
  • 网络International Price;world price;global price
  1. 国际价格竞争与人民币汇率传递的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on International Price Competition and Exchange Rate Pass-through

  2. 经济全球化的市场资源配置方式是国际价格机制;

    The market resource distribution manners are the international price systems ;

  3. 阿根廷限制国内燃油价格水平,把支付给YPF的批发价控制在低于国际价格的水平,这就促使Repsol投资于前景更好、干预更少的地方,例如巴西。

    It has capped domestic fuel prices and held the wholesale price it pays to YPF below the global level – an incentive for Repsol to invest in more promising and less interfering places , such as Brazil .

  4. 它们使国内价格独立于国际价格并高于国际价格。

    They permit domestic prices to be independent of world prices and above them .

  5. 由于这一政策所增加的供给压低了食糖的国际价格。

    The additional supplies due to this policy lower the world price of sugar .

  6. 不得与适用于此种生产的国内或国际价格有关;

    Or to the prices , domestic or international , applying to such production ;

  7. 方案一,国际价格不变;

    International price doesn 't change .

  8. 中国农业补贴政策意味着,与国际价格相比,中国玉米价格更高。

    Beijing 's farmer support policies mean a higher support price for corn compared with international prices .

  9. 遵循价格围绕价值波动的基本原理,国际价格也是围绕国际价值波动的。

    Following the keystone that price fluctuates around value , international price also fluctuates around international value .

  10. 为了与中国不断扩大的经济规模相匹配,北京希望对国际价格施加影响,并决定国际规则。

    In line with its growing economic size , Beijing wants to influence international prices and shape global rules .

  11. 如果国内价格保持固定,而国际价格走高的话,即便政府不采取行动,补贴也将增加。

    If you fix domestic prices and world prices rise , subsidies will increase even if the regime does nothing .

  12. 方案四,劳动密集型农产品国际价格上升10%,土地密集型农产品国际价格下降10%。

    International price of labor - intensive products increases 10 percent ; International price of land intensive products decreases 10 percent .

  13. 在开放性经济中,工业品和粮食的贸易条件可以由国际价格来稳定。

    In an open economy , the terms of trade between industrial goods and food can be stabilized by international prices .

  14. 超绝对利益商品的国际价格与绝对利益或比较利益商品的国际价格不同,它的基础是垄断价格。

    Differing from absolute advantage or comparative advantage , international price of commodity with super absolute advantage is based on oligopoly price .

  15. 但是,按照国际价格出口小麦,美国就能到达在没有贸易的情况下无法到达的消费点。

    But by exporting wheat at the international price , the United States could reach consumption points that were unattainable without trade .

  16. 它把国际价格与国内价格联系起来,成为对外贸易价格体系的重要组成部分,其变动直接影响到一国涉外经济的发展。

    As a key component , connecting the domestic price and international price , its volatility will influence the development of foreign trade .

  17. 鉴于食糖议定书压低了国际价格,故表中列出的收入转移估价数有所夸大。

    The estimates for income transfers quoted in the table are exaggerated to the extent that the Sugar Protocol reduces the world price .

  18. 如果库存有大量无法使用的粮食,中国可能会被迫大幅增加进口,造成国际价格飙升。

    If the stockpiles include large amounts of unusable grain , China could be forced to increase imports sharply , causing international prices to jump .

  19. 3月份和一季度其他大宗商品的进口相对强劲,尽管国际价格疲软造成3月份进口货值下跌11%。

    Other commodities imports were relatively strong in March and the first quarter , although weak international prices caused the value of imports to drop 11 per cent in March .

  20. 汇率把国际价格与国内价格联系起来,并且决定了一国从事国际贸易的货物和劳务之间的相对价格。

    Exchange rate connects the price in the international market with that in the domestic market and decides the relative price the country engaged in international trade of goods and services .

  21. 在商品的贸易价格上,带有很强的人为主观色彩,结果经互会的价格变动和国际价格运动是不挂钩的。

    The prices of trade commodity were often determined in a subjective way . As a result the movement of regional price in CMEA has no relation with that of world price .

  22. 因此代表性企业对国际价格没有影响,可以视为一个国际市场价格或者买方价格的接收者。

    As a result , the representative exporter is not capable of influencing the international price ; rather , it acts as a price-taker of international market or that of buyer 's market .

  23. 北达科塔州的经济支柱主要是两种人们必需的商品:小麦和石油,这两种商品的国际价格都有巨大的上升空间。

    North Dakota 's economic good fortune is pretty much a function of being a major producer of two very in-demand commodities : wheat and oil , both of which have seen huge global price increases .

  24. 与依赖于一堆货币的价格变动相比(这些货币共同组成了国际价格结构),让一种外汇的价格发生变动则要容易得多。

    It is far simpler to allow one price to change , namely the price of foreign exchange , than to rely upon changes in the multitude of prices that together constitute the internal price structure .

  25. 不知道在这种环境下,印度和中国天然气进口的经济效益能否持续,因为在这两个国家,多数人口负担不起按国际价格出售的天然气。

    In such an environment , it is unclear whether the economics of gas importation are sustainable in India and China , where large parts of both populations would be unable to afford gas sold at international prices .

  26. 模拟结果显示,铁矿砂国际价格的大幅度上涨,短期里通过减少就业率,长期里通过降低资本存量,进而不利于中国经济的发展。

    It is found , in this simulation that the substantial rise of international price of iron ore cuts down the employment in the short run , decreases the capital stock in the long run and ultimately hinders Chinese economic development .

  27. 由于出口商无法与较高的国际价格接轨,这会导致资源价格更不稳定,并减少对新生产的投资。而政府往往又通过征税从价格上涨中获益,波动的价格增加了风险和资金的成本。

    They also make price volatility worse and reduce investment in new production because exporters cannot access high international prices , governments often tax windfall profits from price rises , and fluctuating prices increase risk and raise the cost of capital .

  28. 深入研究天然橡胶国际价格的形成机制,提出合理规避天然橡胶国际价格风险的对策,对于保证我国国民经济稳定、快速、持续增长,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    So the author make a thorough research on natural rubber international price mechanism , put off the countermeasures on natural rubber international price risk , will have a practical significance on guaranteeing the fast & stable development of national economy .

  29. 第三,根据中国进口铁矿砂没有关税的实际情况,设定铁矿砂国际价格作为外生变量,以此来考察其对中国宏观经济和各产业尤其是铁矿砂产业的影响。

    Thirdly , due to the imported iron ore of China has no tariff , we supposed the iron ore price as the exogenous shock to analyze the effects of iron ore price on macro-economic and industries of China , especially the iron ore industry .

  30. 其中最常提及的3项发展是:最近的劳动工资改革,提高了最低工资标准;“进口”大宗商品通胀的发作;国际价格接轨,这想必会将中国产品的价格提高至全球水准。

    Three such developments are cited most frequently : recent labour reforms that have boosted minimum wages , an outbreak of " imported " commodity inflation , and international price equalisation that is presumed to bring the quotes of Chinese products up to world standards .