
  • 网络Garden Artistic Conception;poetic imagery of garden
  1. 文人园林意境美在现代景观设计中的价值

    The Value of Literati Landscape Garden Mood Esthetics in Modern Landscape Design

  2. 宋词园林意境美探微

    An exploration of the aesthetic beauty of gardens created in Song Ci

  3. 园林意境空间的创造和欣赏

    The creation and enjoyment of garden artistic conception space

  4. 中国古典园林意境的创造

    On the formation of classical Chinese gardening landscaping conception

  5. 中国古典园林意境在当代建筑中的缺失以及启示性研究

    The Shortcomings of Chinese Classical Gardening Conception in Modern Architecture and Its Revelatory Research

  6. 中国古典文人园林意境&探析

    Analysis , of Classical Chinese Garden of Scholars

  7. 石是中国古典园林意境营造的独特要素。

    Stone is a unique factor for creating the atmosphere of classical gardens in China .

  8. 论竹子情结文化对中国园林意境建构的审美观照

    Discussion on aesthetic consideration of Bamboo Complex culture on artistic conception construction of Chinese gardens

  9. 进一步论证了园林意境对于传统美学的传承和表现具有的现实意义。

    Further demonstrates " garden " in traditional aesthetics of inheritance and performance has practical significance .

  10. 最后就人品味园林意境时感官的综合体验进行了总结。

    Finally gardens will be on the human conception of the integrated sensory experience , a summary .

  11. 浅谈现代住宅中园林意境美的需要,以及如何结合在实际的生活中发现和创造意境美。

    This paper analyzes by-talk of need in artistic conception of gardens in modern domicile , and how to find and create artistic conception in our life .

  12. 在造园中,要因地制宜、注重园林意境塑造、园林设计合理等理念都是寺庙园林景观塑造要素的运用。

    Local conditions , to pay attention to the mood shape the garden , garden design and reasonable are the temple landscape to shape the use of elements .

  13. 本文通过对中国古典园林意境的文化内涵和营造手法的研究,目的在于:第一,指出这正是中国当代很多建筑及其环境设计中所缺失的东西。

    And it 's just the pursuing of the word of art that makes Chinese classical gardens are so distinctive in art and be famous all over the world .

  14. 园林意境作为中国古典园林的精华之一,对现代园林建设具有重要的启示作用和深远意义,应该得到继承和发扬。

    The garden Yijing conception as one of the Chinese classical gardens characteristic is also important and meaningful to modern landscape architecture , and should be inherited and developed .

  15. 深度分析园林意境的文化内涵和层次结构,结合室内空间形态设计出天人合一、情景交融、融于自然的室内空间,是本文重点研究的内容。

    In-depth analysis of garden culture connotation and hierarchical structure , combining indoor space form create unity , the natural scene , into interior space , this is the key research content .

  16. 本文试从人、建筑物与自然山水各自所代表的情景因素及虚实关系,来探讨园林意境生成的特征。

    This paper attempts an analysis into the generating features of the feelings and settings factors as well as the relationships between the real and the unreal represented respectively by human beings , buildings and natural landscape .

  17. 本文通过对中国传统庭院、中国古典园林意境的创造进行解析,重点探讨如何把自然引入室内、把传统引入现代,从而探索如何继承和发扬中国传统庭院文化。

    This thesis discusses about how to bring nature into interior and bring tradition into modern by analyzing Chinese traditional courtyard and Chinese classical landscaping , thereby , to research how to inherit and enhance our traditional courtyard culture .

  18. 中国古典园林对于意境的追求与创造

    Discussion on the Formation of Chinese Classical Gardening and Landscape Conception

  19. 浅谈我国古典园林中意境与诗词绘画的关系

    On the Relationship between Feeling and Verse drawing in Chinese Classic Gardens

  20. 试论中国园林景观意境的创造

    Study on the artistic conception in Chinese landscape architectural design

  21. 这样园林的意境才能更好的表现出来。

    This garden moods can be better demonstrated .

  22. 古典园林的意境是古代文人士大夫胸臆中天道体会的投射。

    The mood and atmosphere of classical gardens is a reflection of ancient literary giants .

  23. 整个园林的意境是通过含蓄的、委婉的手法传递个游人的。

    The mood throughout the garden through the subtle , tactful way transmission of the visitors .

  24. 目前国内景观设计师过于追求景观功能和形式而忽略对园林空间意境的创造,致使现代景观徒有其表,缺乏意境。

    Nowadays , seeking effect and form of the landscape while ignoring the creating for poetic imagery of Garden space , which cause the modern landscape without artistic conception .

  25. 禅宗思想对世俗文化的沁入和发展使中国古典园林的意境开始成为园林造园者追求的标准。

    Zen thought of the secular culture of the Chinese Qin Ru and development of classical gardens of " mood " became a landscape garden the pursuit of standards .

  26. 寺庙园林的意境要与佛教宗教思想结合,所以在寺庙园林中的植物景观是通过实景与虚景相结合,营造寺庙园林空灵、清幽的意境。

    The mood of temple gardens are combine with Buddhist religious thought . Landscape combine real and virtual scene to create ethereal , quiet and the mood in the temple garden .

  27. 因此本课题将从宋词的角度审视文人园林的意境,探讨它们之间的相似性与相互影响的关系,从而更深入更细致地研究中国古典园林的内在本质,挖掘其深厚的文化内涵和精神意蕴。

    So this subject will survey the artistic conception of the literary gardens from the view of Song Verses and discuss their similarity and interactional relationship that we can research the internal inbeing of Chinese classic gardens and investigate their profound cultural connotation and mental meaning more deeply .

  28. 现代园林植物造景意境研究&点空间植物造景初探

    A Preliminary Study on Plants Landscape in Point Green Space

  29. 提出了昆曲是最适合中国古典园林的音画意境,体现着人文思想和园林文化的精髓。

    The Kunqu is the best music background of Chinese classic gardens , and has many same characters at that time .

  30. 山水城市从中国本土出发,兼顾生态、科学、文化,是中国古典园林手法和意境的延续。

    Taking into account ecological , scientific , and the Chinese local culture , Shan-shui City is the continuation of Chinese Classical Gardens .