
shānɡ biāo zhēnɡ yì
  • trademark dispute;trademark controversy
  1. 合法注册的仿制药因此可能仅仅因为民事商标争议(例如因为类似外观的药片)而被控造假&例如,根据药片外观类似的理由。

    Legitimately registered generic medicines could therefore be accused of being counterfeit solely because of a civil trademark dispute & on the basis of a similar-looking pill , for example .

  2. 商标争议:及时预警我市市场主体的商标被他人注册并提出应对措施;

    Trademark disputes : send out trademark dispute suggestion for submitting in time application and taking proper measure ;

  3. 域名与驰名商标争议及其处理

    The Dispute and Settlement of Domain Name and Famous Trademark

  4. 第五章注册商标争议的裁定

    Chapter V. Adjudication of Disputes Concerning Registered Trademarks

  5. 该文试就商标争议的司法救济问题,从司法审查的主体、标准、范围、管辖及与行政救济的衔接等方面进行论述,并提出相应的完善措施。

    This paper studies judicial relief in trademark disputes and puts forward some relevant measures to improve the system .

  6. 去年春天,中国法院对一起商标争议案件进行判决,意大利巧克力制造商费列罗和奢侈品品牌古琦胜诉。

    While last spring , Chinese courts passed trademark judgments in favor of the Italian chocolate maker Ferrero and the luxury goods label Gucci .

  7. 随后文章还进行了域名与商标争议处理的比较法研究,对目前国际上和我国在处理域名与商标争议处理的做法方面进行了比较和借鉴。

    Domain name and brand disputes are comparatively analyzed , comparing and referring the methods of domain name and brand disputes in our country and international circle .

  8. 其次针对如何处理两者的争议,先后介绍了国际社会对域名与驰名商标争议解决机制的探索以及美国对此类争议的解决政策;

    Then focusing on how to settle the disputes , it introduces the research of the settling mechanism made by the international world and America 's policy to settle the disputes .

  9. 域名注册与在先商标的争议,司法实践先于法律,司法判例尽管并不一致,但均对驰名商标以特别保护,其保护均体现出商标法上保护的痕迹。

    In settlement of the disputes between domain name registrations and prior trademarks , judicial practice prevails over statutes .

  10. 除前两款规定的情形外,对已经注册的商标有争议的,可以自该商标经核准注册之日起五年内,向商标评审委员会申请裁定。

    In addition to those cases as provided in the preceding two paragraphs , a prior registrant disputing a registered trademark may , within five years from the date of approval of the trademark registration , apply to the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board for adjudication .

  11. 商标法调整域名争议的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis of Disputes Concerning Domain Names in Trademark Law

  12. 与商标有关的域名争议问题研究

    Issues on Domain Name Disputes Related to Trademarks

  13. 其中第一个争议点是商标评审委员会在处理商标争议中的常见问题。

    As for Trademark Review and Adjudication Board , the first disputed point is the common problem in dealing with trademark dispute .

  14. 第二十条国务院工商行政管理部门设立商标评审委员会,负责处理商标争议事宜。

    Article 20 . The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board , established under the administrative authority for industry and commerce under the State Council , shall be responsible for handling trademark disputes .

  15. 在对域名与商标法律关系进行分析和域名与商标争议处理的比较法研究的基础上,文章最后得出结论:禁止恶意注册他人商标为自己的域名,并对驰名商标给予更加特殊的保护。

    On the basis of analysis of relationship between domain name and brand as well as domain name and brand disputes research , the paper makes the conclusion : using other 's brand as their domain name on evil purpose and resound brand should be granted special protection .

  16. 近年来,我国的商标法律体系得到了很大的改进和完善,但要符合TRIPS的最低要求,还存在着一定的差距,不同注册商标之间的商标专用权的争执,即商标争议时有发生。

    In the recent years , the trademark law system in our country has been greatly improved , but it has a long way to go to meet the requirements of TRIPs , because there have been a lot of cases of trademark disputes .