
  1. 淡水和其他商品短缺。

    Fresh water and other commodities are in short supply .

  2. 奔腾的通货膨胀,急剧的通货膨胀迅猛的通货膨胀和抢购造成严重的商品短缺。

    Rapid inflation and major shortages caused by panic buying .

  3. 论外购商品短缺与毁损进项税额的会计处理

    On accounting treatment of receipts tax of short supply and loss of purchased products

  4. 这些补贴已经收到质疑,用金融术语来说,在商品短缺以前。

    These subsidies were already questionable , in economic terms , before the commodity crunch .

  5. 在现代化超市里,问题往往在于选择太多而不是商品短缺。

    In a modern supermarket the problem is often an excess of choice , not a shortage .

  6. 长期困扰中国人的商品短缺状况已基本结束。

    Commodity shortage , a problem constantly obsessing the Chinese , has been basically brought to an end .

  7. 但是,贸易壁垒增加时,各国会伤害到自己,这会导致价格上涨,而且可能会出现商品短缺、顾客不满等情况。

    But when trade barriers go up , countries can hurt themselves , leading to higher prices , potential shortages and unhappy customers .

  8. 拖延实施全面的政策响应,将进一步增加各种风险,包括货币内爆、破坏性资本外逃,以及不断蔓延的进口商品短缺。

    Delays in putting in place comprehensive policy responses will aggravate the risks of further currency implosions , disruptive capital flight , and spreading import shortages .

  9. 组织价格上涨如果未引起商品短缺与要求实行配给制的规避行动,作用就不会长久,所以必须拿出更灵活的办法。

    Because prohibiting all price increases could not work for long without producing shortages and evasions requiring rationing , a system with greater flexibility had to be introduced .

  10. 因为当时(1979年)中国处于普遍的商品短缺状态,所以中国的经济面临结构调整的重任。

    At that time ( 1979 ) China was in a state of commodity scarcity , so China 's economy was challenged with the task of structural adjustment .

  11. 结果是“喜忧参半”就不足为怪了,并且“开始显得适得其反”,因为价格控制自然会引起商品短缺。

    It should be no surprise the results are " mixed ," and are " starting to backfire ," as shortages are the natural result of price controls .

  12. 主要工农业产品产量位居世界前列,商品短缺状况基本结束。

    The output of major industrial and agricultural products now stands in the front ranks of the world 's economies , and commodity shortages were by and large eliminated .

  13. 随看全球经济一体化,企业的竞争在告别了商品短缺和圈钱时代之后,已经走到了人力资源时代。

    With the view of global economic integration , the competitive bid farewell to the " shortage of goods " and " quanqian " era , has reached the age of human resources .

  14. 赚取额外的利益(特别是在商品供应短缺的时候)的人。

    Someone who makes excessive profit ( especially on goods in short supply ) .

  15. 化肥行业发生巨变的根本原因,是另一种大宗商品的短缺情况日益严峻:粮食。

    Underlying the revolution in the fertiliser industry is the increasing scarcity of another commodity : food .

  16. 委内瑞拉人民对最近的超级通货膨胀率,基本商品长期短缺,还有暴力犯罪感到沮丧。

    All Venezuelans are frustrated with near hyper inflation rates , chronic shortages of basic goods , and violent crime .

  17. 这个国家面临如食用油和面粉等基本大宗商品的短缺情况而且成为了世界上四个谋杀率最高的国家之一。

    There are shortages of basic commodities such as cooking oil and flour and one of the highest murder rates in the world .

  18. 面对包括美元在内的多数商品出现短缺的现状,马杜罗在今年2月份宣布将委内瑞拉货币玻利瓦尔贬值32%。

    Faced with shortages of many goods , including hard currency , Mr Maduro devalued the bol í var by 32 % in February .

  19. 可能用途之一是缓解进口资金紧张,后者已导致诸如卫生纸等众多基本商品的短缺。

    One use might be to ease the import crunch that has resulted in shortages of so many basic goods , such as toilet paper .

  20. 高盛还表示,要解决大宗商品供应短缺,就必须建立协调一致的政策反应机制,类似于针对金融危机的做法。

    Goldman also said a coordinated policy response , similar to that which followed the financial crisis , would be required to resolve commodity shortages .

  21. 真正令人担忧的是,或许在经济远未复元(例如恢复充分就业)之时,能源和基础大宗商品的短缺就对全球经济增长形成了真正的制约。

    The real worry is that shortages of energy and basic commodities may be imposing real speed limits on world growth well before anything like full employment is regained .

  22. 如果政府暂不采取其他措施,价格限制将造成受控商品出现短缺。

    If we did nothing else , therefore , the consequence of fixing a maximum price for a particular commodity would be to bring about a shortage of that commodity .

  23. 此外,朝鲜政府2009年底实行的货币贬值,使得这个极度贫穷的国家通胀加剧、储蓄受损、食品和其他商品的短缺进一步恶化,改革的迫切性已经加大。

    Reform may also have become more urgent since the government devalued the currency in late 2009 , fuelling inflation , destroying savings and worsening shortages of food and other goods in the desperately poor country .

  24. 2003年我国正式启动了电力行业的体制改革,随之而产生的既有电力投资主体增多的现状,也有电力商品严重短缺的严峻现实。

    In 2003 , Chinese power industry reform was officially launched , which brought about both the attendant increase in the power status of the main body of investment , but also a serious shortage of electricity commodity grim reality .

  25. 但是,该行业首先必须克服这种商品的严重短缺问题,否则它就难以扩张。

    But it must first overcome an acute shortage of the commodity , which is throttling its expansion .

  26. 分析师表示,在大宗商品领域,从短缺转向过剩相对较小的幅度,可能会对价格产生巨大影响。

    In commodities , relatively small shifts from deficit to surplus could have large price effects , analysts say .

  27. 商品流通企业外购商品在验收入库时,可能由于自然条件或其他原因,会出现商品溢余或短缺,在对其进价进行处理的同时,也应对其增值税进项税额进行不同的会计处理。

    When commodity circulation enterprises check and accept purchased commodities and because of natural condition and other reasons , commodities can spillover and be short supply , different accounting treatment should be conducted on their receipt tax of value-added tax while on bid .