
  • 网络Glasgow;University of Glasgow;GCS;gla
  1. 此项工作不会局限于格拉斯哥地区。

    The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area .

  2. 我最后一次听到他的消息时,他住在格拉斯哥。

    The last I heard of him he was living in Glasgow .

  3. 去格拉斯哥的单程票多少钱?

    How much is the single fare to Glasgow ?

  4. 会议将在格拉斯哥举行。

    The conference will be held in Glasgow .

  5. 他们闲暇时就在格拉斯哥的阿盖尔街上演唱卖艺。

    They spent their free time in Glasgow busking in Argyle Street .

  6. 他的第一项任务将是树立格拉斯哥作为一座友好城市的形象。

    His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city

  7. 比加特·唐纳德,这家驻格拉斯哥的营销代理公司已赢得了两个爱丁堡的客户。

    Biggart Donald , the Glasgow-based marketing agency , has won two Edinburgh accounts .

  8. 我在格拉斯哥改乘去格里诺克的火车。

    At Glasgow I changed trains for Greenock

  9. 她的丈夫在格拉斯哥的一所公园遭到一名持刀年轻男子的袭击。

    Her husband was assailed by a young man with a knife in a Glasgow park .

  10. 乐团来自格拉斯哥。

    The band hail from Glasgow .

  11. 自从1990年荣获“欧洲文化之都”的光荣称号以来,格拉斯哥的魅力大增。

    Glasgow has broadened its appeal since taking on the mantle of European City of Culture in 1990

  12. 格拉斯哥部分地区的入室盗窃案与伦敦、利物浦最乱的地区一样猖狂。

    Parts of Glasgow are on a par with the worst areas of London and Liverpool for burglaries .

  13. 我飞快地逃离了格拉斯哥,而且老实说我再也不会回去了。

    I got the hell out of Glasgow and I can honestly say I will never go back .

  14. 卡勒姆初到格拉斯哥,没有工作,无家可归,无人倾诉,在文化冲击中挣扎。

    Callum , recently arrived in Glasgow , is jobless , homeless , friendless , and suffering from culture shock .

  15. 他是从格拉斯哥的穷街陋巷里爬上来的。

    He clawed his way up from the back streets of glasgow .

  16. 格拉斯哥大学的大卫·多米诺尼说过,路灯、外卖招牌和住所的光线正在影响鸟类的生物钟,导致它们在睡觉的时候非常清醒。

    David Dominoni , of Glasgow University , said that light from street lamps , takeaway signs and homes is affecting the birds ' biological clocks , leading to them being wide awake when they should be asleep .

  17. 当车主约翰·安德森和他的同事卡罗尔·劳伦斯回到格拉斯哥市中心价值3.5万英镑的汽车旁时,他们惊讶地发现旁边站着两名警察。

    When the car 's owner John Anderson and his colleague Carol Lawrence returned to the car — which was itself worth £ 35,000 — in Glasgow city centre , they were shocked to find two policemen standing next to it .

  18. 多米诺尼博士说:"在我居住的格拉斯哥,海鸥是个严重的问题,有人来找我说‘你是鸟类专家’。"你能帮我们杀死这些海鸥吗?"

    Dr Dominoni said , " In Glasgow where I live , gulls are a serious problem . I have people coming to me saying ` You are the bird expert . Can you help us kill these gulls ? ' . "

  19. 苏格兰最大的城市格拉斯哥被认为是英国最懒的城市,75%的受访者认为自己没有得到足够的锻炼,其次是伯明翰和南安普顿,都是67%。

    And Scotland 's largest city , Glasgow , was shamed as the laziest city in the UK , with 75 % asked thinking they do not get enough exercise , followed by Birmingham and Southampton , both with 67 % .

  20. (我明天要坐火车去格拉斯哥。我已经给自己预订了靠窗的座位。)

    I 'm taking the train to Glasgow tomorrow .

  21. 四所主要的外科学院,即伦敦、格拉斯哥、爱丁堡和都柏林

    four major colleges of surgery , viz . London , Glasgow , Edinburgh and Dublin

  22. 进行这项研究的格拉斯哥大学和斯特拉斯克莱德大学的科学家们说,人造“舌头”可被用来“品尝”任何液体。

    Scientists at the universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde who carried out the research say it could be used to test virtually any liquid .

  23. 阿诺德·H·格拉斯哥,美国作家

    Arnold H. Glasgow , American writer

  24. 从许多方面来看,位于格拉斯哥的斯特拉思克莱德大学商学院(UniversityofStrathclydeBusinessSchool)的院长苏珊•哈特(SusanHart)都是一位令人惊讶的商学院院长。

    On many levels Susan Hart is a surprising business school dean .

  25. TheStand(苏格兰著名喜剧俱乐部)说,11月它在爱丁堡和格拉斯哥举办的演出,观众总数增加了2%。

    The Stand has reported a2 % increase in audience numbers overall for its shows in Edinburgh and Glasgow for November .

  26. 格拉斯哥昏迷量表、CT及全身情况联合评分估价高血压脑出血病人预后的研究

    An evaluation of the prognosis of patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage was predicted by a combination of scores of GCS 、 CT and general conditions

  27. 巴卡尔丁城堡距离格拉斯哥机场(Glasgowairport)90英里,每晚客房费用为185英镑。

    Barcaldine Castle is 90 miles from Glasgow airport . £ 185 for one night .

  28. 区分工作岗位是流失到格拉斯哥、中国还是微软的Word软件并无多大益处,对于那些丧失这些工作岗位的人尤其如此。

    It is not particularly helpful to distinguish between jobs lost to Glasgow , China or Microsoft Word , especially not to the people who have lost them .

  29. 材料与方法:颅脑损伤63例,进行连续格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)和瞳孔光反应观察,并进行CT检查,分析CT主要所见与临床观察和预后之间的关系。

    Materials and Methods : 63 cases craniocerebral injury , their GCS score and pupil light reaction as well CT findings were analyzed .

  30. 1900年,一位富有的格拉斯哥商人威廉·戴维森(WilliamDavidson)聘请麦金托什设计房子。

    William Davidson , a wealthy Glasgow merchant , hired Mackintosh to design the house in 1900 .