
  1. 户籍制度是一项基本的国家行政制度。

    The household registration system is a basic national administration system .

  2. 而建设有中国特色的国家行政制度,则是建设有中国特色社会主义政治的一个重要方面。

    And building state administrative system with Chinese characteristics is an important part of socialist politics with Chinese characteristics .

  3. 因此,研究有中国特色的国家行政制度问题,显然具有十分重要的政治意义和理论意义。

    As a result , researching issues of state administrative system with Chinese characteristics is of great political importance obviously .

  4. 户籍制度是国家行政制度的重要组成部分,有着服务于政治经济建设的作用。

    The household registration system is one important part of the national administration systems , with the function to serve the political and economic developments .

  5. 随着国家行政制度的发展和变化,秦汉至唐臣僚上奏文书的名称、程式、用语、称谓与书写格式也发生了相应的变化。

    With the development and change of national administration system , great change has taken place in the official memorials such as the name , form , language , appellation and the pattern .

  6. 军事行政救济制度是国家行政救济制度的重要组成部分。

    Military administrative relief is the important part of National Adminitrative Relief System .

  7. 北欧国家行政公开制度的发展及对我国廉政建设的启示

    Development of the Administrative Open System in Nordic Countries and its Enlightenment to the Clean-government Building in China

  8. 本文首先通过比较西方国家行政合同制度的方式来分析行政合同的特点;

    To begin with , the author analyzes the trait of administrative contract byway of comparing the administrative contract systems of western countries .

  9. 行政复议司法化是孕育于西方国家行政审查制度之理论和实践基础之上的一种改革模式。

    The judiciary of administrative reconsideration is a reform type which is originated from the theories and practices of western countries'administrative supervision system .

  10. 第四章首先简单介绍了美国、英国等国家行政审批制度改革的情况,然后主要归纳了各国行政审批制度可供借鉴的经验。

    The fourth chapter firstly introduced the experience of administrative license system reform in western countries such as Britain and the United States .

  11. 秦汉律既规范国家行政管理制度,又设定刑事惩罚制度。

    Rules in Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty not only standardized the state administrative management system , but also prescribed the criminal penalty system .

  12. 公路桥梁行政管理制度是国家行政管理制度的组成部分,属于行政管理制度研究的范畴。

    The highway bridge administration which is an integral part of the State Administration system belongs to the scope of study in administrative management system .

  13. 行政赔偿在世界范围内的发展是极不平衡的,西方主要国家行政赔偿制度的归责原则体系也不同。

    Executive compensation in the world of development is very uneven , the major countries of Western administrative compensation system the principle of the imputation system are also different .

  14. 本文从行政复议制度的演变历程入手,探讨了英美法系和大陆法系主要国家行政复议制度的特点,从而对行政复议制度的理论基础和性质进行了深入研究,确立了行政复议制度发展的基本趋势。

    From the development of administrative reconsideration the thesis explores the characteristics of the systems in common law and civil law , and researches on the theoretical basis and nature , and establishes basic trend for its development .

  15. 第四章介绍了西方典型国家行政审批制度改革的实践,通过国际比较,以求找到可供我国借鉴的成功经验。

    The fourth chapter introduces the practice of the reform of the administrative examination and approval in typical western countries . At the same time , it seeks for the successful experience that can be drawn by our country .

  16. 户籍制度本指户籍管理制度,是政府职能部门对所辖居民的基本状况进行登记,同时进行一些相关事项管理的国家行政管理制度之一。

    Household registration system is a kind of management system . It is one of the state administration . That function is under the jurisdiction of the basic condition of the residents register at the same time a number of matters related to the management .

  17. 正文第二部分:主要介绍了西方发达国家公益行政诉讼制度的基本情况。

    The second section of body : mainly introduce the general situation of Commonweal administrative suit in westward developed countries .

  18. 并通过与西方国家环境行政主体制度及环境管理体制的比较,指出我国环境行政主体需要学习与借鉴的地方。

    At the same time , due to the inherent shortcoming of the distemperedness of environmental administrative subject in our country .

  19. 第四章列举美国、欧盟、韩国和日本等主要发达国家的行政伦理制度化历程,总结发达国家行政伦理制度化的经验。

    The fourth chapter lists the administrative ethics institutionalization processes of main developed countries , such as American , EU , South Korea and Japan .

  20. 首先考察了西方国家的行政承诺制度,包括英国、美国、德国、法国的情况。

    First examined the administrative commitment system in western countries , mainly introduced the situation in Britain , the United States , Germany and France .

  21. 西方国家公务员行政处分救济制度的若干模式及其启示

    Some Patterns Concerning Relief System of Administrative Sanction Against Civil Servants in Western Countries and Inspiration therefrom

  22. 不少国家都对行政许可制度从法律上作出了较为完善的规范,但我国在这方面的法律制度相对薄弱,出现的问题也较多。

    Many countries have legally qualified the administrative License institution while in our country it is not sell developed .

  23. 第三部分借鉴国外部分国家的行政内救济制度,总结其发展趋势,寻求对我国行政内救济制度的启示。

    The third part from abroad in some countries within the administrative relief system to summarize the trends , seeking relief system within our administrative revelation .

  24. 西方国家行政给付的法律制度是行政法制特别是现当代行政法制的重要组成部分,在一些国家比如德国,甚至已经蔚为大观,成为一个重要的法律调整领域。

    Western countries the legal system of benefits administration is the administrative legal system , especially in contemporary administrative law is an important component of , in some countries such as Germany , have become an important area of law .

  25. 通过对西方国家行政不作为救济制度的介绍,如英国、日本、德国以及法国等,来分析我国行政不作为的救济现状。

    Through the introduction of the redress systems for the administrative omission in the countries such as the UK , Japan , Germany and France , etc , this thesis is to work out the analysis of administrative omission in our country .