
  1. 这种方法以我国海军xx舰的xx舰炮火控系统的硬件环境作为载体,以舰炮火控系统的核心设备&舰炮指挥仪为诊断重点,火控系统的其他相关硬件设备为诊断的重要内容。

    This method regards the hardware configure of fire control system of our naval xx vessel as the carrier , regarding the director ( the core equipment of fire control system of naval gun ) as the diagnosis emphasis , regarding the correlative hardware equipment as the important content .

  2. 他因刺探该国海军基地的情报而被驱逐出境。

    He was expelled from the country for spying on their naval bases .

  3. 我国海军卫生船舶发展刍议

    Humble view about medical ship development in Chinese Navy

  4. 新世纪我国海军战略理论的创新发展

    The Innovation and Development of Our Navy 's Strategy Theory in the New Era

  5. 我国海军作出巨大努力来寻找他们,这是可以理解的,但是我也得承认,这总归是有些无纪律吧。

    Our navy 's great effort to find them is understandable , though I admit a bit undisciplined .

  6. 遗憾的是,在应邀访问青岛的14国海军中,日本被刻意排除在外。

    Unhappily , Japan was pointedly excluded from the list of 14 nations whose ships were invited to Qingdao .

  7. 简要介绍关国海军陆战队水战生存训练系统、水战生存分级训练的内容、各级别训练应注意的事项等方面的概况。

    This paper introduce the system of Marine Corps combat water survival training , the training content and watchful proceeding .

  8. 蒙住双眼是永远也看不到现实的,日本高层是怎么看我国海军的,每一个中国人都有权知道!

    Cover the eyes are never see reality , top Japanese is the Chinese navy , every Chinese people are entitled to know !

  9. 最后,着眼于现代化信息战的特点,对我国海军现阶段网络结构进行分析,进一步提出军事网络一体化建设的设想。

    At last , aiming on the modern information battle , after taking an analysis on the nowadays server network state , the whole marine serve network system has been conceived .

  10. 本课题所研究的小水面双体船是根据当前的技术发展,并结合我国海军实际需求而设计研发的新船型。

    The Small Water-Plane-Area Twin Hull ( SWATH ) is a new type of ship which developed on the new technology , and adapted with the requirement of the Navy of China .

  11. 本文在1949年至1976年我国海军美术题材的史实叙述和分析论述中得出的结论是,图像与民族国家的深层次关系通过海防图像文化获得了一种新的互动关系和解读方式。

    From the historical recount and analysis on fine arts of New China Navy , one may understand more about how the relations changed and developed between Navy images and the political state .

  12. 他的指示指明了我国海军战略的两个基本问题,一是作战行动的类型是防御性的作战,二是作战的范围是近海。

    His instructions indicated two basic problems in our Chinese navy 's strategy . The first one is that the type of fighting action in battles is defensive , the other one is the scope of the battles is inshore areas .

  13. 随着鱼雷技术的不断发展,舰艇面临着各种严重威胁,如何利用现有武器有效地防御鱼雷攻击已成为我国海军水下防务的重点,尤其是水面舰艇鱼雷防御系统的研制更是受到特别的关注。

    With the development of torpedo , the serious threat that faces ship is . It is important that how to use the existing weapons to defence the attack of torpedo effectively , especially in developing surface ship torpedo defence system .

  14. 靶场鱼雷跟踪系统是水声定位系统的一个特殊类群,迄今我国海军靶场已发展了四代轻便型主动式鱼雷跟踪系统。

    Torpedo positioning / tracking system for the naval range is a special group of the acoustic location system . Four generations of the portable active Torpedo positioning / tracking system for range have been developed in our naval range until now .

  15. 分析了海军战役交通运输的新特点,并以外军交通运输成功经验为基础,结合我军实际提出了我国海军战役交通运输管理的策略。

    The paper analyzes the new characteristics of the navy battle transportation and based on the successful experiences of the foreign army , puts forward some tactics on how to manage the battle transportation of our Navy combining the practice of our army .

  16. 由于我国海军对外交往尚处发展阶段,国内处理军舰海事案件和纠纷在理论上也缺乏具体应用研究。

    Because the foreign affairs of our Chinese navy are still in the developing stage , the research of the detailed application is lacked in the warship maritime case and disputes theoretically which is easily to have a certain blindness in maritime judicial practice .

  17. 在分析了数字地球的基本概念和有关建立数字地球的关键技术基础上,就我国海军如何利用这一新技术打赢未来海上数字化战争进行了基础性的探讨和研究。

    On base of analyzing the conception of digital earth and the key technology to build digital earth , this paper made a series of basic discussion and research on how did our navy use this new technology to win the future digital sea war .

  18. 为了更好的向潜艇指挥人员提供作战相关的技术支持和保障,本论文根据我国海军航海保证部门的要求,针对现代条件下潜艇作战的特点,对潜用战斗航海保障系统展开了深入的研究。

    For the sake of better technique support and guarantee for submarine campaign , this thesis according to the request of navigation guarantee department of our navy , and aim at the characteristics of submarine campaign under modern condition , make the in-depth research about Safeguarding System for Submarine Campaign .

  19. 这涉及到两个问题:一是石油进口国的海军建设,在一些国家中可能会引发军备竞赛;二是对石油运输风险的控制和争夺。

    It relates to two aspects : first is the possibility of navy construction of oil import countries which could ignite arms race among other countries ; secondly , is the control and competition for the oil transportation risk .

  20. 本文拟通过探讨::明清时期海疆危机中,福建水师的发展及阶段性变化,从中总结经验教训,祈望对我国当代海军的发展建设提供历史的借鉴。

    This paper is going to analyze the development of Fujian Navy and stage changes by looking into the strategies they used to solve the coastal crisis . To learn a lesson from this history , it can help to provide historical references for our modern Navy .

  21. 中国是美国海军执行的“美国治下的和平”(paxamericana)的巨大受益国,美国海军保持了海上航线的开放。

    Beijing is a big beneficiary of the " Pax Americana " enforced by the US Navy that keeps its sea lanes open .

  22. 所有船舶一国商业或海军的船只或舰队情敌[商场对手]

    The mercantile or naval ships or shipping fleet of a country . a rival in love [ trade ]

  23. 当时,没有一国能和英国海军对抗。

    At that time no power can cope with England naval strength .

  24. 美国导弹巡洋舰于周一驶入我国南海湛江港口,开始了对我国海军总部为期5天的友好访问。

    Two US guided-missile ships docked Monday in the port of Zhanjiang , home of the South China Sea Fleet of the Chinese Navy , kicking off their five-day goodwill visit to China .

  25. 因为我国东海海岸线长达9000公里,东海海域处于我国空军和海军以及陆地导弹的有效打击范围。

    Because of the East China Sea coastline of9000 kilometers , the East China Sea in China 's air force and Navy and land missile effectively combat range .

  26. 结合我国国情,积极开展闭式循环柴油机的理论和试验研究对于提高我国海军装备水平有着重要意义。

    According to the situation of our country , it 's military significant to study on closed cycle diesel engine through principle and experiment for improving the equipment level of our navy .