
  1. 9月除流动沙地为15~30cm外,半固定沙地和固定沙地均为30~45cm。

    In September , it was 30-45 cm in semi-fixed and fixed sandy lands , but remained 15-30 cm in shifting sandy land .

  2. 然而,在固定沙地大暴雨还会因发生地表径流而降低其补给土壤水分的有效性。

    Heavy rains may result in water runoff on fixed sand dunes .

  3. 半固定沙地风速与输沙率为幂函数关系;

    On semi-fixed sandy land , wind velocity has a power function to the sand transport ;

  4. 从鄂尔多斯高原固定沙地油蒿群落光合作用所积累的能量的动态变化研究入手,从能量生态学的角度探讨了油蒿群落生产力动态的形成机制。

    The mechanism of dynamics of productivity of community from the angle of energy ecology was investigated .

  5. 植被类型尺度的格局指标表明,流动沙地表现出受到强烈干扰的特征,而固定沙地油蒿群落具有较强的扩张特性。

    Landscape pattern indices showed that moving dune was disturbed strongly and fixed sandy land was of more expansionary property .

  6. 而隐子草则以增加根系生物量投入比例、须根系形态及其分布的浅表化来适应固定沙地的旱化土壤水分条件。

    Cleistogenes squarrosa is adapted to the arid conditions of stabilized sand dunes due to its ( ability ) to increasing root biomass .

  7. 半固定沙地介于两者之间,表现为中龄枝的去灰分热值显著地高于其它龄枝。

    In semi fixed sand dune the deducted ash Q of middle age branches is obviously higher than that of the other age branches .

  8. 在三种不同的沙地类型中,土壤含水量流动沙地最大,其次为半固定沙地,固定沙地最小。

    In three different types of dunes , the largest of soil volumetric moisture content was moving dune , followed by semi-fixed dune and fixed dune .

  9. 干旱荒漠区引水工程上水后,将原先的大片固定沙地和旱耕地转变为水浇地,并形成了新的绿洲。

    Through transferring water to arid-desert region , it formed a new oasis , that many irrigation farmland came from early fixed sand dune and no-irrigation farmland .

  10. 固定沙地相对粘重的表土层影响降雨对灌木根系层土壤水分的补充。

    The fine texture of upper soil layer on the fixed sand dune appeared to reduce the replenishment of moisture to the soil of the shrub root layer .

  11. 在玛曲县现有沙化草地中流动沙地占沙化土地总面积的35.5%,半固定沙地占沙化土地总面积的12%,固定沙地占沙化土地总面积的52.5%。

    The area of mobile dune , semi-mobile sand land and fixed sand land of the current desertification area occupies respectively 35.5 % , 12 % and 52.5 % of total .

  12. 侧根生物量在封育沙地和半固定沙地中在0~20cm土层中最多,而流动沙地集中于20~40cm土层;

    Lateral roots biomass of Artemisa arenaria of fencing sands land and semi-fixed sands land is in 0 ~ 20 cm , one of moving sands land is in 20 ~ 40 cm .

  13. β多样性测度值表明,在半流动沙地恢复到半固定沙地阶段,植物种周转速率大,群落结构变化明显。

    The measured values of β diversity demonstrate that as semifluid sand was restored to semifixed sand , The turnover rate of plants increased and the changes in plant community structure became evident .

  14. 固定沙地沙尘相对含量随高度的分布呈对数函数关系,随着植被盖度的减小,沙尘相对含量随高度分布的函数关系发生变化;

    Relative sand-dust content on fixed sandy land has a logarithmic function to the distribution of height . With the decrease of vegetation coverage , relative sand-dust content has various functions to the distribution of height .

  15. 不同季节土壤水分含量固定沙地变化最大,流动沙地最小,说明固定沙地的植物蒸腾和土壤蒸发耗水大于流动沙地。

    The largest variation of soil water content was fixed dune and the smallest was moving dune , and this explained that plant transpiration and soil evaporation of fixed dunes were larger than the moving dunes .

  16. 固定沙地、半固定沙地、流动沙地风沙土表层土壤有机质、全氮、全磷含量管道扰动区域较原地貌分别降低了30%~40%,土壤含水量扰动区域较原地貌降低25%~35%。

    During construction , the soil organic matter , total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the surface soil decrease by 30 % to 40 % , and the soil moisture decrease by 25 % to 35 % .

  17. 固定沙地增加5.6%,半固定沙地减少47.4%,流动沙地减少24.8%,露沙地增加223.7%,沙化耕地减少96.7%。

    Fixed sandy land increase 5 . 6 % , half fixed sand reduce 47.4 % , shifting sandy land reduce 24.8 % , exposure sandy land increase 223.7 % and desertification cultivated land reduce 96.7 % .

  18. 研究分析了50年来科尔沁流动沙地和半固定沙地景观时空动态变化,并分析了沙地时空动态变化的主要成因。

    The landscape dynamics in spatial and temporal change of movable and semi-fixed sandy lands in Horqin are ( analyzed ) and the main reasons of dynamics in spatial and temporal change of sandy lands are analyzed also .

  19. 水分生态位适宜度表现为流动沙地>半固定沙地>固定沙地。种子自然繁殖一般出现在低缓的流动、半固定沙丘和平沙地上;

    Key Results CVI was remarkably low on fixed sandy land , indicating that the ecological function of the population was weakened . The regeneration by seeds usually takes place on shifting , semi-fixed dunes and flat sandy areas .

  20. 从流动沙地恢复到固定沙地,沙质草地植物群落的物种多样性、植被盖度、地下根量和地表枯落物残留量均趋于增大。

    The results show that : ( 1 ) As moving sand was turned into fixed sandy land , the species diversity in plant communities , vegetation cover , underground root volume and surface litter residue tended to increase .

  21. 工程实施后植被盖度、生物量、草层高度、植物种数和土壤有机质含量有了明显增加,一年生植物比例减少。流动沙地比例大幅降低,固定沙地比例大幅度增加。

    After the implementation of the project , the vegetation coverage , biomass , height , amount , soil organic matter and the fixed-sandy land proportion in the project have increased remarkably . The proportion of annuals and flowing-sandy land has reduced .

  22. 在半固定沙地上,当风速较低时,沙尘相对含量随高度分布呈对数函数关系,当风速增大到一定程度后,沙尘相对含量随高度分布的关系变为幂函数关系;

    On semi-fixed sandy land , when wind velocity is low , relative sand-dust content has a logarithmic function to the distribution of height ; when wind velocity increases to some degree , the relation of relative sand-dust content and distribution of height changes to power function .

  23. 结果表明,沙蒿根系总生物量在不同类型沙地上有所变化,其排序为流动沙地(122.43g)>封育沙地(106.35g)>半固定沙地(90.15g);

    The results indicated that : Root total biomass of Artemisa arenaria was changed in different sand land types . The root biomass order is moving sands land ( 122.43 g ) > fencing sands land ( 106.35 g ) > semi-fixed sands land ( 90.15 g ) .

  24. 固定裸沙地粗糙度动力学特性的分析与研究

    Study on Dynamical Characteristic of the Roughness of Stable Sand Surface

  25. 种子自然繁殖一般出现在低缓的流动、半固定沙丘和平沙地上;

    The regeneration by seeds usually takes place on shifting , semi-fixed dunes and flat sandy areas .

  26. 乌兰布和固定半固定沙地种植物下沙土粒径分析

    Analysis on the diameter of sandy soil under the Psammophyte of fixed and semi-fixed sand land in Ulan Buh Desert

  27. 在干旱的西部地区,从东到西虽然地带不同、生态环境不同,但都是固定沙丘、沙地的结皮层或表层的土壤酶活性最强,结皮层最厚,韧性也最强。

    In spite of the fact that the western arid regions are different in zonality and ecological environments from east t ?

  28. 从沙化土地类型上分析,流动沙地面积减少,半固定、固定沙地面积增加。

    The analysis to sandy desertification land types shows that the moving sand dune decreases , semi - fixed sand dune and fixed sand dune increase .

  29. 三是利用天然海子或沙井,治理固定或半固定沙地,形成小多成群的绿洲农业。

    Controlling the fixed or semi-fixed sandy land to develop concentrative small oasis by using natural small lakes and sand wells in the desert .

  30. 固定、半固定沙地由于受天然气管线施工影响使沙地活化,风蚀量为未扰动区域的2~3倍;

    The wind erosion in engineering area on the stable and semi-stable sandy land is as double or triple times as that on site without disturbance by construction .