
  1. 根据房地产经纪公司莱坊(KnightFrank)的数据,自2009年3月以来,伦敦最高端住宅市场的价格已上涨49%,几乎完全是外国买家所推动的。

    Prices in the top slice of the London market have risen 49 per cent since March 2009 , according to estate agents Knight Frank , driven almost entirely by foreign buyers .

  2. 莱坊住宅研究部门主管利亚姆贝利(LiamBailey)表示:这些数据描绘了一幅全球高端住宅价格的惨淡画面。

    The figures paint a gloomy picture for prime residential property prices round the world , said Liam Bailey , head of residential research at Knight Frank .

  3. 价格多少取决于他们想要的是极简空间还是高端住宅。

    The price depends on whether they want a minimalist space or a home with high-end finishes .

  4. 随着社会富裕人群的增多,高端住宅在近几年发展迅速。

    Along with the increase of affluence crowd in recent years , high-end residential building is developing rapidly .

  5. 恒大地产未涉足高端住宅开发,而是在做一些讨政府欢心的无聊乏味的事情。

    Evergrande , rather than tapping into high-end consumption , is doing something boring that the government likes .

  6. 那些没有餐厅的高端住宅在出售时会面临销售压力。

    When it comes time to sell , high-end homes that lack a dining room can pose challenges .

  7. 高端住宅租赁需求增长的动因是外出度假的富豪品味发生了变化。

    Growth in demand for prime home rentals has been driven by the changing tastes of super-rich holidaymakers .

  8. 我们在为潜在和现存外籍企业员工提供高端住宅安置服务和房屋搜索服务方面非常优秀。

    We excel at providing high-touch , residential relocation and home search services for incoming and existing expat staff .

  9. 该企业的旗舰开发项目是一个五期中高端住宅楼盘,按计划要在明年完工。

    His flagship development was a five-phase mid - to high-end residential project that was slated for completion next year .

  10. 今年以来高端住宅租金的下降是实实在在的,不过和前几年的涨幅比起来并不算大。

    The rent drops so far in the high-end segment have been real , though modest beside the increases of previous years .

  11. 但该报告表示,全球高端住宅的价格增长有所放缓,一些黄金地段的价格甚至出现下跌。

    But the report says price growth for high-end residential property around the world has slowed and it records a drop in price in certain prime locations .

  12. 周五,香港政府针对购买不满两年就出售的房子征收更高的印花税,并对购买高端住宅的用户提高首付要求。

    On Friday , the Hong Kong government slapped additional stamp duties on properties that are resold within two years and raised down-payment requirements on high-end home purchases .

  13. 尽管高端住宅的市场需求一直强劲,但不断上升的房贷利率却抑制了大众房地产市场的发展,这一市场今年的价格涨幅为10%左右。

    While demand for high-end homes has remained strong , rising interest rates have tamed the mass market , which has grown about 10 per cent this year .

  14. 作为门诊服务提供者,穆伦博士的每月治疗费用没有达到那些高端住宅式疗养院的标准。

    As an outpatient provider , the costs for Dr. Mullen 's monthly services don 't reach the heights of those of a high-end , residential inpatient facility .

  15. 对中国的决策者来说,目前担心的另一个问题是高端住宅市场的投机行为:以前是上海和天津,现在是北京、深圳和大连。

    Another recent concern for Chinese policy makers is the handful of speculative high-end residential niche markets : formerly Shanghai and tianjin , and now beijing , Shenzhen and dalian .

  16. 相反,自达到峰值水平以来,英国房价已出现了大幅度下跌,而瑞士住宅地产价格不包括高端住宅的跌幅却相对较小。

    By contrast , UK house prices have fallen considerably since their peak , whereas Swiss residential property prices with the exception of the top end have declined relatively little .

  17. 《财富报告》对全球价值超过100万欧元的所谓高端住宅市场进行了全面分析。报告显示,去年最后几个月,之前高涨的市场非常迅速地调转了方向。

    The report , a comprehensive analysis of the global markets for so-called prime homes of more than 1m , shows that previously buoyant markets turned very quickly in the last months of the year .

  18. 在美国,行业观察人士对纽约、华盛顿、洛杉矶和其他一些城市房价的加速上涨表示担忧,美国及海外投资者对这些城市的高端住宅需求与日俱增。

    In the US , industry watchers are concerned about accelerating prices in New York , Washington , Los Angeles and other US cities that have seen growing demand for high-end residential properties from US and foreign investors .

  19. 走进去后你会看到大量显眼的奢华标志,比如镀金物、青铜件和大理石等。现如今,顶级大套房给人的感觉应该是更像高端住宅。

    ' You walked in and you had lots of obvious earmarks of luxury , the gilding , the bronze work , the marble . ' Now , the largest suites ' should feel more like a high-end home , ' he says .

  20. 在经济实力较发达的广东省,相继出现了一批城市高端集合住宅项目。

    More developed in the economic strength of Guangdong Province , have appeared in a number of high-end collection of urban residential projects .

  21. 对住宅地产的投资兴趣,催生了高端公寓住宅存量和对平价住房的大众市场需求之间的不协调。

    Investment interest in residential property has fuelled a mismatch between the stock of higher-end apartment buildings and the mass-market need for affordable housing .

  22. 加格称:“越来越多高端独栋住宅在斜顶建筑上安装绿色屋顶,屋顶成为了地面的一部分。”

    More high-end single-family homes are putting green roofs on sloped structures , where the roof becomes part of the ground , ' said Mr. Jarger .

  23. 从基本概念和理论开始阐述,分析城市高端集合住宅的主要特征与发展方向,探讨各种有益的设计尝试。

    Starting from the basic concepts and theories elaborated analysis of urban residential high-end collection of the main characteristics and development , explore a variety of useful design attempt .

  24. 低层低密度住宅是高端形式的住宅产品。

    Low-rise and low-density residential building is a form of high-end residential products .

  25. 家用集中空调的产品定位应是高端的独立式住宅。

    The market of HCAC should be focused on high-grade individual housing .