
ɡù dìnɡ jià ɡé
  • fixed prices
  • fix a price;set a price
  1. 在Amalgamated,产品没有固定价格。

    At Amalgamated , products do not have fixed prices .

  2. 论我国对固定价格的法律管制

    On Legal Regulation of Fixed Prices in China

  3. 投资者可以申购固定价格的股票组合。

    Investors can apply for a package of shares at a set price

  4. IPO定价机制选择:固定价格、拍卖与累计投标

    Choice of IPO Mechanisms : Fixed Price , Auctions , and Book-building

  5. 固定价格的支付集中于一月份欧洲三港DES合同。

    Fixed price liquidity focused on the January DES ARA contract .

  6. 您倒是挺努力的,Jerry,但这是固定价格,没有商量的余地。

    Catherine : Nice try Jerry , but it is a fixed cost and non-negotiable .

  7. 日益成为固定价格商品展示窗口的eBay商场(eBayMarketplaces)也实现了11%的健康增长。

    EBay marketplaces , increasingly a showcase for fixed-price items , was up a healthy 11 % .

  8. 这种做法后来被称为“格林斯潘对策”(greenspanput),借用了允许投资者以固定价格卖出股票的选择权这种说法。

    This came to be referred to as the " Greenspan put " , a reference to options that allow investors to sell a stock for a fixed price .

  9. 贸易商不赞同处于高位现货固定价格的DESARA交易对正在上涨的票据市场情绪有多大的影响幅度。

    Traders disagreed on the extent to how much higher-priced physical fixed price DES ARA deals were influencing bullish paper market sentiment .

  10. 现有的IPO定价机制有固定价格定价机制、拍卖定价机制、累计投标定价机制以及混合定价机制。

    The major IPO pricing mechanisms existing are fixed pricing mechanism , auction pricing mechanism , hybrid book building pricing mechanism and the mixtures of the prior three pricing mechanisms .

  11. 股票期权(StockOption),是指公司的所有者向公司的特定人员提供的一种在一定期限内按照某一固定价格购买一定数量本公司股票的权利。

    Stock Option ( hereinafter referred to as " SO ") is referred to as a certain right , provided by the owners of a target company to certain people , which means purchasing some stated shares of the target company at a fixed price in a definite period .

  12. 这家公司不久将接受UMTS手机订单,并计划对其提供的几乎没有限制的无线互联网接入、可视电话、以及传统的语音呼叫收取固定价格的费用。

    The company will shortly be taking orders for UMTS handsets , and intends to offer fixed-price tariffs for virtually unlimited wireless Internet access , video conferencing and conventional voice calls .

  13. OFT九月份称他们已经发现证据证明零售链已经将未来的牛奶价格告知奶制品公司,然后奶制品公司自己内部设定了固定价格。

    The OFT claimed in September that it had found evidence that the retail chains had passed future milk prices to dairy companies , which then reached a fixed price among themselves .

  14. 基于GNBS和正式固定价格契约的农产品供应链关系契约模型

    A Model of Relational Contract of Farm Produce Supply Chain Based on GNBS & Formal Fixed Price Contract

  15. 你在浏览78欧元的固定价格菜单时,可以透过厨房窗户观看大厨斯特凡纳·热戈(StéphaneJégo)的精彩表演(和偶尔的坏脾气)。他用大葱酸醋沙司给鲭鱼调味,用牡蛎和兔肉搭配五花肉。

    As you ponder the 78-euro prix fixe menu , watch the theatrics ( and occasional temper ) of the chef , St é phane J é go , through the kitchen window as he perfects dishes such as mackerel in leek vinaigrette and pork belly with oysters and rabbit .

  16. 去年,我们推出RapicR/3,这是一种固定价格合同,其实施进度约为四到六个月。

    Last year we introduced what we call Rapid R / 3 , which is a fixed-price contract with an accelerated implementation schedule of between four and six months .

  17. 讨论了ECN计费方案:在过载的网络上采用ECN标记分组,然后在网络边缘对被标记的分组收取固定价格的小额费用,给终端用户提供正确的信息和激励,使之合理地使用网络资源。

    By marking packets at overloaded resources with ECN algorithm and by charging a fixed small amount for each mark received , this new ECN pricing ( congestion pricing ) approach can provide end-users with the necessary information and the correct incentive to use the network efficiently .

  18. 生产能力无限时逢低买入与固定价格机制的比较

    The Comparison of Group-buying Auction and Fixed-pricing Mechanism with Infinite Supply

  19. 此外里程碑付款还用在那些固定价格的项目中。

    Also , milestone payments are used for fixed price projects .

  20. 客户和开发人员协商项目的固定价格。

    The customer and developer negotiate a fixed price for the project .

  21. GB/T15490-1995固体激光器总规范按固定价格计算的总体数字

    General specification for solid state lasers aggregate at constant price

  22. 按固定价格计算的总体数字按人口平均计算的国民生产总值;人均国民生产总值

    Aggregate at constant price per capita gross national product

  23. 丧失的自我折扣价格与固定价格比较

    The Comparison Between Discount Price and Fixed Price

  24. 所以我们得要一个“固定价格合同”(注:指国防开支严格按照预算执行)。

    So we need to have fixed-cost contracts .

  25. 为了确保将来能以固定价格卖出现货商品而买入期货合约。

    Purchase of futures against the fixed price forward sale of a cash commodity .

  26. 逢低买入与固定价格机制比较研究

    Comparison of group-buying auction and fixed-pricing mechanism

  27. 尽管固定价格十分高效,但它们消除了交流的过程。

    As efficient as fixed prices can be , they eliminate that process of communication .

  28. 消费者面对固定价格时没有心理压力,没有价格方面的悬念;

    Consumers facing fixed cost may have not psychological pressure and anxiety on future price .

  29. 合同的“很大部分”按照一项固定价格的安排提供的。

    A " high percentage " of the contract was offered under a fixed-price arrangement .

  30. 我们按固定价格出售。

    We sell at fixed prices .