
  1. 2007年我获得了至高无上的荣誉,那一年我得到了印度授予公民的第四高荣誉,莲花奖(PadmaShri)作为我对艺术贡献的回报。

    The crowning glory was in 2007 , when I received this country 's fourth highest civilian award , the Padma Shri , for my contribution to art .

  2. 意大利是世界上第四高的以旅游收入为源的国家,和第五高访问最多的国家。

    Italy is the fourth highest tourist earner , and fifth most visited country in the world .

  3. 我们离地只有四高,跟他开个玩笑,来看看这个。

    We 're only four feet up . joke 's on him . let 's check it out .

  4. 前言:文章通过对酱香型酿酒“四高两长、一大一多”工艺的剖析,探讨了酱香形成的原因。

    The technology of Maotai style liquor making is analyzed and the cause of the flavor formation is discussed .

  5. 莲花塘水文站同日出现1904年建站以来第四高水位。

    The water level at Lianhuatang hydrometric station reached the fourth highest on the same day since the establishment of the station in1904 .

  6. 所谓四高是指采用高速、高温、高质量和高生产率。

    " Four High " carries the meaning that high speed , high temperature , high quality and high productivity have been kept .

  7. 世界第四高的欧罗尤佩纳瀑布,是此份榜单上第二条位于夏威夷莫洛凯岛上的瀑布。

    The fourth-highest waterfall in the world , Olo'upena Falls , is the second waterfall on our list found on the remote Hawaiian island of Moloka'i.

  8. 托马斯的52分是凯尔特人队历史上第四高的单场得分纪录,仅次于拉里-伯德(60分和53分)和凯文-麦克海尔(56分)。

    Thomas 's 52-point game is the fourth-highest in Celtics history , trailing only Larry Bird ( 60 and 53 ) and Kevin McHale ( 56 ) .

  9. 心脑血管疾病是一种严重威胁人类健康的常见病,具有发病率高、致残率高、复发率高、死亡率高、并发症多,即四高一多的特点。

    Cardiovascular disease is a serious threat to human health , with the characteristics of a high incidence of morbidity , high rate of recurrence , and high mortality .

  10. 他站起来提出一项动议。螺山水文站25日出现1953年建站以来第四高水位。

    He rose to move a motion . The water level at Luoshan Hydrometric Station reached the fourth highest on August 25 since the establishment of the station in 1953 .

  11. 首先,制药业同其它行业相比有四高,即高投入、高收益、高风险、高技术密集型等。

    First of all , the pharmaceutical industry compared with other industries , " four high ", that is , high investment , high return , high risk , high-tech-intensive and so .

  12. 背景:脑卒中具有四高一多的特点:高发病率、高死亡率、高致残率、高复发率、并发症多。

    Background : Stroke has one character of four aspects ascending and one aspect increasing : high attack rate , high death rate , high disabling rate , high recurrence rate and increasing complication .

  13. 报道中称,虽然英国人有着全欧洲第四高的收入,但英国人也遇到了各种各样的问题。这些问题导致12%的英国人想要移民。

    The report found that while the British earn the4th highest salaries in Europe , they suffer from a variety of other problems that mean as many as12 % of people want to emigrate .

  14. 以此二者为视角,当前我国民族县域旅游经济发展存在高资源品位低利用率,高投入低回报的双高双低问题,应采取一系列措施,使双高双低的局面转变为四高景象。

    There exist the problems of " high resource value , low utilization ratio and high investment , low repayment " in the development of tourist economy in these regions . Measures should be taken to improve the situation .

  15. 洞庭湖城陵矶水文站持续超警并在24日出现洪峰,为1904年建站以来第四高洪水水位。

    The water level at Chenglingji Hydrometric Station on Dongting Lake was kept over warning water level and flood peak appeared on August 24 , being the fourth highest water level since the establishment of the station in 1904 .

  16. 这个122米直径的世界上最大的观光轮是伦敦第四高建筑物。数百万人借助它欣赏了伦敦的胜景并为其本身所惊叹。

    This largest observation wheel in the world was the fourth tallest structure in London with a diameter of 122m , and has now enabled millions of people to enjoy the magnificence of London and marvel at the wheel itself .

  17. 结果:河南省结核病疫情呈现四高一低特征,即高患病率、高感染率、高死亡率、高耐药率和低递降率。

    Results : The tuberculosis epidemic situation of Henan Province takes on the characters of four high and one low , namely high morbidity , high infection rate , high mortality , high enduring drugs rate and low in the proper order droping rate .

  18. 石油工业属于资源开发型产业,一切生产活动都是围绕开发地下油气资源而进行的,因此具有高投资、高风险、高技术、高利润的四高特点。

    The petroleum industry is the industry of resource development . All the productive activities are conducted for developing the subsurface oil and gas resources . Therefore it is possessed of " four - high " characteristics : high investment , high risk , high technology and high profit .

  19. 想象一下,一个孩子站在四英尺高的跳板上,自问道:"我应该跳吗?"

    Imagine a child standing on a diving board four feet high and asking himself the question : " Should I jump ? "

  20. 因此本文对IP路由查找和报文分类算法进行了深入研究,并针对不同的应用背景和需求提出了四个高性能算法。

    Hence high speed IP routing lookup and packet classification algorithms are needed to meet the tendency of the Internet .

  21. 首先,以血液中提取的基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增经胃癌组织部分实验筛选出的四种高突变频率基因。

    First of all , the genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood as template and then four genes with high mutation rate which were choose from experiments of gastric cancer tissue were amplified .

  22. 另外通过柱层析分离高级脂肪酸,并进行衍生化处理,经GC、GC-MS检测,确定了四种高沸点有机酸的结构,含量为1.71%。

    Moreover , Highter boiling point organic acids in pharmaceutical waste water were separated using ion exchange column chromatography , and derived . Four organic acid were confirmed , their quantity was 1.71 % relative to waste water .

  23. 提出直通道一侧有垂直凹口的金属狭缝阵列并利用FDTD方法研究了其透射特性,结果表明:在我们考虑的波长范围内共存在四个高阶F-P模共振峰。

    Metallic slit arrays of straight channels with perpendicular cuts are proposed and their transmission properties are investigated numerically using FDTD method . Results indicate that there are four high order F-P resonance modes in our considered region .

  24. 在数值算法过程中,首先给出Burgers方程高阶显格式和隐格式,在显隐格式的基础上构造了四种高阶非对称格式。

    In the process of numerical algorithm , we give the higher order explicit and implicit schemes for Burgers equations . Then we con-struct four forms of higher order non-symmetric format based on the implicit and implicit schemes .

  25. 当Burgers方程具有周期性边界条件时,首先利用这四种高阶非对称格式构造了一种交替分组四点格式,并得到相应的矩阵形式。

    When the Burgers equation has periodic boundary conditions , first of all , we construct a class of alternating group four-point difference method using these four high-order alternating segment explicit and implicit non-symmetric form , and we can get the corresponding matrix format .

  26. 目前,该纤维在纤维增强树脂基复合材料领域已经一定程度上代替玻璃纤维、PBO纤维和碳纤维,极有可能成为当今世界的第四大高性能应用纤维。

    Currently , basalt fiber has replaced to some extent of glass fiber , PBO fiber and carbon fiber as reinforcement for fiber reinforced resin matrix composites . It is much likely that basalt fiber turns into the fourth most used fiber , which has high strength and modulus .

  27. 通过对试制的四炉高强度大梁板所得的数据进行分析、讨论,得出低碳、低合金钢在添加微量元素后能够达到560L、590L对钢强度及韧性的要求。

    The datum of high strength beam plate produced in trial scale were analyzed , the results showed that the low-carbon , low-alloy steel could meet the strength and toughness requirements of steel 506L and 590L after addition of some trace elements .

  28. 一种四端口高隔离度光环行器的特性分析

    Analysis on the characteristics of a 4-port high isolation optical circulator

  29. 肿胀之时,也只能耸起四英寸高。

    And when inflamed , it towered a mere four inches .

  30. 构造应力带中,电压比四周高,离子迁移快,它们与围岩的化学反应强烈。

    Voltage in a tectonic belt is higher than its surroundings .