
  • 网络garden tool;gardening tools
  1. 请注意园林工具到喷泉的权利。

    Note the garden tools to the right of the fountain .

  2. 园林工具绿色设计中自然和人文精神的表达

    Expression of Natural and Humanism Spirit in the Green Design of Garden Tools

  3. 我为船展和园林工具展签模特。

    I book women for boat shows and garden tool expos .

  4. 我为船展和园林工具展签模特,

    I book women for boat shows and garden tool expose

  5. 也许这是一种园林工具。

    Perhaps it 's some kind of garden tool .

  6. 本公司专业制造和出口劈木机、碎木机、吸叶机等园林工具。

    We specialize in manufacturing log splitter , wood chipper and leaf vacuum , etc.

  7. 目前欧美国家已在纷纷使用带有纤维柄的园林工具。

    Now European & American countries are using gardening tools with fiberglass handle gradually .

  8. 农、工具及园林工具。

    Farm tools , garden tools .

  9. 有很多园林工具,他们中的一些人是完美的玫瑰园艺。

    There are plenty of garden tools , and some of them are perfect for rose gardening .

  10. 主要产品有:农具、工具、园林工具、工程机械零配件及车辆配件。

    The main products are : Farm tools , construction machinery fittings as well as trailer parts .

  11. 纤维柄在园林工具中的使用已成为一种潮流,可用于铁锹、枝剪、力剪及节进杆中。

    Fiberglass handle is popularly used in gardening tools such as shovel , branch , shear and extension pole etc.

  12. 我司专业出口电动,手动工具,钻头组,汽车及园林工具等。

    We are specialized in exporting power tools , hand tools , drill bits , car tools , garden tools , etc.

  13. 康柏瑞特工具有限工具公司,园林工具的专业生产商,拥有完善的质量管理体系,一流开发团队。

    Jinhua Cooperate Tools Co. , Ltd is a professional gardening tools manufacturer , holding perfect quality control system excellent development team .

  14. 主要产品:埋地灯系列,园林工具系列,电动工具系列,过滤网系列,交通信号灯系列。

    Main Products : buried lamp series , garden tools , power tools series , filter series , series of traffic lights .

  15. 摘要从自然精神和人文精神2个方面,深入阐述园林工具绿色设计中的生态学观和可持续性发展的思想内涵。

    Ecological and sustainable development viewpoints of garden tools green design was described from two aspects including the natural and the humanism spirits .

  16. 车库销售时的物品如旧衣服、书籍、玩具、家居摆设、草坪园林工具、运动器材和棋盘游戏。

    Staples of garage sales include old clothing , books , toys , household knickknacks , lawn and garden tools , sports equipment , and board games .

  17. 有一种价格低廉的屏幕园林园艺工具,土壤或堆肥,并帮助您在多种型号的伟大表土。

    A low-priced gardening tool that screens garden soil or compost and helps you make great topsoil , in several models .

  18. 立足中国广州,打造亚洲最大园林机械与工具展!

    Located in Guangzhou China , the Organizing Committee Aims to Build the Largest Garden Machinery Exhibition in Asia !