
  • 网络cementing engineering
  1. 研究结果为解决当前固井工程中的一些实际问题提供了一个新的途径。

    This study can provide a pioneer treatment for present practical problems in cementing operations .

  2. 该模型及其力学分析程序可为非均匀地应力下固井工程设计提供参考。

    The model and mechanical analysis program of this paper provide reference for the engineering design of well cementing .

  3. 本文发展了油田固井工程中的防窜理论,在水泥外加剂的研究方面达到了一个新的水平。

    The research works enrich and develop the migration prevention theory in cementing job , reach a new level in developing cement additives .

  4. 研究表明:碳纤维、聚丙烯纤维和聚酯纤维的物理机械性质均适合于改善固井工程中水泥石强度;

    Results imply that the physical and mechanical features of carbon fiber , polypropylene fiber and polyester fiber are all appropriate to improve cement strength ;

  5. 为了将纤维水泥浆体系更好地应用于固井工程中,有必要对纤维改善水泥石强度机理进行研究并建立强度模型。

    In order to improve the application effect of fiber cement in well cementation , it is necessary to research the fiber-reinforced cement mechanism and establish fiber cement strength model .

  6. 室内和现场试验表明,该体系能够提高漏层的承压能力,满足钻井、固井工程施工的要求。

    The tests both in lab and on site show that this system can improve the compressive strength of the lost-circulation formation and meet the riceds of drilling and well cementation project construction .

  7. 热熔钻进工艺是一种通过熔化岩石来破碎岩石的新的钻进方法。热熔钻进工艺在无套管固井和工程施工中有很好的应用前景。

    Hot melt drilling method is a new drilling method . It is expected that hot melt drilling method have a good application prospect in drilling engineering , particularly in well cementing without casing .

  8. 固井质量达到工程要求。

    The quality of cementing reached the requirements of engineering .

  9. 固井是钻井工程中最为关键的环节之一,不仅投资大,而且固井工程质量的好坏直接影响油气井的生产寿命和生产率。

    Cementing is one of the most crucial part in the process of drilling engineering . Not only the investment is great , but also the quality of the cementing has a direct impact on the life and production of the oil and gas well .

  10. 固井是石油钻井工程的关键环节。

    Cementing is the key link of oil drilling engineering .

  11. 如何提高固井质量是钻井工程长期以来所面对的问题。

    How to improve the cementing quality is an issue the drilling engineers are always facing .

  12. 严重地影响了固井施工设计与工程管理的决策水平,为提高固井质量带来了不利的因素。

    The problems seriously affect cementing construction design and project management of decision-making level , and bring the adverse factors in improving the cementing quality of the adverse factors .

  13. 于是,高分子聚合物作为固井材料在油田固井工程中的应用地位日益突出,为提高固井质量发挥了重大作用。

    As cementing materials , polymers are widely used and play a great role in cementing operation .