
  • 网络commercial technology;Business Technology
  1. 最后,有一个SOA,也就是一个能够支持日益加快变更的商业技术的框架,而不用产生一些阵疼。

    Finally , there is SOA , a framework fully capable of accommodating incremental business technology change without causing much pain .

  2. 商业技术世界的趋势是“近企业(almostenterprise)”应用&一些更小、更敏捷的应用,它们一般在远程(如云中)托管。

    The world of business technology is shifting to " almost enterprise " applications-a network of smaller , more agile applications that are often hosted remotely , as in cloud computing .

  3. 休曼表示,即时信息软件、黑莓邮件系统、flash工具以及远程访问等商业技术日益普及,使得网络安全监控变得更为复杂。

    Mr Hughman says the increasingly commonplace use of business technology such as instant messenger , Blackberry , flash sticks and remote access makes security networks more complex to monitor .

  4. 商业技术顾问苏珊•夏皮罗(SusanShapiro)经常以能让人听见的音量自言自语,谈论待办的事和具体实施步骤。

    Susan Shapiro , a business-technology consultant , talks to herself constantly in what amounts to auditory to-do lists and step-by-step instructions .

  5. “我认为那些公司是在试图守住面临缩水的商业技术市场份额,”谷歌CIO本·弗莱德(BenFried)坦言。

    " I think those companies are trying to hold onto what I believe will be a shrinking share of the market for business technology ," says Google CIO Ben Fried .

  6. 商业技术在职学生信息素养对职业技能影响之研究

    A Study of On-the-job Business Students Information Literacy and Working Skills

  7. 再次,也影响到商业技术的转型;

    Third , it influenced the transformation of the commercial technology .

  8. 从技术方案到商业技术系统

    From technology solutions to business technology systems

  9. 商业技术签证也适用于那些持有临时签证的同时在澳大利亚已经创办了所需水平和规模的商业公司的人。

    They are for people who have established the required level of business in Australia while holding a provisional visa .

  10. 对独有商业技术信息的保护,信息持有人可以选择或综合采用公开和保密两种方式。

    To protect exclusive technology commercial information , the owner could either select partial of public method or security protection method .

  11. 如今,他已经从古董生意转行为提供商业技术和软件解决方案,他在1983年成立了Pegasystems公司。

    These days he 's traded antiques for business technology and software solutions at Pegasystems , the company he founded in 1983 .

  12. 商业技术签证支持您在澳大利亚以创办新的或者拥有已经存在的商业为基础的停留。

    The visa allows you to stay in Australia on a permanent basis for the purpose of owning a new or existing business .

  13. 接着从蒸馏塔取出原始液氧,送到一个低压塔,在这里继续蒸馏,直到满足商业技术规范。

    This crude oxygen liquid is withdrawn from the column and sent to a low-pressure column where it is distilled until it meets commercial specifications .

  14. 最后结合自己对湖南省商业技术学院的实地调研,进行了实证分析。

    In the end , combined with our field investigation into Hunan Institution of Commercial Technology , the present study carries out an empirical study .

  15. 题目包括各种各样的媒介和软件元件,地方和大范围网络协议、网络性能和涌现的先进的商业技术的角色。

    Topics include role of various media and software components , local and wide area network protocols , network performance , and emerging advanced commercial technologies .

  16. 随着商业技术环境的变革发展,越来越多的企业开始关注知识资源对企业获得战略优势的重要意义。

    Along with the change of commercial technology environment development , more and more enterprises began to focus on the important significance of knowledge resources to gain strategic advantages .

  17. 这5个技术趋势都不是什么天外飞仙一样的独到发现,因为在这个信息高速流动的时代,已经不会有什么革命性的商业技术应用还能捂到第二天早晨。

    To most people , these five technological trends are not new since no revolutionary technical applications in business can keep secrete for long at the age of fast information flowing .

  18. 在我们将来的博客中,我们还将回答“技术筛选”制度方面的一些共同性问题,及其对州政府担保及商业技术移民、雇主担保移民程序的影响。

    In our future blogs we will address some common questions about SkillSelect and the impact it will have on the State and Territory Sponsored , Business Skills and Employer Sponsored migration programs .

  19. 近几年来,随着中国国民经济的发展,新兴业态的崛起以及商业技术的进步,一些零售企业迅速成长起来,发展成为具有相当实力的大型零售企业,且在零售市场的主导地位不断增强。

    With the development of economy , rising of new retail format and advancement of business technology , some enterprises are growing up quickly to be large retail enterprises and taking up leading status .

  20. 政府应该对于提高本地和外国企业家帮助采取更加放松的态度,同时也应让更多工人掌握缺乏的科学技术和商业技术。

    The government should be more relaxed about bolstering the supply of indigenous entrepreneurs with foreigners , as well as about admitting more workers with technical and commercial skills that are in short supply .

  21. 当前,世界各军事大国为增强本国军队的整体战斗力,都在积极探索如何将商业技术和管理方法用于军事领域的变革。

    Nowadays , every great military country in the world is making effort to enhance the overall battle effectiveness of its own army and actively seeking for the method to apply the knowledge of business technology and management to the military field .

  22. 商路变化对西欧经济从中世纪向近代转型影响相当大,它影响到西欧经济重心的转移,影响到商业技术和工农业发展的变化。

    The change of trade routes had great impact on the economic transformation of Western Europe from Middle Ages to modern society . It influenced the transfer of the economic center of Western Europe , the transformation of commercial technology and the development of industry and agriculture .

  23. 因此,P2P蕴涵着巨大的商业和技术潜在价值。

    So P2P has great potential value on commerce and technology .

  24. 基于商业智能技术优化ERP系统的应用研究

    Optimizes the ERP System 's Applied Research Based on the Commercial Intelligence Technology

  25. 本文介绍了为山东商业职业技术学院开发的基于B/S结构的网上排课系统。

    This paper details the B / S structure on-line course dispatching system for Shandong Vocational and Technical College of Commerce .

  26. 基于商业智能技术的我国银行业CRM研究

    Research on Bank CRM Based on Business Intelligence Technologies

  27. 基于XML的商业DBMS技术评述

    A review of XML-based commercial DBMS technology

  28. 学术研究的产物有两个:代理技术和语义Web,前者是作为一种商业性技术提出的,而后者则是一种科学技术。

    Academia spawned both agent technology and the Semantic Web , with the former being proposed as a business-friendly technology and the latter as a scientific technology .

  29. Linux已经在商业和技术计算环境中占据了重要地位,并迅速为多种业务所接受。

    Linux has gained a significant presence in commercial and technical computing environments and has quickly gained acceptance among varied businesses .

  30. 接着,提出了银行要实现CRM离不开软件技术尤其是商业智能技术的支持。

    Secondly , the paper discussed CRM concepts could not realize without the support of information technologies especially the business intelligence technologies .