
jiā jiǎng
  • award;commend;prize;cite;spur;praised words;praise or reward by superiors commend
嘉奖 [jiā jiǎng]
  • (1) [cite;commend]∶军队纪律条令规定的一种奖励。分别采取队前、会议、书面的方式宣布,并登记存档

  • (2) [spur]∶称赞并奖励

  • 通令嘉奖

  • (3) [praised words]∶称赞的话

  • (4) [prize;award]∶奖励的物品

嘉奖[jiā jiǎng]
  1. 他因表现勇敢而得到嘉奖。

    He was cited for bravery .

  2. 颁给他的嘉奖令称他表现出非凡的勇气,堪为表率。

    His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage .

  3. 确保懿行得到嘉奖。

    Make sure that good behaviour is rewarded .

  4. 地方政府给他们颁发了嘉奖令。

    The local government issued an order of commendation to them .

  5. 那位下士因作战英勇而受到嘉奖。

    The corporal was cited for bravery in battle .

  6. 他的行为应该受到嘉奖。

    His conduct merits commendation .

  7. 医疗队由于在战场上的英勇表现而受嘉奖。

    The medical corps were cited for bravery in combat .

  8. 二战俘虏大卫·c·考克斯由于受到严寒和饥饿的折磨,他曾将自己当飞行员时因受到嘉奖而得到的金戒指出售给了研究员战俘以换取一些巧克力棒。如今,已经过去了70多年,这个金戒指终于回家了。

    Cold and hungry as a World War II prisoner , David C. Cox traded his prized gold aviator 's ring to a fellow POW for some chocolate bars . Now , after seven decades , it has finally made its way home .

  9. 搜索公司谷歌(google)以及火狐(firefox)浏览器的开发商mozilla,也对找出它们各自软件漏洞的外部人士予以嘉奖。

    Google , the search company , and Mozilla , the group that develops the Firefox web browser , also offer payment to outsiders who spot vulnerabilities in their software .

  10. 在国际扶轮社监督根除脊髓灰质炎的规划担任领导人达12年之久的WilliamT.Sergeant在世界卫生大会上获得世卫组织给予的个人嘉奖。

    William T.Sergeant , for12 years the leader of the programme overseeing polio eradication within Rotary International , received a personal citation from the WHO , at the World Health Assembly .

  11. “最后,我们地方委员会奖励了这个小姑娘10000列克(80欧元),还有牧师也给了她格外的嘉奖。”Kumi补充道。

    The council awarded her a prize of10,000 leks ( 80 euros ) and the priests gave her an extra prize , Kumi said .

  12. 这个士兵牺牲以后因其勇敢受到官方的嘉奖。

    After his death , the soldier was cited for bravery .

  13. 去年,该公司由于公司治理问题受到嘉奖。

    Last year , it received an award for corporate governance .

  14. 对我的额外工作,老板嘉奖了我。

    My boss gave me a bonus for my extra effort .

  15. 我以勇敢的行为受到警务部门的嘉奖。

    I received an award for bravery from the police sevice .

  16. 我得到了斯特林市政集团的嘉奖

    I 'm being honored by the Starling City Municipal Group .

  17. 在伦敦伊丽莎白给阿玛斯·波莱写了一封嘉奖信

    In London , Elizabeth wrote an ecstatic letter to Paulet .

  18. 另外还挑出三个人予以特别嘉奖。

    Three other people were singled out for special praise .

  19. 我获嘉奖时你还在贝宁。

    You were at Benning when I got my command .

  20. 这种知名度能够让好的行为得到市场的嘉奖。

    As such , recognition triggers a market-based reward for good behavior .

  21. 当他们出色的完成了工作时,适当的赞赏和嘉奖他们。

    Provide appropriate rewards and recognition for jobs done well .

  22. 我相信你们的努力都会得到嘉奖的。

    I 'm sure all your efforts will be rewarded .

  23. 政府给他们颁发了嘉奖令。

    The government issued an order of commendation to them .

  24. 他随部队出国后不久便得到传令嘉奖。

    Soon after going aBroad with the army he was mentioned in despatches .

  25. 为你的客户提供马上抢购的嘉奖。

    Give your customers the perks of responding immediately .

  26. 他嘉奖所有其他的追随者,除了介之推。

    He awarded all his other followers except Jie .

  27. 国王说,这样英勇的战士应予嘉奖。

    The king said that such a brave soldier was worthy of reward .

  28. 该士兵因作战勇敢而受到嘉奖。

    The soldier was cited for bravery in battle .

  29. 由于他对公司忠心耿耿的服务,他得到了嘉奖。

    He was given an award for his faithful service to the company .

  30. 他的贡献得到认可而受到嘉奖。

    He was rewarded in recognition of his service .