
tuán qì
  • a Christian youth association
  1. 加入教会青年团契促使她形成了自己的政治观点。

    Membership in her church youth group helped develop her political ideas .

  2. 他目前是世界基督徒团契的主任医师。

    He is presently the medical director for the Fellowship of World Christians .

  3. 广东团契聚会,一家一菜。

    Cantonese fellowship gathering ( and potluck dinner ) at church .

  4. 第一个决定带来救恩,第二个决定则带来团契生活。

    The first decision brings salvation ; the second brings fellowship .

  5. 我在智障者的团契中发现了这点。

    I discovered that in my community with mentally handicapped people .

  6. 请来参加我们的团契!

    Please come and join one of our fellowships below !

  7. 请各团契为建堂代祷。

    Pray for the building needs in fellowships and worship .

  8. 约书亚团契是由中年夫妇(朋友)所组成的团契。

    Joshua Fellowship is form by couples and friends of middle age group .

  9. 透过团契生活,我们学习到三个重要的真理。

    Through fellowship we learn three important truths .

  10. 其实绿带团契是一个人数颇多的团契,故分成数个小组。

    Greenbelt Fellowship is kind of oversize , and thus divided into smaller groups .

  11. 在有共同背景例如相同职业的人之间,我们还有团契。

    We have also fellowships for people who have things such as occupations in common .

  12. 我们也分享美味的点心。我们期待著下一次的团契。

    Thanks every sister 's contribution to fellowship , we also shared the delicious food .

  13. 请在本页的目录上登入有关小组或团契的纲页以作进一步查询。

    Please click on the relevant page for information about each cell group or fellowship .

  14. 当我们不再关心团契生活,其他的一切也就同样走下坡。

    Whenever we become careless about fellowship , everything else begins to slide , too .

  15. 因为苦毒和怨恨会破坏团契生活。

    Bitterness and resentment always destroy fellowship .

  16. 这是团契相交的问题。

    This is the question of fellowship .

  17. 神教导的团契相交是我们彼此委身,正如我们对耶稣基督的委身一般。

    Biblical fellowship is being as committed to each other as we are to Jesus Christ .

  18. 圣经提出许多有力的理由,说明你为何要委身于教会,并积极参与当地的团契相交生活。

    The Bible offers many compelling reasons for being committed and active in a local fellowship .

  19. 参与一个小组或团契。

    One small group for fellowship .

  20. 也谢谢初中团契的少年们帮忙做包装,检查及分类的工作。

    Special thanks to the JHYG for wrapping , checking and sorting out the shoe boxes !

  21. 有些校园同工称他们当地的校园团契为“友爱中华”,有些则别的名称。

    Some campus workers call their local campus group China Outreach Ministries while others do not .

  22. 我发现这个故事中让我特别感动的是耶稣从独处走向团契再走向事工。

    What I find so moving here is that Jesus went from solitude to community to ministry .

  23. 在使徒行传里,耶路撒冷的基督徒非常注重彼此的委身,对于团契生活非常地忠心。

    In Acts , the Christians in Jerusalem were very specific in their commitment to each other .

  24. 基督教监狱牧养团契

    Christian Prison Pastoral Fellowship

  25. 这就是神期望你在当地的信徒团契当中履行的「家庭责任」!

    These are your " family responsibilities " that God expects you to fulfill through a local fellowship .

  26. 北德华人基督徒团契与注重门徒训练的北德华人教会有密切的联系关系。

    CCF has its strong affiliations with North Texas Chinese Church who is strongly focused on discipleship training .

  27. 各团契的辅导由教牧同工担任或委派。

    63 The advisor of each fellowship shall be one of the Pastoral Staff or should be appointed .

  28. 很奇怪我会讲华语麽?这是一个在马大校园中的团契。

    Found it weird that I speak Mandarin also ? It 's a fellowship in College Park campus .

  29. 每次我们能够很好地独自生活,我们就会被呼召走出独处,去创建团契。

    Every time we live solitude well , we will find ourselves called out of solitude to create community .

  30. 我想要我的团契和小组长大,神却要天国成长壮大,不管团契和小组成长与否。

    I want church groups to grow * He wants the Kingdom to grow whether church groups does or doesn 't.