
  • 网络group counseling;group counselling;group guidance
  1. 网络成瘾与冲动控制:ERP探索及团体辅导实验

    Internet Addiction and Impulse Control : ERP and Group Counseling

  2. 班级团体辅导对高校新生的影响力研究

    A Study of the Effect of Class Group Counseling on Freshmen

  3. 干预组接受7次职业生涯团体辅导,对照组处于常态。用职业决策自我效能量表(CDMSE)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)在干预前后进行评估;

    Career Decision-Making Self Efficacy scale ( CDMSE ) and SAS were used to evaluate the effect of group guidance before and after .

  4. 高职贫困生自信心团体辅导效果研究

    A Study of Group Counseling the Self-confidence for Impoverished College Students

  5. 团体辅导式护理科会促进临床护士身心健康实践研究

    Practice of Group-counseling-based Unit Meetings for Promoting Clinical Nurses ' Mental Health

  6. 改善大学生人际交往不良现状的团体辅导实验研究

    A Group Counsel Study on Improving the Interpersonal Communication of College Students

  7. 高中生心理健康测评与团体辅导实验

    Assessment on Mental Health and Group Counseling Among Senior High School Students

  8. 结论人际交往团体辅导对急于改变个人心理健康状况的大学生有较好的作用,能提高大学生的心理健康水平,特别是在人际交往敏感、社交敏感与社交回避方面。

    Conclusion group counseling can improve the mental health of college students .

  9. 人际交往团体辅导对改变大学生抑郁状况的作用研究

    Research on the Effects of Interpersonal Group Counseling for the Depressive University Students

  10. 哮喘患者整合性团体辅导实施方案探讨

    Practice and Discussion on the Program of Integrative Group Guidance for Asthma Patients

  11. 团体辅导在改善高职学生学习动机中的应用研究

    Application Research on Group Counselling for Improving Learning Motivation of Higher Vocational Students

  12. 人际交往团体辅导改善大学生心理健康水平的研究

    A Study on Group Counseling for Improving the Mental Health of College Students

  13. 论文的第二部分探索了催眠疗法在大学生团体辅导中的应用,尝试使用团体辅导的形式提高大学生自我接纳程度与心理健康水平。

    The second part investigates the results of group training in university students .

  14. 朋辈心理咨询团体辅导方案设计

    The Project Design Of Peer - consulting Association

  15. 如何增强大学生团体辅导中的团体动力

    Enhancement of The Group Dynamics of Group Counseling

  16. 养老院老人在团体辅导后,主观幸福感显著提高。

    Nursing homes for the elderly in group counseling , subjective well-being improved significantly .

  17. 团体辅导分为6个阶段具体实施。

    Group counseling was composed of 6 stages .

  18. 团体辅导对改善初二学生母子关系的影响研究

    The Group Guidance Effect on the Child-parent Relationship

  19. 目的考察团体辅导对特定职业决策困难干预的有效性。

    Objective To investigate the effect of group counseling to specific career decision-making difficulties .

  20. 目的探讨团体辅导对大学生社交焦虑的效果。

    Conclusion Group counseling is an effective method on social anxiety of college student .

  21. 高校团体辅导式心理健康课堂教学模式的实践探索

    Exploring the Classroom Teaching Mode of Psychological Health Based on Group Counseling in Universities

  22. 高校新生适应性班级团体辅导的实效研究

    Effect of Adaptability Class Group Counseling in Freshmen

  23. 可见,团体辅导对改善大学生人际交往能力有明显的效果。

    Group guidance can observably improve the human communication of training school and college students .

  24. 团体辅导改善大学新生人际交往状况的初步研究

    The Research on the Role of Group Counseling in Improving College Freshmen 's Interpersonal Situation

  25. 而没有参与团体辅导的控制组成员,前后测得分差异不显著。

    However , the results of the control group members ' showed no significant difference .

  26. 论大学生团体辅导的实际应用

    Applications of the College Student Team Tutoring

  27. 论团体辅导的特点与设计

    On Characteristics and Design of Group Training

  28. 高三学生考试焦虑的团体辅导干预研究

    Study on Group Counseling Method in High School Students with Test Anxiety of Grade Three

  29. 农村留守儿童领悟社会支持短程团体辅导的实验研究

    Research about Short Group Counseling of the Perceived Social Support for the Rural Left-behind Children

  30. 目的:探讨团体辅导训练模式对提高大学生自主学习能力的影响。

    This paper explores the function of group guidance in improving family cohesion through experimental study .