
  • 网络Business registration;Business Registration Certificate;b.r.
  1. 根据《公司条例》在香港注册成立的有限公司,其首张商业登记证的开始生效日期是它的注册日期。

    For a company incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinances , the commencement date of its first business registration certificate is its date of incorporation .

  2. 经付款后,该缴款通知书便会成为有效的商业登记证。

    Upon payment , the demand note will become avalid business registration certificate .

  3. 为了满足要求,我们不断地发展使我们的机器适应现代化需求,引进新品种,立足高(HACCP认证,商业登记证)质量标准生产的能力。

    In order to meet the requirements , we are continually developing our capabilities by modernizing our machines , introducing new assortment and basing production on high quality standards ( HACCP , BRC ) .

  4. 请提交商业登记证副本。

    Please submit a copy of HK Business Registration cert.

  5. 载有新店名的商业登记证的副本三份。

    3 copies of the business registration certificate bearing the new shop sign .

  6. 所有表格均须附有商业登记证副本方为有效。

    The registration form must be attached with the copy of business registration .

  7. 股东身份证或国外商业登记证复印件,需要中国大使馆认证。

    Investor 's Copy Passport or Business License which is witnessed by China Embassy .

  8. 如申请人为无限公司,请提交香港商业登记证副本;

    In case the applicant is an unlimited company , please submit copy of Hong Kong business registration certificate ;

  9. 母公司注册政府部门出具的最新的母公司商业登记证正本一份。

    An Original commercial register with a recent date from the authority that the parent company is registered in .

  10. 你需要先填写这张表格,然后请出示商业登记证、香港身份证及住址证明。

    You need to fill in this form , and show us your company 's business registration certificate , your Hong Kong Identity card , and proof of your residence .