
  1. 我国海关出口商品知识产权保护制度研究

    Study on Customs Protection of Intellectual Property of Export Commodities in China

  2. 商品知识和技术含量较低,市场竞争力弱。

    Commodity knowledge and technical content lower , the market competition strength is weak .

  3. 消费者不仅能够获得商品知识,也能得到艺术享受。

    The consumers can gain not only knowledge of goods but also artistic enjoyment .

  4. 在世界经济一体化发展趋势下,海关出口商品知识产权保护制度为权利人提供了有效的边境保护,确立了边境执法部门对侵权商品实施行政检查的职权。

    With the developing of international economic integration , as customs protection of intellectual property of export commodities , it has provided effective border protection for right person .

  5. 再次,有些消费者自身素质不高,自我保护意识和能力不强。如缺乏必要的消费知识、商品知识、市场知识及科学文化知识,特别是农村居民维权意识偏低。

    Thirdly , some consumers especially those in rural areas can not take adequate measures to protect themselves for lack of knowledge about merchandise , market , and science .

  6. 另一个女儿是专职模特,而三女儿在时尚的瑞士钟表集团Swatch工作。她们都是精英,商品、知识和时尚的全球市场就像是她们的街头小店。

    is a model and former host on the music video channel VTV . Another daughter models full-time , and a third works for Swatch , the trendy Swiss watchmaker . They are elites , and the global marketplace for goods , information , and style is their corner store . "

  7. 相对于物质商品,知识商品有其独特的多种特性。

    Compared to material commodity , the knowledge commodity has its unique and diverse characteristics .

  8. 我们所拥有的关于家用商品的知识大都来自于我们所读到的广告。

    A great deal of the knowledge we have about household goods derivers largely from the advertisements we read .

  9. 她们都是精英,商品、知识和时尚的全球市场就像是她们的街头小店。

    They are elites , and the global marketplace for goods , information , and style is their corner store .

  10. 软件加密狗是一种和PC机I/O口相连接的硬件盒,它起到保护商品软件知识产权的作用。

    The software dog is a kind of hardware set connected to PC I / O port , which protects the commercial software copyright .

  11. 价值的效率内涵在物质商品和知识成果商品的价值形成上具有完全不同的表现形式。

    The efficiency implication of this value is displayed by totally different modes of expression in forming the value of material commodities and intellectual commodities .

  12. 目前用户对推荐的需求主要有两大缺口:①解决用户信息迷航的个性化推荐服务,这是目前学术界研究的焦点;②解决用户购买商品时知识不足的在线购买决策辅助服务&知识推荐服务。

    There are two gap : solving user information Trek personalized recommendation service , which is currently the focus of academic research ; The KRA which used to solve the lack of knowledge of the user to purchase goods .

  13. 应该保护数字式内容,否则同数字商品有关的知识产权就将无效。

    Digital content should be protected otherwise IPRs related to digital goods would be impotent .

  14. 本文认为,知识是商品,但知识又具有不同于一般商品的特殊商品属性;

    This paper holds that knowledge is a commodity , which , however , is distinguished from common commodities by their distinctive attributes .

  15. 中国高新技术产业正面临着资金筹集、商品转化和知识产权三大挑战。

    China 's high tech industry is now face to face with three challenges : capital collection , commercialization of scientific researches , knowledge property .

  16. 知识经济的到来,促使科学文化知识在经济发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色,推动了科技成果的商品化和知识创新。

    The arrival of the knowledge-based economy promotes scientific and cultural knowledge play an increasingly important role in economic development , and promote the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements and knowledge innovation .

  17. 开发和利用野生花卉资源,是促进我国园林绿化发展和谋求商品花卉自主知识产权创新的一条重要途径。

    It is an important approach to exploit and utilize the wild flower resource for developing the virescence of our country and speeding up the innovation of the intellect property rights of the flowers for business .

  18. 以上这些例子表明,Internet做为一种工具,不仅仅能够提供信息,而且能够提供另外一种价值更高的商品,这就是知识。

    What these examples demonstrate is the Internet 's power as a tool not only to provide information but to deliver an even more valuable commodity - knowledge .

  19. 建立知识商品经营专业培养知识经营职业人才

    Establishing Major of Knowledge Commodity Management and Training Professional Talents of Knowledge Management

  20. 论商品包装装潢的知识产权保护

    On intellectual property protection of commodity package upholstery

  21. 这些商品的贸易为知识产权拥有者及正当企业造成重大经济损失。

    Trade in these goods causes significant financial losses for right holders and legitimate businesses .

  22. 该协议保证了商品、服务、知识产权和解决纠纷等贸易活动的公平进行。

    The agreements guarantee a fair trading system for goods , services , intellectual property and dispute settlement .

  23. 知识商品市场是实现知识商品有效配置和交易的场合,是整个社会市场体系的重要组成部分。

    The knowledge commodity markets are the occasion of realizing the effective disposal and trade of knowledge commodities , and are the important components of the whole society market system .

  24. 知识经济又是商品化经济,知识产权的保护等措施是保证知识生产和再生产顺利进行的环境支持。

    Moreover , because knowledge economy is also commercialized economy , measures such as protection of intellectual property are the great environmental support to guaranteeing the smooth knowledge production and reproduction .

  25. 消费者应当努力掌握所需商品或者服务的知识和使用技能,正确使用商品,提高自我保护意识。

    A consumer shall strive to master all of the necessary information and the ability to use a commodity or service , shall use commodities properly and shall increase awareness of self protection .

  26. 知识经济社会仍是商品经济社会,知识产权仍是产权,只是知识和知识产权已经取代以往的土地、资本等等成为最重要的生产要素和最主要的致富手段而已;

    Although knowledge economy society continues to be market economy society and intellectual rights property rights , knowledge and intellectual property rights have already replaced formerly land and capital and become the most important production elements and the major means in making fortune .

  27. 木材商品检验学是以一般商品检验的理论知识为基础、以木材检验为技术的学科。

    Wood products checking is the discipline of considering common products checking theories as basis and wood checking as techniques .

  28. 基于商品包装和装潢的属性,采用外观设计专利、版权以及反不正当竞争行为对商品包装装潢进行知识产权的综合保护,有利于弥补单一法律手段保护之不足,增强了保护的力度。

    Based on the property of package and upholstery of commodity , comprehensive protection of intellectual property of package upholstery of commodity by using appearance patent design , copyright and anti-unfair-competition-act law is helpful to adding the shortcoming of single law and increasing lawful protection .