
shāng zhàn
  • commercial war;trade war
商战 [shāng zhàn]
  • [trade war] 激烈的商业竞争

  • 当此环球商战之秋

商战[shāng zhàn]
  1. 本章系统、深入分析发展大机器工业及学习西方先进技术对商战成败的影响。

    The chapter deeply analyses the influence of developing machine industry and learning western technology over the thoughts of Commercial War .

  2. 他的《中国文物大走私》、《商战在郑州》、《锦州之恋》、《第一种危险》等都是极具影响力的作品。

    His work has the influence extremely , for instance : Chinese Cultural Relic Big Smuggling , Commercial War in Zhengzhou , Love of the Jinzhou , The First Kind of Danger and so on .

  3. 伴随着中国加入WTO,一场全球化的商战已经拉开了序幕。

    The prologue of the commercial war has been opened up as China has entered the WTO .

  4. 也许另一个学位、一场会议或商战系列DVD就能让你反转境况。

    Perhaps another degree , a conference , or a DVD business series is what you need to turn your situation around .

  5. TAL集团是残酷商战的幸运儿。

    TAL is a fortunate survivor .

  6. 首先对SPE中联系数物元算法进行拓广,然后讨论它在信息分析以及商战中的应用。

    This paper firstly extends the connection number ME algorithm in SPE , and then discuss its application in information analysis and business .

  7. 广告作为商战的有力“战具”,成为近代卷烟业商家赢得竞争的必要砝码。

    Advertisements were used as weapons to win the commercial competition .

  8. 阿瑟:你怎样把一项商战策略转化成一种情感?

    Arthur : How do you translate business strategy into emotion ?

  9. 近代公共报人与晚清商战舆论的形成

    Modem Public Newspapermen and the Formation of Consensus in Qing Dynasty

  10. 现在,针对他的遗产可能上演一部全新的商战片。

    Now , a fresh business drama could play out over his

  11. 外资银行的商战前夜

    On the Eve of the Trade War of Foreign Banks

  12. 但在被问及如何看待这场愈演愈烈的商战时,两家公司都表示对其持欢迎态度。

    Asked about the intensifying battle , both say they welcome it .

  13. 孙子兵法与现代商战理性竞争

    Military Science of Sun Tzu and Modern Rational Commercial Competition

  14. 边际贡献定价法在商战中的运用

    Application of the Marginal Contribution Pricing in Business Competition

  15. 现代世俗伦理视野中的商战题材电视剧

    On the Commercial Teleplay in Modern Worldly Ethics Perspective

  16. 他们当中,具有从商战中得来的实际技能的人并不够多。

    Not enough of them have hands-on skill acquired in the battlefield of Commerce .

  17. 传统实体企业是网络零售商的竞争对手,二者正在打着几场最为惨烈的商战。

    The fiercest battles are being fought between online retailers and their bricks-and-mortar rivals .

  18. 大概而言,晚清士人商战观念的内涵主要包括内外两个方面。

    In general , the concept of trade war included internal and external aspects .

  19. 企业间的商战模型分析

    The Analysis of Marketing War Model Among Enterprises

  20. 商标已经成为现代企业商战的法宝。

    Trademark already becomes the magic weapon for modern enterprises to win during commercial war .

  21. 海外商战中的营销艺术

    Art of Presentation in Overseas Business I

  22. 近代商战与清末修订商律&以棉纺织业个案为例

    The Business Fight in Modern History the Revision of the Commerce Laws in Qing Dynasty

  23. 这是零售店为了在圣诞节商战中提高销售额而雇佣的模特。

    Models are empolyed by the retail business during the Christmas battle to boost sales .

  24. 世界商战与国家经济安全

    Global Commercial War and National Economic Security

  25. 晚清士人的商战观念研究

    A Study of the Intellectual 's Ideas about the Trade War in Late Qing Dynasty

  26. 商战是他经济思想的核心,充满浓厚的实践色彩。

    " Comercial Fight " was the center of his economical thoughts which was very practical .

  27. 法庭上的较量和商战同样残酷股东代表诉讼中董事诉讼费用补偿研究

    On the Compensation of Directors ' Court Costs in the Lawsuits Conducted by Shareholders ' Representatives

  28. 中国市场2003年冰淇淋商战即将开始

    Market competition of ice cream will start in the Chinese market for the year of 2003

  29. 第二次鸦片战争后,海关漏卮引起晚清士人对“商战”的讨论。

    After the second Opium War , the loss in customs caused discussion about " trade war " .

  30. 论曾国藩“商战”思想的时代内涵与历史价值

    On the content of ages and historical value of Zeng guo-fan 's thought about " trade war "