
  • 网络Political mobilization;Political Mobilize
  1. 政治动员机制是社会发展的前提。

    Political mobilization mechanism is a prerequisite of social development .

  2. 政治动员的行动逻辑&一个概念模型及其应用

    Logic of Action of Political Mobilization & A conceptual model and its application

  3. 加强政治动员中社会团体的作用发挥

    Strengthen the Role of Social Organizations in Political Mobilization

  4. 陕甘宁边区的民间启蒙和政治动员&由《日用杂字》说开去

    Popular Enlightenment and Political Mobilization in Shan-gan-ning District

  5. 论自发网络政治动员的可控性

    The Control Nature of Spontaneous Network Politics Mobilization

  6. 树立典型,保障政治动员的持续发展;

    To set up models to guarantee the continuous development of the political mobilization ;

  7. 网络政治动员过程与动员性网络信息传播是同一过程。

    The process of cyber politics mobilization is the same to that of internet information transmission .

  8. 我们应该从这种政治动员的消极影响中总结经验教训,反思历史。

    We should learn lessons and reflect history from this negative effect of the political mobilization .

  9. 抗日以后,政治动员也非常之不普遍,更不说深入。

    After the war began , political mobilization was very far from extensive , let alone thoroughgoing .

  10. 政治动员是政府执行模式之一,它有利也有弊。

    The political movement , one of the government executive patterns , has its advantages and disadvantages .

  11. 社会教育与抗日根据地的政治动员&以陕甘宁边区为中心

    Social Education and Political Mobilization in the Anti-Japanese Base Areas : With the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Region as the Center

  12. 朝鲜战争时期围绕细菌战问题的三场国际政治动员&基于中英两国档案的解读

    Three International Political Mobilizations Surrounding Germ Warfare during the Korean War : An Interpretation of Chinese and British Archives

  13. 其次,革命后埃及加快现代化进程的经济政治动员,客观上要求威权主义政府的强力推动;

    Secondly , government of authoritarianism was imposed by political and economic demands for promoting modernization after the revolution .

  14. 其次,不是一次动员就够了,抗日战争的政治动员是经常的。

    Fourthly , to mobilize once is not enough ; Political mobilization for the War of Resistance must be continuous .

  15. 加强网络环境建设,保障网络政治动员的健康发展。

    To enhance the development of environment of internet to protect the development of network political mobilization in a healthy way .

  16. 从单一的权力依赖型和政治动员型的网络结构,发展出可持续的资源依赖型以及共识型的政策网络。

    The policy network could be transformed from power-dependence and political mobilization to mutual understanding and resource dependence which is sustainable .

  17. 而这种政治动员忽视了客观规律,带有左倾色彩,因此,它产生了许多消极影响。

    But this political mobilization ignored the objective laws and had the " Left " color , so it had many negative effects .

  18. 长期以来,我国是靠权力高度集中和自上而下的政治动员的方式来解决社会中的问题的。

    For a long time , our country dealt with the problems by high concentration of power and political mobilization from top to bottom .

  19. 网络政治动员的消极作用主要在于网络政治动员导致了政治权力的转移,削弱了国家权威,冲击了政治稳定。

    The cyber politics mobilization results in the transfer of political power , the impairment of state authority and the shock to political stabilization .

  20. 文章首先介绍了政治动员的基本理论,并就国内外关于建国初期政治动员研究的概况做了初步交待。

    Firstly , the elementary theory as well as the survey study of political mobilization both at home and abroad is covered in this article .

  21. 亨廷顿则强调革命政党的功能在于革命政党主要有两大功能:一是为农村的政治动员提供制度化构架。

    Huntington emphasizes revolutionary party mainly have two great merits : One is to offer institutionalization structural frame for the political mobilization for the rural ;

  22. 在精神层面上,政府用政治动员的方式使社会经济文化生活高度政治化、意识形态化;

    On the side of spirit , government made political , economical , and literal lives politicized and ideological highly , by means of politic mobilization .

  23. 摘要政治动员作为现代社会治理的一种方式,以其独有的功能效应和运作魅力而持续吸引政治科学的关注。

    As a way of modem society administration , public mobilization continuously attracts the attention from political science with its unique functional effect and operational charm .

  24. 条件中的最基本条件,是全军全民的广大的政治动员。这条法律将剥夺我们最基本的权利。

    The most fundamental of these is extensive political mobilization of the whole army and people . This law will deprive us of our most basic rights .

  25. 当然一旦突发事件得到有效的解决,突发事件中的政治动员行为就要即刻终止,以免给社会的良性运行造成某种障碍。

    Once incidents are effectively solved , the political mobilization in emergencies must be immediately terminated , lest will give social benign operation form creating some barriers .

  26. 但是由于“左倾”冒险主义者没有在指战员中进行应有的政治动员,在战略转变上犹豫不决,撤退过于仓促,因而这种准备是有缺点和错误的。

    But as the left adventures didn 't mobilize the commanders politically , hesitate at strategic withdraw and haste in retreat , its preparation was imperfect and erroneous .

  27. 公共决策的执行环节,传媒功能主要表现在:政策解释、政治动员、效果宣传、决策监督。

    The main function of mass media lies in the following respects : interpretation of policies , political campaigns , propaganda of effects and supervision of policy decision .

  28. 新中国成立初期农村基层普选运动中政治动员的意义阐释普通高校速滑选修课分层升降教学法实验研究

    Exposition of the Significance of Political Mobilization in the Basic-level General Election Campaign Experimental Study on the Up-Down Multilevel Teaching Method in the Optional Speed Skating Course in University

  29. 政治动员作为其执政手段,在带领中国社会发展的过程中既带来了不少业绩,也积累了一定的经验和教训。

    Political mobilization as its ruling means , in the course of social development , leading the Chinese both brings a lot of achievement and also accumulated experience and lessons .

  30. 本论文正是抓住这一转型,将之作为研究对象,描述群众路线、政治动员以及公民参与对于政策过程的影响。

    This paper is to seize this transformation , as an object of study , Description of the mass line , political mobilization , and citizen participation in the policy process .