
  • 网络City Hall;government buildings;government house
  1. 1964年的一天,新加坡建国总理李光耀(LeeKuanYew)从政府大厦里的办公室向外看去,震惊地发现外面有几头牛在吃草。

    One day in 1964 Lee Kuan Yew , Singapore 's founding prime minister , looked out of his office in City Hall and was horrified to see several cows grazing outside .

  2. 维多利亚音乐厅距离政府大厦不远。

    Victoria concert hall is just a stone 's throw away from city hall .

  3. 最机灵的士兵被派到政府大厦值勤。

    The smartest men were told off guard duty at government house .

  4. 适合现代英国政府大厦的建筑式样。

    The architectural style suitable for modern British government buildings .

  5. 深圳市市民中心是新的深圳市政府大厦,是深圳市的标志性建筑。

    It is a new government mansion and a symbol structure of Shenzhen city .

  6. 有人建议我们向市政府大厦行进,去递交我们的要求。

    There is a proposal that we march to city hall to lodge our demands .

  7. 我对首相的官邸和政府大厦非常好奇。

    I 'm curious to see the house where the prime minister lives and the various government building .

  8. 战争结束,金日成回到平壤后,有人建议在市中心建一个政府大厦之类的东西。

    The war finishes , after Kim Il Sung gets back to pyongyang , someone proposes building the things of mansion of a government , etc.

  9. 卡里在三十年代末和四十年代初到了声名狼藉的地步,因为他为家乡堪萨斯州政府大厦画了些有争议的壁画。

    Curry enjoyed a degree of notoriety in the late thirties and early forties because of his controversial murals painted for the State House in his native state of Kansas .

  10. 12月16日曼德拉葬礼之后,这一铜像在比勒陀利亚政府大厦外公布,据称这是这位南非领导人最大的雕像。

    The bronze memorial , which was unveiled outside the government complex in Pretoria , after Mandelas funeral on December 16 , is billed as the largest statue of the South African leader in the world .

  11. 因为它位于联邦政府的大厦中,里瑟先生。

    Because it 's located in a federally owned building , Mr. Reese .

  12. 为缓解停车难的问题,目前各政府机关、商业大厦、住宅小区等地均建立了数量可观的地下停车场。

    To alleviate parking problems , various government agencies , commercial buildings , residential areas and other places have established a considerable amount of underground parking .

  13. 州政府部门同意将大厦的一半出租,去年秋天找了一个经纪人来吸引商业机构的入驻,并计划2012年开业。

    State government agencies have agreed to lease half of the space in the skyscraper and a broker was hired last fall to lure businesses to the tower , scheduled to open in2012 .