
yuán lín shù mù
  • Garden trees;ornamental trees and shrubs
  1. 寄生对四川盆地园林树木的影响

    Effects of Parasitism on Ornamental Trees and Shrubs

  2. 基于信息技术构建园林树木学精品课程的CAI设计与实践

    The CAI Design and Practice ot the IT-based Trees and Shrubs on Landscape Architecture Excellent Course

  3. 10种园林树木叶绿素与SPAD值相关性研究

    Study on Relation between SPAD Value and Chlorophyll Contents in 10 kinds Horticulture Woody Plants

  4. 利用Autocad标准菜单开放的功能,结合幻灯片制作和图像控件菜单定制等技术,来制作标准化的园林树木图标下拉菜单,从而提高园林设计的工作效率。

    Based on the standard menu of AutoCAD , by using the technique of making slides and customized menu , the designers can make landscape trees drawing control menu , so as to achieve an increase in the working efficiency of landscape design .

  5. 园林树木净菌作用及其主要影响因子

    Effect of Cleaning Bacteria of Gardening Trees and Its Affecting Factors

  6. 咏花诗在园林树木学教学中的运用

    Application of Odes to Flowers in the Teaching of Landscape Dendrology

  7. 吉林省的园林树木大多为落叶树种。

    Most landscape trees in Jilin province are the deciduous species .

  8. 热带园林树木遭受寒害的回顾与思考

    Retrospection and Reflection of the Cold Damage to Tropical Ornamental Trees

  9. 3种园林树木种子萌发期耐盐性研究

    Study on Salt Stress of 3 Ornamental Trees during Germination Period

  10. 谈判效率的高低;园林树木杀菌作用的研究

    The effectiveness of negotiation ; On the Disinfection of Ornamental Trees

  11. 五种园林树木在不同环境下的光合生理响应

    Photosynthetic Physiology Response of Five Landscape Trees Exposed in Different Environments

  12. 用层次分析法构建园林树木健康评价体系

    Establishment of Landscaping Tree Health Assessment Model Using Analytic Hierarchy Process

  13. 8种园林树木生理特征及其生态效应的研究

    Physiological Characteristics and Ecological Function of Eight Species of Landscape Trees

  14. 天津市园林树木几种主要蚧虫防治技术

    Control of important scale insects in garden trees in Tianjin

  15. 园林树木学课程教学中职业核心能力的培养

    Discussion on Cultivating Vocational Core Ability through Landscape Dendrology Learning

  16. 珍珠绣线菊等7种园林树木光合、水分生理生态特性的研究

    Research on the Photosynthetic , Water Eco-physiological Characteristics of Seven Garden Trees

  17. 北京15种园林树木耗水性的比较研究

    Comparative Research of Water Consumption From 15 Garden Tree Species in Beijing

  18. 《园林树木学》教学方法改革的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Teaching Method Reform of Landscape Dendrology

  19. 《园林树木》课程实践教学的组织与实施

    Organization and Implementation of Practice Training of Gardens Tree Course

  20. 聊城市园林树木调查分析

    Investigative and study of the gardening trees of Liaocheng City

  21. 邯郸市主要园林树木抗大气污染能力试验

    Ability on Air Pollution Resistance of the Main Garden Trees in Handan

  22. 上海市几种主要园林树木叶面积指数相关研究

    Research on LAI of Several Main Garden Trees in Shanghai

  23. 5种园林树木的光合和蒸腾特性的研究

    Studies on the Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Five Gardening Trees

  24. 园林树木信息系统构建的园林树木学依据。

    The landscape tree knowledge about Landscape Tree Information System .

  25. 泸沽湖自然保护区园林树木资源功能分类研究

    Study on garden tree resources function categories in Lugu Lake Nature Reserve

  26. 齐齐哈尔市园林树木病害综合治理对策

    Comprehensive Control Measures of Garden Tree Disease In Qiqihar City

  27. 促进园林树木扦插繁殖生根的方法与技术

    How to Stimulate Root Growth of Gardening Plants Cutting Reproduction

  28. 园林树木的冬态识别

    The Recognition of the Winter Condition of the Landscape Trees

  29. 园林树木抑菌有效范围的初步研究

    Preliminary Research on Effective Range of Bacteriostasis of Gardening Tree

  30. 广州常见园林树木与习见木本植物403种。

    Guangzhou common garden trees are 403 species , which of woody plants .