
  1. 货币政策是国民经济宏观调控体系的重要组成部分。

    Monetary policy is an important component of macroeconomic control system .

  2. 税收在国民经济宏观调控中的作用

    The roles of taxation in macro-economic regulation of national economy

  3. 浅析我国国民经济宏观调控的环境

    Environment for Macroscopic Readjustment of Our National Economy

  4. 财政政策和货币政策是国民经济宏观调控的两大重要工具。

    There are too significant tools to regulate macro economy : Fiscal policy and Monetary policy .

  5. 在国民经济宏观调控政策体系中,税收优惠政策具有微观性、结构性和激励性、扶持性等优势,是国家调控经济的重要手段。

    Among the whole system of macro regulative measures , taxation is notable for its microcosmic , structural , encouraging and supporting features .

  6. 社会保障预算是政府介入社会保障事务,进行国民经济宏观调控,规范、加强社会保障资金管理的重要工具。

    Social security budget is an important tool that the government involves in the social security business , carries on the national economy macro regulation , controls and strengthens the management of social security fund .

  7. 消费需求宏观调控是国民经济宏观调控体系的组成部分,是市场经济条件下总需求管理的重要形式。

    The macro - economic control of consumer demands is component of the macro - economic control system of the national economy , and an important from to regulate and control the general demands under the condition of market economy as well .

  8. 战后以来出现了发达资本主义国家国民经济的宏观调控。

    Centralized guidance appeared in capitalistic countries in postwar period .

  9. 政府投融资活动是政府实现其职能的重要方式,也是政府对国民经济实施宏观调控的有效手段。

    The activities of government investing and financing are the important means of realizing the government function , and also are the effective means of government macro-control to the national economy .

  10. 同时国内外经济环境日趋复杂,国民经济发展和宏观调控政策面临着严峻的考验。

    At the same time , domestic and international economic environment is the increasing complexity of national economic development and macro-control policy is facing a severe test .

  11. 政府采购法律制度是关系到各级国家机关有效行使其职能、加强财政支出管理、更好的发挥财政在国民经济发展的宏观调控作用、抑制腐败的重要法律。

    The legal system of government procurement is to concern the government offices at all levels exercise its function effectively , strengthen management of expenditures , better full play finance in the macro adjustments and controls function of national economic development , important law of suppressing the corruption .

  12. 最后,以国民经济增长速度的宏观调控预测为例,阐述了上述调控预测模型的使用方法、合理性和准确性。

    The macro adjusting and forecasting of national economy increasing in productivity is discussed , the application and rationality and veracity of macro adjusting and forecasting model are illustrated .