
  1. 供销社是农村商品流通网络建设的重要主体。

    The supply and marketing cooperative is the important body of constructing the commodity circulation network of the countryside .

  2. 饮茶的风尚还传播到了周边国家和地区,构成了巨大的商品流通网络。

    Tea drinking culture also spread to the neighboring countries and regions , which constitute a huge network of circulation of commodities .

  3. 当前影响和制约农村市场扩大的因素主要有农民收入不稳定、农村基础设施落后、农村商品流通网络不健全以及消费品结构性能不适应等。

    The factors curbing the development of rural markets are unsteady farmer income , backward infra-structure , incomplete circulation network of commodities and unsuitable structure property of consumer goods , etc.

  4. 积极推进蔬菜商品流通电子商务网络和信息网络建设。

    Accelerate the building of electronic commerce and information net of vegetable circulation , etc.

  5. 申汇的广泛使用促进了埠际商品流通,汇兑网络对应着商品网络,彼此互为促进。

    It widely used to promote the intercity circulation of commodities , exchange network corresponds to the goods , to promote each other .

  6. 商品流通系统旨在网络上建立一个虚拟的商品流通系统,可以让用户在足不出户的情况下搜索了解最新的商品信息并实现在网上对所选商品下定单,完成购买的整个流程。

    Commodity circulation system is to establish an online virtual commodity circulation system , users can search for the circumstances to the latest product information , and through the system to provide online shopping cart compared to order goods , buy the whole process .