
  • 网络negative price
  1. 中国A股上市公司增发公告的负价格效应及其二元股权结构解释

    The Negative Stock Price Effect on SEO Announcement in China 's A Share Market and an Explanation Based on Duality Ownership Structure

  2. 本文对我国A股市场增发的市场反应和原因进行了实证研究与分析,证实了增发公告具有显著的负价格效应。

    This paper is an empirical research on the market reaction to seasoned equity offerings ( SEO ) and the underlying reasons in Chinese share market .

  3. 仅有风险资产的市场存在非负均衡价格的充要条件

    Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Existence of a Nonnegative Equilibrium Price in Market with Risk Assets

  4. 我国集装箱班轮运输中日航线负运费价格竞争分析运输费用的核实应仅与销售合同中列明的、出口国中运输方式的议定价格有关;

    Study on the China s Container Shipping Route between China and Japan " Negative Freight " Price Competition ; The verification of transportation charges shall relate only to the agreed price of the mode of transport in the country of exportation as indicated in the sales contract ;

  5. 按照这个定义,通缩是不存在的:只有三个国家通胀为负,消费价格指数(CPI)中只有五分之一的商品价格下跌。

    By this definition , deflation is absent : only three countries have negative inflation and only a fifth of items in the consumer price index have fallen in price .

  6. 很强的负反馈交易使价格变得不稳。

    But very strong negative feedback trades make price become unsteady .

  7. 一些最新的证据显示,联准会应该间接负起一些商品价格上涨的责任。

    The most recent circumstantial evidence also suggests that the Fed may bear some responsibility for the commodities boom .

  8. 棉花价格对两个调查区域农户耕地总投入影响都为负,但棉花价格对江汉平原的农户影响更为显著。

    The impact of cotton price is both negative to the rural household in the two surveyed regions . And it is more significant to the households in Jianghan Plain than that in North Hillock Area .

  9. 虽然这个价位与上一代最畅销的型号相同,而且从性价比来看,也确实物有所值,但是考虑到眼下低迷的经济状况,一些家庭不一定有能力负得起这个价格。

    Though that 's the same price as the most popular of the older models , and you get more for your money , the swooning economy may make that price tag tougher for some families to swallow .

  10. 价格廉价性与价格公平性和价格多样性之间为负相关,而价格公平性与价格多样性间为正相关。第三,不同价格属性对消费者参考价格变动的影响方式不同。

    Price cheapness negatively influences price fairness and price variety , but price fairness positively affects price variety . Third , the influential mode on the alteration of consumer reference price is not the same because of different price character .

  11. 在理论上,分析了紧缩货币政策具有负的产出和价格效应,货币政策的产出效应快于价格效应,而且两者均在持续一段时间后均会逐渐衰减。

    In theory , this section discuss the tightening of monetary policy would have found a negative output and price effects , the output effects of monetary policy faster than the price effect , but both continuing a gradual decline over time eliminate .