
  1. 高血压并发症与患者血清可溶性CD40及CD40L水平的关系

    The association between hypertensive complications and serum levels of soluble CD40 / CD40L in patients with cardiovascular diseases

  2. 动态血压昼夜节律改变与高血压并发症

    Alteration in Circadian Blood Pressure Rhythm and the Relationship to Complications

  3. 胰岛素受体变化对高血压并发症的意义

    Diminished Erythrocyte Insulin Receptors and Complications in Essential Hypertension

  4. 联合应用降压药物防治高血压及其并发症的临床疗效观察

    Efficacy of combination of multiple drugs in the management of hypertension

  5. 中药对高血压及其并发症治疗机制的研究进展

    Progress on Mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Hypertension and Its Complications

  6. 结论氨基酸失衡与高血压及其并发症关系密切。

    Conclusion Disorders in amino acid have close correlations with hypertension and its complication .

  7. 教职工高血压及其并发症的流行趋势调查

    A Survey and Analysis of Prevailing Direction on the Disease of Hypertension and its Syndromes

  8. 因此寻找易感基因有利于高血压及其并发症的及早诊治。

    Therefore , defining susceptibility genes is very important for its early diagnosis and treatment .

  9. 目的:探讨血清镁离子浓度对原发性高血压及其并发症的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of serum Mg2 + on esstential hypertension and its complication .

  10. 因此降低孕产妇死亡率主要是降低妊娠期高血压疾病并发症的发生率。

    To reduce the maternal mortality rate , the main way is to reduce the complications of hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy ( HDCP ) .

  11. 中度抑郁的孕产妇通常在产后出现症状,而且与重度抑郁的孕产妇相比,她们更多地在怀孕期间经历过先兆子痫、孕期糖尿病或高血压等并发症。

    Moderately depressed women often developed their symptoms postpartum , and were more likely than severely depressed women to have experienced complications during pregnancy like pre-eclampsia , gestational diabetes or hypertension .

  12. 为高血压主要并发症之一,发生率为42%,仅次于心脏并发症,危害巨大。

    Hypertensive kidney disease is one of the major complications of the hypertension , and the morbidity rate is about 42 % , which is only lower than that of heart complications .

  13. 高血压病及其并发症患者VWF、t&PA及PAI活性的临床研究

    The Clinical Study on VWF , tPA and PAI in Patients with Hypertension

  14. 血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)在RAS中处于核心位置,它的血流动力学效应和非血流动力学效应在高血压及肾脏并发症的发生、发展中起着重要作用。

    Angiotensin ⅱ( Ang ⅱ) sits in the core position of RAS , and its hemodynamic and non-hemodynamic effects play important roles in the occurrence and development of hypertension and renal complications .

  15. 高血压病脑并发症84例分析

    Analysis of 84 Hypertensive Cases on Brain Damage

  16. 目的:肾纤维化是高血压的主要并发症之一。

    Objective : Renal fibrosis is one of the major complications associated with the propagation of hypertension .

  17. 目的:通过社区心理干预,降低高血压的重要并发症脑出血发生率。

    Objective through social section psychology intervening , to decrease the cerebral hemorrhage happening rate of hypertension important complication .

  18. 妊娠合并糖尿病的孕妇容易发生低血糖、高血压等多种并发症。

    Results : Gravida with pregnancy associated with diabetes were easily to develop various complications such as hypoglycemia and hypertension .

  19. 同时对诊断、预防和治疗贫血、妊娠期高血压疾病等并发症的临床应用有一定的指导意义。

    Meanwhile , it has some significance of diagnostics , prevention and treatment of anemia , pregnancy induced hypertension and other complications .

  20. 结果显示:运动10周后患者的血压显著降低,体能及糖、脂代谢明显改善。提示:乳酸阈值强度的运动对于防治轻度高血压病及其并发症有一定意义。

    Results showed that blood pressure of these patients decreased significantly , which indicated lactate threshold intensity exercise was effective in treating essential hypertension .

  21. 动态血压监测比偶测血压能提供更可靠的血压测值,显示与高血压靶器官并发症有更密切的关系。

    Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring can provide more reliable value of blood pressure ( BP ) and show more closer relation to the target organ complication of hypertension than causal blood pressure .

  22. 研究背景:高血压病及其并发症是心血管疾病的主要死亡原因之一,在维持心血管系统的稳态方面,内皮功能起到了重要的作用。

    BACKGROUND : Essential hypertension ( EH ) and its complications are the leading cause of death in cardiovascular disease . The vascular endothelium plays an important role of the homeostasis of cardiovascular system .

  23. 方法60例高血压患者分无并发症及有并发症两组,分别用高频超声评价颈总动脉(CCA)内径、内膜-中层复合体厚度(IMT)、动脉粥样硬化发生比例、回声特点及肱动脉内皮舒张功能。

    Methods Sixty subjects , divided into hypertension group and without-complication group , were examined by sonography . The common carotid artery ( CCA ) diameter , intima-media thickness ( IMT ), atherosclerotic existence rate , echo characteristics and endothelial dilation function of the brachial artery .

  24. 活血化瘀治疗慢性肾炎高血压与糖尿病慢性并发症

    The treatment of chronic nephritis by quickening blood and transforming stasis

  25. 妊娠高血压综合征;并发症;腹水;预后。

    Severe hypertension of pregnancy ; Complication ; Ascites ; Prognosis .

  26. 住院病例高血压与糖尿病慢性并发症患病率的研究

    Study on prevalence rates of hypertension and chronic diabetic complications of in-patients with diabetes

  27. 资料综合:颈动脉血管重构导致高血压的发展和并发症的出现。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : Carotid artery remodeling results in the development of hypertension and occurrence of its complications .

  28. 背景:前瞻性研究证实原发性高血压患者心脑血管并发症的发病率增高。

    BACKGROUND : Prospective investigation proved that the incidence of cardio cerebral vascular complication in patients with essential hypertension increased .

  29. 目的:探讨不同血压水平与高血压病脑血管并发症发生率的关系。

    AIM : To investigate the relationship between different level of blood pressure and the incidence of cerebral complication in patients with essential hypertensive .

  30. 高血压以及高血压的并发症治疗周期长、突发性强、且难以治愈。

    Hypertension and its complications have following characteristics , for example they have a long-cycle treatment , a strong burst and are difficult to cute .