
tuán xiào
  • Youth League school
团校[tuán xiào]
  1. 坚持团干培训主业,融入市场,提高教学科研质量,提升服务竞争意识,解决发展中的矛盾,是最终实现团校和谐发展的重要途径。

    Insisting on League cadre training , incorporating the market , raising teaching scientific research quality , promoting service competition consciousness and solving the developing contradiction , are the important means to realize harmonious development of the Youth League school .

  2. 设立法团校董会意向通知书

    Notice of Intention to Establish Incorporated Management Committee

  3. 全国团校系统后勤社会化改革势在必行

    On the necessity for socialization reform in the logistics for the national youth league college system

  4. 提高团校教师的自身素质是团校实施素质教育的保证。

    To improve teachers , quality is the assurance to carry out quality education in League School .

  5. 部分学校由于行将停办,故不考虑成立法团校董会。

    Some schools will cease operation soon , so they will not consider setting up an IMC .

  6. 注2建议的生效日期不得早于法团校董会成立的日期。

    Note 2 The proposed effective date shall not be earlier than the date of establishment of the IMC .

  7. 特此通知,本办学团体是下述筹办中的学校的办学团体,现欲为该校设立法团校董会。

    Notice is hereby given that we , the sponsoring body of the under-mentioned planned school , intend to establish an incorporated management committee in respect of the school .

  8. 创建学习型团校是共青团事业发展的要求,也是团校自身建设的需要。

    Building a learning League school is the demand of the developmet of the Communist Youth Leagues cause , as well as the need of a League schools self-improvement .

  9. 适应社会发展要求培养高素质青年干部&兼论中央团校在职高学历教育

    Cultivate the highly qualified young cadres to meet the requirement of social development & Comment on the high degree education for the social people in China Central College for Youth Leagues

  10. 部分办学团体由于属校较多,需因应情况分阶段为其属校成立法团校董会。

    Some sponsoring bodies are having a greater number of schools , and they would need to , taking into account their own circumstances , set up IMCs for their schools by phases .