
  1. DCS在600t/d水泥干法窑生产线的应用

    Application of DCS for 600 t / d Cement Dry Process Kiln Product Line

  2. 新型水泥干法窑筒体失效分析

    Failure analysis of tube body corrosion in new cement dry kiln

  3. 爆破在水泥新型干法窑中的应用

    Application of blasting to new style of dry cement kiln

  4. 新型干法窑安全操作的几点体会

    Some reflections from safety operation of new dry process kiln

  5. 2500t/d新型干法窑高质高产原因分析

    Realize high quality & output production in 2500 t / d NSP kiln

  6. 水泥新型干法窑与机立窑清洁生产水平之比较

    Clean Production of Cement Dry Kiln and Vertical Kiln

  7. 巢湖铁道水泥厂1500t/d新型干法窑余热发电前景分析

    Waste Heat Generation in Chaohu Rail 1500t / d New Dry Cement Plant

  8. 新型干法窑熟料出现夹心料的解决措施

    Sandwich Clinker Handling in New Dry Cement Kiln

  9. 提高新型干法窑熟料强度的探讨

    Discussion on improving strength of NSP kiln clinker

  10. 新型水泥干法窑筒体腐蚀与防腐的研究

    Study of the Tube Body Corrosion and Anticorrosion in New Kind of Dry-Method Cement Kiln

  11. 水泥干法窑生产线生料配比专家控制系统的设计

    Design of Expert Control System for Raw Material Arrangement on Cement Drying Kiln Production Line

  12. 新型干法窑的安全操作相对其它窑型要更复杂、更关键、更重要。

    The safety operation of new dry process kiln is more complicated and important than other type kiln .

  13. 利用干法窑的窑尾余热发电是一项传统的节能措施。

    Tradditionally the power generation with waste gas of long dry kiln is considered as one of the energy saving measures .

  14. 但是,新型干法窑在我国的发展过程中遇到了很大的难题:高投入,低产出、高消耗,低效益。

    But it is a big problem for developing new dry process kiln in China : high investment , low output , high cost and low effect .

  15. 水泥新型干法窑的五级旋风筒由于温度高容易使物料烧结,造成停窑停产。

    Clinker blocking frequently happens in 5-stage cyclone of cement with new dry process kiln at high temperature , and hence , causing the kiln 's stop production .

  16. 选取了新型干法窑、湿法窑和立窑等不同烧成工艺条件下所生产的熟料,在同一实验磨中磨制成比表面积相近的硅酸盐水泥。

    Portland cements with similar specific surface were made in the same laboratory-mill with different clinkers produced in new type dry process kiln , wet process kiln , and shaft kiln .

  17. 本文研究了熟料率值变化对新型干法窑台时产量、熟料物理性能、水泥减水剂相容性、水化热、水泥胶砂抗冲击性的影响。

    Research is made on the influence of clinker modular value on rotary kiln capacity , clinker physical property , water reducer compatibility , hydration heat and impact resistance of cement mortar .

  18. 用于新型干法窑系统的高效单筒冷却机与传统单筒冷却机的本质区别在于要实现单位熟料低冷却风量的高效冷却。

    The essential difference between high efficiency rotary cooler used for the new type dry process kiln system and the traditional rotary cooler is to realize the high efficiency cooling of the specific clinker low air cooling volume .

  19. 通过低品位石灰石在新型干法窑上的实验,采用低品位石灰石替代优质石灰石,选熟料质量较高,达到了项目要求的技术指标。

    The experiments results showed the low level of limestone replacement of the high level limestone in new stem method kiln adapt to the technique requests for familiar material quality by optimizing the components of material and modify the parameter during cement production .

  20. 故若要提高新型干法窑水泥在配制混凝土时的性能,应重视熟料的矿物组成,优化水泥的颗粒级配,改善水泥与减水剂的相容性,而不应单一重视熟料的物理性能。

    To improve the performance of the concrete prepared by PC cement , the mineral constitutes of clinker should be in consideration as well as the cement particle size gradation should be optimized and the compatibility between cement and water reducer should be improved .

  21. 水泥干法回转窑生产线PLC控制系统

    Line of Dry-made Cement PLC Control System

  22. 2007年最新普查结果显示,新型干法水泥窑NOx排放浓度大于800mg/Nm3的占13%,大于500mg/Nm3小于800mg/Nm3的占57%。

    The latest census in 2007 showed that the NOx of concentration of new dry process cement kiln accounted for more than 800 mg / Nm3 13 % , more than 500 mg / Nm3 less than 800 mg / Nm3 accounted for 57 % .

  23. 大型干法水泥窑用镁铬砖的研制与应用研究

    Development and Application of Magnesia-chrome Brick for Dry-process Cement Rotary Kiln

  24. 5000t/d新型干法回转窑100%无烟煤煅烧技术的经验与实践

    100 % Anthracite Firing in 5000t / d New Dry Process Kiln

  25. 国产耐火材料在新型干法水泥窑上的使用

    Application of national refractories in the new type dry-process cement rotary kiln

  26. φ3×60米干法回转窑余热锅炉选型及提高热效率的探讨

    Type selection of waste heat boilers for φ 3 × 60m dry rotary kilns

  27. 广西干法水泥窑的现状及热工性能的评述

    Review on present status and thermal property of dry process cement kiln in Guangxi

  28. 新型干法水泥窑在水泥工业中得到了越来越广泛的应用,在干法窑的生产中,结皮堵塞是生产工艺中的一个难题。

    New style dry-process rotary kiln is used in cement industry more and more .

  29. 干法水泥窑冷却机系统的热工分析及参数优化

    Thermal analysis and heat parameter optimization in cooler of dry - method cement kiln

  30. 尾矿代粘土在干法回转窑水泥生产中的应用研究

    Applied research on utilization of metallic tailings as clay for cement production in dry rotary kiln