
shānɡ biāo zhù cè
  • trademark registration;registration of (trade)mark
  1. 使用自由和开源软件(FOSS)会牵涉到那些法律责任问题?这里是关于版权、许可选择、商标注册和专利的指导。

    What are the liability issues involved with using free and open source software ( FOSS )? Here 's a guide to copyrights , choosing a license , trademark registration , and patents .

  2. 涉外OEM,主要指在国外拥有商标注册权(商标权)或使用权(拥有注册商标使用权)的人,委托国内企业进行贴牌加工,产品全部回销国外的情形。

    Foreign OEM , mainly referring to the people who have rights of trademark registration in the foreign ( trademark ) or the rights to use ( it has its registered trademark rights ), commissioned by the domestic enterprises OEM , all products sold abroad .

  3. XX公司已在世界许多国家申报商标注册。

    XX company already in world many country declaration registration of trademark .

  4. 他称杰米恩是“我们的迈克尔·乔丹(MichaelJordan),他正在为“罗伯逊奇人”的名字和标识申请商标注册。

    He calls Mr. Jermyn ' our Michael Jordan ' and is looking into a trademark for ' the Crazy Robertson ' name and logo .

  5. 北京市高级人民法院裁定,中山珠江饮品在2011年提交的“facebook”商标注册申请是明显抄袭和损害市场公平竞争的行为。

    The Beijing Municipal High People 's Court said the Zhongshan Pearl River Drinks application , filed in 2011 , to label certain foods and beverages " face book " was an obvious act of copying and harmed fair market competition .

  6. 社交巨头脸书公司最近就开始了在中国的相关商标注册行动,到现在为止,一些类似于FACEBOOK的中文翻译,已经被本土人士抢注了。

    Social network giant Facebook has reportedly started registering relevant trademarks in China , yet found that some of these names , such as the Chinese translation of Facebook , have already been registered by domestic users .

  7. 被告未经商标注册人许可,在同一种商品上使用SENDON商标构成侵犯注册商标专用权。

    The defendant 's use of the trademark " SENDON " on the same commodity sold by the plaintiff under that name constituted infringement on the rights to exclusive use of a registered trademark .

  8. DIMC在烟草制丝线回潮控制系统中的应用申请卷烟、雪茄烟和包装烟丝的商标注册,应当附送国家烟草主管机关批准生产的证明文件。

    In applying for trademark registration on cigarettes , cigars or packaged cut tobacco , documentation concerning production approval from the government agency in charge of tobacco shall be attached to the application .

  9. 你开始认识到商标注册的重要性。

    You 've come to realize the importance of trade-mark registration .

  10. 所以欧共体法院也拒绝了这个商标注册的申请。

    They would plan to register that shape as a trademark .

  11. 我国商标注册制度的进步与不足

    The Advances and Deficiencies of the Trademark Registration System in China

  12. 浅谈高校教育类服务商标注册

    A Brief Talk on Registering the University Educational Service Trademark

  13. Article24.5规定了商标注册的两个例外。

    Article 24.5 provides two exceptions in the context of trademark registration .

  14. 文化则是影响商标注册条件的另一个因素。

    Another factor that influences the said qualifications is culture .

  15. 将你们公司的商品在中国进行商标注册。

    Will be your company 's merchandise trade mark registration in China .

  16. 是的,他们可以代你申请商标注册。

    Yes . They will apply for the registration of your trademark .

  17. 商标注册用的商品和服务国际分类法

    International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of

  18. 第三章商标注册的审查和核准

    Chapter III. Examination for and Approval of Trademark Registration

  19. 在对该商标注册的决定进行任何上诉程序期间

    During any appeal proceedings against the decision on the registration of the mark

  20. 我国商标注册时间法律制度探讨

    A Discussion on the Legal Time Limit System for Trademark Registration in China

  21. 论商标注册不当的法律责任

    On Legal Responsibility of Inappropriate Registration of Trade Mark

  22. 就核准注册,发给商标注册证。

    Then the registration is approved and a trademark registration certificate is issued .

  23. 影响商标注册条件的一个因素是社会经济体制。

    One of the factors that influences the said qualifications is the economic structure .

  24. 颜色商标注册之比较研究

    Contrastive Study on Trademark Registration of the Color

  25. 立体商标注册的限制性条件

    The Restrictive Conditions of the Stereoscopic Trademark Registration

  26. 要在商标注册完成之后,才确认有效。

    It is in valid after register finished .

  27. 商标注册类别12车辆;陆上、空中、水上或水里用运载器。

    Class 12 Vehicles ; apparatus for locomotion by land , air or water .

  28. 知识产权署负责商标注册处、专利注册处和外观设计注册处的运作。

    The Intellectual Property Department operates the Trade Marks , Patents and Designs Registries .

  29. 例如我想在美国进行商标注册,我该怎么办呢?

    Suppose I seek a trademark registration in the U.S.A what shall I do ?

  30. 她还需要正式批准使用该商标注册。

    She also needs to formally give permission for the trademark to be registered .