
  • 网络commercial medical insurance;Commercial Health Insurance
  1. 商业医疗保险占GDP的比重太小。

    The proportion of Commercial Medical Insurance in GDP is very small .

  2. 我国商业医疗保险潜力分析

    The Analysis of Potential of China 's Commercial Medical Insurance

  3. 中国商业医疗保险风险控制研究

    A Research on the Risk Controlling of Commercial Health Insurance in China

  4. 商业医疗保险是多层次医疗保障体系的重要组成部分。

    Business medical insurance is an important aspect of the medical insurance .

  5. 我国商业医疗保险的现状及发展策略

    The current situation of commercial health insurance in China and development strategies

  6. 发展商业医疗保险的纵向一体化研究&兼论代理成本与交易成本的规制选择

    On the Vertical Integration of Commercial Medical Insurance Development

  7. 发挥商业医疗保险在扶贫解困中的资源配置优化作用

    Displaying the resources allocation and optimization function of commercial medical insurance in poverty-relief

  8. 我国商业医疗保险道德风险控制研究

    The Research on the Moral Hazard Control of Commercial Medical Insurance in China

  9. 后医改时代商业医疗保险的定位与出路

    Positioning and Orientation of the Commercial Medical Insurance in the Post-Medical Reform Era

  10. 多层次医疗保障体系中的商业医疗保险的定位

    The Position of Business Medical Insurance in the Multi - pillar Medical Insurance System

  11. 美国的医疗保障体制是以私人商业医疗保险为主,由公共部门、私人部门和非营利性组织共同构成的,是全世界最复杂的医保体系。

    The american 's health care system is the most complicated system around the world .

  12. 社区慢性病管理引入商业医疗保险的可行性分析

    The Feasibility Analysis of Introduction of Commercial Medical Insurance into Community Management of Chronic Diseases

  13. 商业医疗保险等补充医疗保险形式具有巨大的市场潜力,也是社会医疗保险的重要补充。

    Commercial health insurance has great market potential as important supplement of social health Insurance system .

  14. 本文对此展开探讨,分析其原因,并对商业医疗保险的进一步发展提出看法。

    This paper discussed the possible causes and presented strategies for commercial medical in ˉ surance development .

  15. 社会的发展和民众对医疗需求的不断提升都要求商业医疗保险参与到基本医疗保险中去。

    The social development and medical requirement all need Commercial Medical Insurance participates in Basic Medical Insurance .

  16. 商业医疗保险是社会医疗保险的重要补充,其市场潜力巨大。

    As important supplement of the Social Health Insurance , Commercial Health Insurance is of great market potential .

  17. 第五部分分析了入世后我国商业医疗保险市场的发展趋势。

    The final part analyzes the trend of commercial medical insurance market after China 's entering into WTO .

  18. 我国的医疗保险体系主要包括两个方面:一是社会医疗保险,二是商业医疗保险。

    Chinese health insurance system mainly contents two parts : the Social Health Insurance and the Commercial Health Insurance .

  19. 商业医疗保险合同中引发的纠纷,目前的主要争论焦点在于商业医疗保险是否适用损失补偿原则和是否享有代位追偿权。

    Recently , most disputes caused by commercial health insurance contracts come from the application of principle of indemnity and subrogation .

  20. 因此,作者提出了社会医疗保险与商业医疗保险融合对接的概念。

    Therefore , the author proposes the concept of " integration and docking " of social medical insurance and commercial medical insurance .

  21. 而我国现有的社会经济和政策环境都非常有利于商业医疗保险的发展。

    Currently , our country existing social economy and the policy environment are all extremely advantageous to the Commercial Medical Insurance development .

  22. 在对5千位病人的一项研究中,24%的病人有商业医疗保险--这意味着,他们有工作,

    In a study of 5000 patients , 24 percent of the patients with commercial health insurance -- meaning , they had a job

  23. 医疗保障的政策框架由基本医疗保险、补充医疗保险、商业医疗保险及社会医疗救助四个部分组成。

    Policy frames of medical security were composed of basic medical insurance , complementary medical insurance , commercial medical insurance and social medical aid .

  24. 此外,还将基本医疗保险与企业补充医疗保险、商业医疗保险及社会医疗救助进行了区分。

    In addition , will the basic medical insurance and enterprise supplementary medical insurance , a distinction between commercial health insurance and social medical aid .

  25. 本文侧重于对社会医疗保险结算和费用审核控制的研究,对商业医疗保险的研究没有做深入探讨。

    This article focuses on the study of social medical insurance settlement and cost auditing , lacks of the further study of commercial health insurance .

  26. 本章在总结全文的基础上,进一步指出社会医疗保险结算和费用审核对商业医疗保险的借鉴,以及成都经验对全国医疗保险结算和费用审核的启示。

    This chapter concludes the paper , further points out the reference of social medical insurance settlement and auditing for commercial and national medical insurance .

  27. 但是由于各种客观因素以及商业医疗保险产品自身的因素,商业医疗保险的进一步发展一直受到制约和影响。

    Because of the influence and restriction of many objective factors and product of itself , the further development of commercial medical insurance is slowing down .

  28. 目前,商业医疗保险也已经被大部分居民所接受,在一定程度上弥补了社会基本医疗保险的不足,业已成为投入医疗机构资金的渠道之一。

    At present , commercial health insurance has accepted by most residents and must be a main funding channel for hospitals and medical institutions in future .

  29. 本论文即立足于当前城市或农村医疗保险的实际开展情况,分析商业医疗保险在社会基本医疗保险制度中的作用,即介入到城镇职工基本医疗保险和新型农村合作医疗保险中的作用。

    This paper is based on the real medical situation of urban and rural , analyses the significance of Commercial Medical Insurance in Social Medical Security System .

  30. 商业医疗保险是补充医疗保险的重要组成部分,其优势在于可以有效地解决社会医疗保险保障水平偏低的问题。

    Commercial Medical Insurance is the important component of the Supplementary Medical Insurance . It can help to solve the problem that low insurance of Medical Security System .