
  1. 我国国防经济理论研究若干问题述评

    The Development of Theory and Practice of National Defence Economy

  2. 抗日战争与中国近代国防经济理论研究

    The war of resistance against Japan and modern defense economic theoretic researches

  3. 普通高等学校国防教育理论课程教学存在着许多问题和困难,教学效果很难保证。

    The University Defense Education Theory Teaching has many problems and difficulties , and the teaching effect is very difficult to guarantee .

  4. 确立合理的军费规模和结构,一直是我国国防经济理论与实践中的一个重要问题。

    To establish a rational scale and structure of military expenditure is a problem China needs to cope with properly in the new century .

  5. 国防资源配置理论体系逻辑论

    On the logical system of national defense resource distribution theory

  6. 浅谈我国国防教育的理论发展和实践探索

    The Development of National Defence Education Theory and Its Practice

  7. 空军国防生军政理论课教学实践与模式探讨

    Teaching Practice and Model Discussion on Military and Political Theory Course of Air Force National Defense

  8. 作为我国高校国防教育课程理论体系的一部分,军事理论课程在大学生的爱国主义精神培育过程中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Military theory course is part of national defense education system in colleges in our country . It plays an important part in cultivating the college students ' patriotic spirit .

  9. 他们关于国防的思想理论对我国国防产生重要影响,为中国近现代军事思想不断向深层次嬗变奠定了基础;

    They exert an important influence on the national defence of our country about the thought theory of the national defence , establish the foundation to the profound transmutation constantly for the military thinking in modern times in China .

  10. 国防信息安全理论研究是建立健全国防信息安全体系的重要依据,既是国防信息系统建设的起点,又决定着系统建设和发展的方向。

    The study on information security of national defence is the important gist of founding and perfecting the information security of national defence system , which not only is the jumping-off point of building information system of national defence but also decides the direction of system construction and development .

  11. 国防采办方式的理论分析,应用委托代理理论对采办行为的博弈过程进行研究,提出了国防采办的主要博弈目标。

    In Part Two , the action of the defense acquisition is analyzed based on the Principal-agent Theory .

  12. 国防法律体系的理论与实践问题,在我国的法学理论和社会主义法制建设实践中占有重要地位。

    The theory and practice of defense law system is very important in China 's law theory and the socialist legislature construction .

  13. 目前国内外在国防科技成果转化理论方面的研究还不系统、专业和全面。

    At present the theory of the national defense scientific and technological achievements transforming is still not systemic , specialized and all-round .

  14. 中国工程物理研究院是以发展国防科技为主的理论、实验、设计、生产的综合型科研单位。

    China Academy of Engineering Physics ( CAEP ) is a comprehensive research institution , which mainly develops theory , experiments , designs and products for national defense science and technology .

  15. 本文研究了价值工程在国防领域应用的理论,对军品的生产研制过程作了新的阶段划分,并论述了国防价值工程在各个阶段的作用。

    This paper studies the theory of appling value engineering to the realm of nation defence , makes a new stage division on the ordnance-developing process , and presents the function of nation defence value engineering in each stage .

  16. 所以,本文试图为国防科技成果的转化建构一个较完整的理论框架,以便为实践上充分利用国防科技资源做好理论准备。

    Therefore I try to build a complete theoretical frame of the achievements transforming .

  17. 结合普通高等学校国防教育的实际情况,可以从课程内容准备、课堂教学实施和课后知识交流三个方面入手,提高国防教育理论课程的教学效果。

    Unifying the ordinary college defense education and the actual situation , we can enhance the defense education theory course teaching effect .