
xǐ xùn
  • good news;happy news;glad tidings
喜讯 [xǐ xùn]
  • [good news;glad tidings] 令人高兴的消息

喜讯[xǐ xùn]
  1. 寄语亲人报喜讯。

    Send our dear ones the happy news .

  2. 喜讯不久就传布开来。

    The happy news soon came abroad .

  3. 他带来了喜讯。

    He brought glad tidings .

  4. 喜讯传遍全国。

    It is greeted throughout the country as tidings of great joy .

  5. 喜讯传来,欢声雷动。

    The glad tidings gave rise to thunderous cheers .

  6. 喜讯传来,人们脸上的愁云消散了。

    The gloomy expressions on their faces disappeared at the good news .

  7. 喜讯传来,人们顿时欢呼起来。

    People broke into cheers as soon as they heard the good news .

  8. 对我来说这消息是个喜讯。

    The news is a great satisfaction to me .

  9. 喜讯频传。

    Good news kept pouring in .

  10. 喜讯传到那里时,全县的人都欢欣鼓舞起来。

    When the good news reached there , the whole county rejoiced .

  11. 英国王妃凯特的闺蜜杰西卡·海伊最近在接受澳大利亚八卦杂志《NewIdea》采访时爆料说,凯特已经怀孕,喜讯将于下个月向民众公布。

    Jessica Hay , a childhood acquaintance of Kate 's , told Australian tabloid New Idea that the duchess is actually expecting this time and will announce it soon .

  12. 根据E!Online的消息,考特瑞尔在自己的脸书页面上证实了这一喜讯,随后又在推特上发布了一张带有备注的昨天的照片。

    According to E ! Online , Cottrell posted to his Facebook page confirming the happy announcement , and then Tweeted a picture yesterday with the caption .

  13. 这一进展对多年来为防止人类感染H5N1型禽流感病毒而努力研制疫苗的科学家来说是一个喜讯。

    The development is a promising sign for scientists who have worked for years for develop a vaccine to protect humans from the H5N1 strain of bird flu .

  14. 夫妇俩在2011年MTV音乐颁奖礼上公布了这一喜讯,当时碧昂斯摸着微微隆起的腹部说,“爱的小生命在我体内成长。”

    The couple announced the pregnancy at the 2011 MTV music awards with Beyonce making a statement about the ' love growing inside of me ' and rubbing her belly .

  15. 视频网站“奈飞”(Netflix)线上自制剧收获2014年黄金时段艾美奖31项提名,较去年翻了一番还不止。原创内容深受大众好评,这个喜讯表明,这家公司投资原创内容是非常明智的选择。

    Netflix earned 31 Primetime Emmy nominations for 2014 , more than double what the video-streaming site pulled in last year and the latest indication the company 's investment in original content is paying off when it comes to critical acclaim .

  16. 这是个伟大的故事,总统先生早上不厌其烦的讨论这件事情,Carney说道:这对纽约尼克斯来说固然是个天大的喜讯,但是这个故事已经超越了体育本身。

    It 's just a great story and the President was saying as much this morning , Carney said . Obviously terrific for the New York Knicks but it 's the kind of sports story that transcends the sport itself .

  17. 他和Cherry在2017年底订婚,在1月20日他高兴地承认这一喜讯,在Ins上写道:“在新年之前有了自己的未婚妻。我们都非常高兴,彼此相爱,我们的猫咪们也非常的高兴。”

    and Cherry got engaged towards the end of 2017 , and Ed confirmed the happy news on 20 January , writing on Instagram : ' Got myself a fianc é just before new year . We are very happy and in love , and our cats are chuffed as well xx . "

  18. 他听到喜讯后快乐到极点。

    His happiness was consummated when he heard the good news .

  19. 喜讯传遍了祖国的每个角落。

    The good news spread to every corner of the country .

  20. 那我可以回去向斟酒人报告喜讯了吧?

    May I then congratulate the cupbearer on the good news ?

  21. 我想我们很快就会听到他们的喜讯我肯定

    We 'll hear their announcement soon . I 'm sure .

  22. 感恩,因为朋友分享的喜讯,快乐翻倍。

    I feel grateful because of what my friends have achieved .

  23. 如果你得到一个喜讯,这不是偶然的。

    If you get good news , it is no accident .

  24. 米勒德给那些没有院子的都市人带来了喜讯。

    Ms. Millard has good news for the yardless metropolitan .

  25. 吉姆·帕森斯和托德·斯派沃克于日前对外公布了喜讯!

    Jim Parsons and Todd Spiewak have made it official !

  26. 我记得把喜讯告诉我妈妈时,她十分激动。

    And I remember telling my mom and she got so excited .

  27. 我妈妈却收到了一个特大喜讯

    while my mother was getting great news . What ?

  28. 当别人告诉你他的喜讯时,你就说。

    Say congratulations to people when they tell you good news about themselves .

  29. 喜讯传来使她精神倍增。

    The good news put her in fine fettle .

  30. 甚至在你宣布了那喜讯之后,我仍然感到很伤心。

    I still felt sad even after you 'd announced the joyful tidings .