
  1. 然而由于商标权客体的特殊性,其权利范围又相对较广,侵权的表现形式复杂多样,因此给它的侵权认定及其确定赔偿损失带来很大困难。

    But simply because of the special nature of the object , and its relatively wider range of rights , infringement of the complex and diverse manifestations , to identify and determine its infringement damages caused great difficulty .

  2. 本文的创新在于对商标权的客体提出了新的认识,认为商标客体应分为形式客体和实质客体,更重要的是实质客体即特定商主体的商誉。

    I consider the trademark objects should include real objects and the formal objects . And the more important is the real objects , which is the reputation of specific commerce body .

  3. 无论是著作权、专利权还是商标权,其客体从根本上来说都属于创意。

    No matter the copyrights , patent rights or the trademark , its object comes from the creative fundamentally .

  4. 该制度同时蕴涵着商标权的特征、客体、宗旨等商标法的基础理论。

    This system includes fundamental theory concerning as the characteristic , object and aims of the trademark rights .