
jiā nián huá huì
  • carnival
嘉年华会[jiā nián huá huì]
  1. 我们街的居民每年举行一次嘉年华会。

    Our street puts on a carnival every year .

  2. 嘉年华会的最后一天总是最为疯狂。

    The last day of the carnival is always the craziest .

  3. 他说一些免责条款将被制定出来,例如嘉年华会。

    A few exceptions would be made , he said , such as for carnivals .

  4. 哈瓦那是一座非常亲切的城市,尤其在嘉年华会期间。

    Havana is a very accommodating city , especially during carnival .

  5. 我们将在世界嘉年华会之后宣布。

    We 're announcing the sale after the world unity festival .

  6. 那里好像有嘉年华会。

    Oh , it 's like a carnival15 going on overthere .

  7. 我打过来提醒你明天的嘉年华会

    I 'm calling to remind you about the carnival tomorrow .

  8. 坍塌已抵达嘉年华会,没有时间了。

    The collapse has reached the carnival . time 's running out .

  9. 也许我可以在嘉年华会上实行。

    Maybe I 'll do it at the carnival .

  10. 乙:我想告诉您,星期三有狂欢节(嘉年华会)。

    B : I wanted to let you know about the carnival on Wednesday .

  11. 嘉年华会是一个在四旬斋的基督教季节前的传统的庆祝节日。

    Carnival is a traditional time of celebration before the Christian season of Lent .

  12. 当您到达嘉年华会,您就可以看到它的封闭。

    When you get to the carnival , you 'll see that it 's closed .

  13. 例如,在纽约的巴西人社团已安排了他们自己的嘉年华会庆祝计划。

    For example , the Brazilian community in New York planned its own Carnival celebration .

  14. 是个嘉年华会!万岁!

    It 's gonna be a carnival !

  15. 他们相信此类资讯可以让嘉年华会具备教育意义和娱乐性。

    They believe that this type of information makes the carnival educational as well as entertaining .

  16. 安妮:嘉年华会指什么?

    Annie : You have mentioned the " Carnival " before , what does that mean ?

  17. 隔天,有个学校的朋友突然出现,我们就去了嘉年华会。

    The next day , a friend from school suddenly appeared and we went to a carnival .

  18. 这项嘉年华会源自十五世纪初期,至今仍奢华的大肆庆祝。

    The carnival originated in the early 15th century and continues to be marked by a lavish celebration .

  19. 一九二九年的某天晚上,一家经营陷入困境的玩具公司的老板伫足于乡村嘉年华会会场。

    One night in1929 , the owner of a struggling toy company , Edwin lowe , stopped at a country carnival .

  20. 今年嘉年华会的主题为戏剧与中国,从二月十七日开始到二十八日结束。

    This year , the carnival 's theme is @ Theater and China , @ and it lasts from February 17 to 28 .

  21. 因为同晚清的谴责小说一样,这些小说文本呈现出了一种嘉年华会式狂欢的戏剧性冲动,所以我们将之称为新谴责小说。

    Like the condemnation novels in the late Qing Dynasty , these novels present a dramatic impulse in the form of a carnival .

  22. 这次盛大的聚会展现了嘉年华会的所有特点。里面有插着羽毛的横幅,紫的绿的花环,还有各式各样的面具。

    This boisterous event features anything and everything Mardi Gras , including feathered banners , purple and green garland , and Mardi Gras masks .

  23. 目前为止内珀将至少会有6集的戏份,他扮演的人物叫做赛缪,是个嘉年华会上拉客的。

    For at least six episodes , he will play Samuel , the character referred to as " Carnival Barker " in previous releases .

  24. 只要在整个城市还相当安静的清晨五点去到纪念馆,会突然看到某种型态的嘉年华会。

    If you go there at5 in the morning , when the city is still silent , you will be surprised by a grotesque carnival .

  25. 今年5月,散居各地的新加坡华侨中学校友在广州举行嘉年华会。

    In May this year , alumni of The Chinese High in Singapore who live in various parts of the world , reunited in Guangzhou , China .

  26. 玻利维亚最富盛名的节日为奥鲁洛嘉年华会,舞蹈、服装与音乐表演随处可见。

    In Bolivia , it is the main dance at the carnival in the city of Oruro which has been given special cultural heritage status by the UN .

  27. 母亲拿着盛在塑胶袋里的水离去,好似刚刚在嘉年华会赢得一条金鱼,却忘了带走金鱼一般。

    The mother carries this plastic bag of water away with her as she leaves ; it looks like she has just won a goldfish at the state fair , only she forgot to take the goldfish with her .

  28. 在嘉年华期间会有多位神秘大师不定期出现于此,举办签售或原稿拍卖会。

    During the carnival there will be a number of mysterious master of this from time to time , hold book-signing or the original auction .

  29. 威尼斯嘉年华是世界上最古老、最富盛名的国际嘉年华会之一。

    The Venice Carnival is one of the oldest and most famous international carnivals in the world .