
  • 网络Make a wish
  1. 我还要再许一个愿望。

    I 'm going to write one more wish .

  2. 克莱尔,我们不是还可以许一个愿望嘛。

    Uh , claire-we still have ourwish .

  3. 阿丹:先别急。我还要再许一个愿望。

    Dan : Hold your horses . I 'm going to write one more wish .

  4. 吃完火鸡,人们还会用它的三叉骨来许愿,通常是两人一对,各执三叉骨的一端拉开,断裂后掰到较大部分的人便可许一个愿望。

    After turkey , people will use it to the trigeminal bone Wishing , usually in pairs right , trigeminal started at one end of bone fracture after breaking off a large part of the people to be-a wish .

  5. 丽萨许了一个愿望,然后吹灭了蜡烛。

    Lisa makes a wish and then she blows out the candles .

  6. 所以,在你向许愿池里投掷硬币的时候,不要忘记许下一个愿望。

    So don 't forget to make a wish while throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain .

  7. 日本的传说称,一个人如果折一千只纸鹤,就能许下一个愿望。

    Japanese tradition says a person who folds one thousand paper cranes gets the right to make a wish .

  8. 你可以许下一个愿望,你的愿望就会实现,小天使也会永远照看你。

    You may promise a desire , your desire will realize , the cherub forever will also look after you .

  9. 许一个小小的愿望。

    A little wish , and that is that .

  10. 我许下了一个愿望;我希望你永远不会死去。

    I have made a wish ; I wish you never had to die .

  11. 不知道的是他在许愿树许的最后一个愿望是,既然他将不久于人世,那麽请将所有的祝福留给吧。

    You did not know that the last wish he made to the wish tree was giving all the wishes to you since that he would leave the world soon .

  12. 我许下了另外一个愿望;我希望你会找到真正的幸福

    I have made another wish ; I wish you would find your true happiness