
wéi chéng
  • besieged city;encircle a city;besiege a city;lay siege to a city
围城 [wéi chéng]
  • (1) [encircle a city;lay siege to a city]∶包围城市

  • (2) [besieged city]∶为敌军所包围的城邑

围城[wéi chéng]
  1. 但并不围城而建。

    And does not encircle a city .

  2. 围城心态在中国防病毒市场同样存在。

    State of mind of encircle a city prevents virus market to exist likewise in China .

  3. 有些妇女把婚姻视作围城。

    Some women see marriage as a trap .

  4. 围城已经和平地结束了。

    The siege has ended peacefully .

  5. 在围城过程中,这座城市被摧毁了。

    The city was thrown down during the siege .

  6. 敌人围城,企图将人们饿死。

    The enemy lay siege to the town in attempt to starve the people to death .

  7. 正确理解ISO9000标准,走出质量体系认证的围城

    Understand ISO 9000 Exactly and Walk Out of Besieged City of Quality System Certification

  8. 参演《十月围城》的谢霆锋(NicholasTse)还摘得最佳男配角奖。

    ' Bodyguards and Assassins'also picked up an award for Hong Kong 's Nicholas Tse in the best supporting actor category .

  9. 英汉存在句结构的定量认知对比研究&以BNC和《围城》为语料

    Cognitive Perspective : A Contrastive Study on the Structure of Existential Sentence in English and Chinese Based on the Corpus of BNC and Fortress Besieged

  10. 我的朋友AJLeon说得非常形象:我见过很多辞去围城般工作的企业家,到头来却发现自己手里有钥匙,而门却反锁着。

    As my friend AJ Leon said so eloquently , I have met many entrepreneurs that leave a job they feel is a prison , only to find that now the door is locked from the inside and they are holding the key .

  11. 我们参观了Jolan区的房屋,那是一个贫穷的工人住宅区,在城市的西北角。四月围城时,反抗力量的中心。

    We visited houses in the Jolan district , a poor working class area in the north western part of the city that had been the centre of resistance during the April siege .

  12. 我的朋友AJLeon说得非常形象:“我见过很多辞去围城般工作的企业家,到头来却发现自己手里有钥匙,而门却反锁着。”从此微笑不再、快乐不再。

    As my friend AJ Leon said so eloquently , " I have met many entrepreneurs that leave a job they feel is a prison , only to find that now the door is locked from the inside and they are holding the key 。 " No more smiles and happiness 。 8 .

  13. 垃圾围城城市环境质量不可回避的一道坎石家庄城市垃圾资源化处理的几点思考

    Garbage-surrounded city & the unavoidable pit of environment quality in cities

  14. 《围城》与《小世界》中的现代学者形象之比较

    Modern Scholars ' Image Compared in Fortress Besieged & Small World

  15. 下面是一些围城内人的小提示,可以帮助你融洽今后的双边关系。

    Here are some insider tips to help nurture future interactions .

  16. 杰夫:就是写过小说《围城》的那位吗?

    Jeff : Is he who wrote the novel Besieged City ?

  17. 走进围城的独生子女:概念、规模与质疑

    The Married the Only Child : Concepts , Scale and Questions

  18. 史叙事模式是围城叙事的三种基本模式。第四部分:现代家族小说叙事的话语解码。

    Part four : decoding narrative discourses of modern family fictions .

  19. 《围城》小说主题的再探索;

    《 Fortress Besieged 》 again investigate of the novel topic ;

  20. 我很高兴能同时逃出两座围城。

    And I 'm glad to be free of them both .

  21. 法国和越南的军队进入了一场旷日持久的围城战。

    The French and Vietminh settled in for a long siege .

  22. 《围城》文化负载词(词组)及其翻译

    Culture-loaded Words and Expressions in Fortress Besieged and Their Translation

  23. 《围城》是一部相当严肃的悲剧作品。

    Seized city is a rather serious work of tragedy .

  24. 幸运的是,《十月围城》来得正是时候。

    Fortunately , Bodyguards and Assassins has come at the right time .

  25. 瞪羚,快跑!&中关村瞪羚企业欲破资金围城

    The Gazelle Corporations In Zhongguancun Are Trying To Break The Fund Predicament

  26. 论乡村旅游的围城效应及可持续发展

    On the Siege Effect of Rural Tourism and Sustainable Development

  27. 1947年,他出版了最为著名的小说《围城》。

    In1947 , he published his acclaimed novel Fortress beseiged .

  28. 我们住在古老的摇摇欲坠的围城里.

    We stayed in old , crumbling , walled cities ,

  29. 论身体语言的模糊性&以《围城》为例

    On the Ambiguity of Body Language : A Case Study of Wei-Cheng

  30. 《围城》英译中文化信息的传递

    Transmission of Cultural Information in English Translation of Fortress Besieged