes a convincing sales pitch .

  20. 还有一个例子是会议中心,它通常伴有旅店,和宽敞的会议场地,为的就是吸引人们来到这座城市开展主要的商业会议和各种大事。

    Another really good example is convention center which typically has a hotel and large meeting spaces to draw visitors to the city for major business conferences and events .

  21. 所以我也有机会参加多种贸易活动、商业会议,这其中不仅和中国人交道也和很多外国人合作。这样的工作极大的丰富了我的人生阅历。

    To be able to take part in trade fairs , conferences and meetings both within China and abroad is what has given me my greatest impression and experience .

  22. 德国和中国拟于明年4月份在华举行一次具有里程碑意义的德中商业会议,但其筹备工作已遭推迟。会议组织者猜测,这可能是首个表明两国关系恶化导致经济对抗情绪的迹象。

    Preparations for a landmark German-Chinese business conference in China next April have suffered delays , in what organisers suspect could be the first sign of an economic backlash from the deteriorating relationship between the two countries .

  23. 近年来,多媒体数字办公系统在远程教学、商务交流和商业会议、企业客户服务和产品开发、远程医疗和会诊、跨国企业交流等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    In recent years , multimedia digital office system has been playing a more and more important role in long-distance education , commerce communion and conference , corporation client service and product development , long-distance medical treatment and consultation , multinational corporation communion and so on .

  24. 代表美国企业游说的商业圆桌会议(BusinessRoundtable)敦促两党支持该法案。

    The Business Roundtable , which lobbies for corporate America , urged both parties to support the legislation .

  25. 商业圆桌会议(BusinessRoundtable)周三发布的一项调查称,美国高管们相信,复苏的势头正在加强。

    A survey released by the Business Roundtable on Wednesday says US executives believe the recovery is gaining momentum .

  26. 在华盛顿,对法案的批评主要来自美国商会(uschamberofcommerce)和商业圆桌会议(businessroundtable)等商业协会。

    Criticism of the measure in Washington has largely been left to business associations such as the US Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable .

  27. 商业圆桌会议(BusinessRoundtable)昨天发布的一份调查报告还显示,很多企业高管预计,未来数月内,资本投资和招聘活动将维持目前的水平,甚至还会上升。

    A survey by the Business Roundtable , released yesterday , also showed that many executives expected capital investment and hiring to remain at current levels or be boosted in the coming months .

  28. 今年早些时候,Dube在出席俄勒冈州波特兰一次商业发展会议上提出了这个想法,在这次名为“波特兰创新周末”的会议上赢得了最高奖。

    Ms. Dube presented her idea at a business development conference in Portland , Oregon , earlier this year . It won the at the event called Startup Weekend Portland .

  29. 联合国国际商业仲裁会议

    United Nations Conference on International Commercial Arbitration International Council for Commercial Arbitration

  30. 赖斯星期二在华盛顿召开的巴勒斯坦商业投资会议上发表了上述讲话。

    Secretary Rice made the remarks before a conference on Palestinian business investment Tuesday in Washington .