
  • 网络the National Curriculum
  1. 国家课程设置必须是指导性的,而不是约束性的。

    The national curriculum must be a guide , not a straitjacket .

  2. 专家们称老师必须集爱因斯坦、居里夫人和林弗德·克里斯蒂的本领于一身,才能帮助孩子们掌握新的国家课程大纲。

    Experts claimed that teachers had to be Einstein , Marie Curie and Linford Christie rolled into one to help children grasp the new national curriculum

  3. 作业难度不得超过国家课程标准要求。严禁布置重复性、惩罚性作业。

    The difficulty of the homework should not exceed national curriculum standards , and there should be no repetitive or punitive homework .

  4. 第七部分选择国家课程考试(ENC)作为研究个案,详细论述了其发展演变及对教育质量的监督和评测。

    The seventh part chooses the National Course Examination ( ENC ) as a case , and discusses its development and changes as well as its evaluation and supervision to education quality .

  5. 之后,文章以巴西国家课程考试(ENC)为研究个案,详细论述了其发展演变过程、执行过程,探讨了其对教育质量的评测过程中产生的影响与而临的批判以及发展的新阶段。

    Then the article takes the National Course Examination ( ENC ) as a case , and discusses its evolutionary as well as implementation process , including its effects it produced , the criticism it faced and the new stage of its development .

  6. 分析讨论后,得到如下结论:1、与英国GCSE体育考试的实施方案与英国国家课程标准具有高度的统一性相比较,目前上海体育中考在实施过程中与新课程的理念存在一定的偏差。

    With the UK GCSE examinations sports programs and the implementation of the British national curriculum standards with a high degree of unity , the current examination in Shanghai sports in the implementation process and the concept of the new curriculum there is a certain bias . 2 .

  7. 英国历史科国家课程标准论析

    An Analysis of the National Standard of History Subject In Britain

  8. 美国基础教育社会科国家课程标准探析

    An Analysis on American National Curriculum Standards for Studies in Fundamental Education

  9. 校本课程与国家课程有机结合之研究

    Study on the Combination of School-Based Curriculum and National Curriculum

  10. 它与国家课程、地方课程相对应。

    It is with the national curriculum , local curriculum .

  11. 是国家课程开发的重要补充。

    It is the important supplement of the development of the national curriculum .

  12. 长期以来,我国一直是国家课程占主导地位。

    For a long time , China has been the dominant national curriculum .

  13. 俄罗斯国家课程标准述评

    Comments on the National Curriculum Standards of Russia

  14. 其次,校本课程开发和学校教学评价机制之间存在着矛盾冲突,存在将校本课程开发学科化的倾向,把校本课程开发与国家课程实施并列,以致校本课程开发成为教师额外的工作负担。

    Second , conflict between school-based curriculum development and evaluation mechanisms of school teaching .

  15. 科学探究在各理科义务教育国家课程标准中处于核心地位,当前科学教育变革实践中存在理念与实施方式脱节的现实。

    Scientific inquire is at the core of the national science compulsory education standards .

  16. 英国国家课程目标及价值取向

    National Curriculum Aims and Values for England

  17. 无论是国家课程,还是地方课程、校本课程都要在学校中实施和开发。

    National curriculum , local curriculum and school-based curriculum must be implemented and designed in school .

  18. 我国将逐步实现国家课程指导标准下的教材多样化政策。

    China will have the policy of varied textbooks according to the standard of curriculum development .

  19. 校本课程是学校课程的组成部分,是学校自己的教育产物,是国家课程的补充,是国家对地方和学校课程决策权力与责任的重新分配。

    School courses are parts of compulsory courses . They are the supplements of the compulsory courses .

  20. 如何使校本课程不再成为国家课程、地方课程的延伸?

    How to make the School-Based Curriculum not be the extensions of country curriculum or area curriculum ?

  21. 另一方面是树立国家课程概念,强化教学内容的确定性。

    The other is making a point of national curriculum , strengthening the determinacy of teaching content .

  22. 中小学设置语文课程的主要依据是国家课程计划。

    The main gist for Chinese course setup in primary and middle school is Country Course Program .

  23. 它可以克服单一国家课程的诸多弊端,顺应教育发展和课程改革的要求。

    It is also the requirement of the reform of the school course in the development of education .

  24. 英国的资本主义制度确立得很早,但其公民教育在国家课程体系中的出现却很晚。

    Capitalism was established early in Britain , but citizenship education appeared late in its national curriculum system .

  25. 本论文主要是关于语文国家课程校本化实施的理论探索,同时也作了初步的实践研究。

    This essay is concerned about theory exploration of Chinese national school-based curriculum and do primary practice research .

  26. 谁来决定我们的课程?&主要国家课程权力分配比较研究

    Who Decides Our Curriculum ? & A Comparative Research of the Distribution of Curriculum Power in the Main Countries

  27. 在内容上应涵盖两方面:一方面是对国家课程补充相应的课程资源;

    And the content should cover two aspects . One is to supplement corresponding resources to the state curriculum .

  28. 汉语普通话和广东话是根据国家课程安排允许在英国学校教授的11门非欧洲语言之一。

    Chinese-Mandarin or Cantonese-is one of11 non-European languages that English schools are allowed to teach under the national curriculum .

  29. 根据最新修订的英国国家课程大纲,从2014年9月起,外语学习将成为英国小学的必修科目。

    From September 2014 , studying foreign languages will be compulsory in primary schools under the new national curriculum .

  30. 由于国家课程具有强制性,因此在推广过程中,暴露出许多脱节现象。

    Firstly , the National Curriculum is mandatory , and the promotion process , revealed that many out of touch .