
ɡuó jì xìn dài
  • international credit
  1. 但这些银行试图点石成金,将问题贷款重新包装为AAA级证券,这样做的后果就是令国际信贷市场完全冻结,并陷入全球性的经济衰退。

    But the consequence of the banks ' attempts to turn lead into gold by repackaging dodgy loans as triple A rated securities has been the freezing up of international credit markets and a slide into global economic recession .

  2. 国际信贷的资金来源:传统资金来源,国家财政资金,欧洲货币,石油美元。

    Fund resources of international credit : traditional fund resources , national finance capital , Eurocurrency , Petrodollar .

  3. 公路项目融资若干问题的研究&国际信贷与BOT方式

    Some Issues of Highway Project Finance ── International Funding and BOT Project Finance

  4. 外资包括外商直接投资、国际信贷和国际证券投资。

    Foreign capitals include foreign direct investment , international loan and international portfolio investment .

  5. 国际信贷与商业银行

    Bank of Credit and Commerce International

  6. 发展中国家希望富裕的国家在国际信贷市场上提供大量借贷,来为本国国内的开支提供资金。

    Rich nations are expected to borrow heavily in world credit markets to finance spending at home .

  7. 甚至像花旗和汇丰这样最近扩大了对一些市场的国际信贷额度的大型放贷机构也遭遇了障碍。

    Even big lenders such as Citigroup and HSBC that have expanded international credit lines to some markets recently are hitting obstacles .

  8. 很多经济学家都认为,这个方案是缓和国际信贷紧缩进而防止全球经济停滞不前的重要步骤。

    The measure is seen by many economists as an important step toward ending an international credit crunch that could strangle global economic growth .

  9. 以及20世纪90年代以来的国际信贷商业银行倒闭、欧洲汇率机制危机、墨西哥金融危机和东南亚金融危机等,金融危机似乎已经成为了人类经济发展的顽症。

    What was worse , European Exchange Rate Crisis , Mexican Financial Crisis , and Asian Financial Crisis made the list even longer in 1990s .

  10. 国际信贷银行的行长也询问莫迪的“行为方式”,一个印度板球联赛高官们可能拥有的独特生活方式。

    The BCCI 's boss also questioned Mr Modi 's " behavioural pattern " & a possible reference to the IPL chief 's glamorous lifestyle .

  11. 尽管国际信贷态势收紧,该地区预期将会继续保持强劲的投资增长,部分是由于大额外资项目。

    Investment in the region is expected to remain strong , despite the tightening of international credit conditions , due in part to large foreign-financed investments .

  12. 政治的不确定性以及全球经济危机的影响,已经被国际信贷评估机构作为降低泰国评分的抉择因素考虑在内。

    The political uncertainty and the effects of the global economic crisis have factored into the decision by international credit rating agencies to downgrade ratings in Thailand .

  13. 譬如,许多新兴市场经济体依赖国际信贷市场来延期偿付其债务,而随着投资者撤回资金,它们可能会在2009年遭遇融资难题和货币贬值。

    Many emerging market economies , for example , rely on international credit markets to roll over their debt and in 2009 they may face funding problems and weakening currencies as investors withdraw cash .

  14. 赤道原则的提出体现了金融机构致力于可持续发展的愿景,并广泛运用于国际信贷业务,发展成为行业惯例。

    The proposal of the Equator Principles reflects the financial institutions ' commitments to the vision of sustainable development , and is widely used in international credit business . The principles have become industry practice .

  15. 自九月国际信贷市场切断其筹措资金的主要来源,迫使他卑躬屈膝向英格兰银行求助那段时间,北岩一直是在靠公共补贴艰难度日。

    Northern Rock has been kept afloat by public subsidy since September , when international credit markets cut off its main source of funding and forced it to go cap in hand to the Bank of England .

  16. 她不能依赖长期或短期的国际信贷来为进口差额或货物与劳务的逆差融资,也不可能指望保持出口顺差或货物和劳务的净盈余。

    It cannot depend on international credit , whether short-term or long-term , to finance a net import balance or a net goods and services deficit ; nor can it hope to sustain a net export balance or a net goods and services surplus .

  17. 尽管中国银行体系总体上没有受到全球危机的影响,但据称外资银行和小型中资银行难以在国内银行间市场融资,原因是国际信贷紧缩使得即使是资金雄厚的国内银行也日益谨慎。

    While China 's banking system has generally shrugged off the effects of the global crisis , foreign and small Chinese banks have reportedly been finding it difficult to raise money in the domestic interbank market as the international credit freeze makes even cash-rich local lenders increasingly cautious .

  18. 那项并购帮助国际商业信贷银行首次跻身美国市场。

    The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the US market .

  19. 国际地方信贷资料中心

    International Information Centre for Local Credit

  20. 随着国际小额信贷市场的发展和国内经济形势的变化,小额信贷已经逐渐演变为了一种金融创新,做为一种新型金融创新产品被推向市场。

    With the development of international microfinance markets , microfinance has evolved into a financial innovation .

  21. 国际小额信贷几十年的实践,可以分为试验初期阶段、不断探索阶段、持续发展阶段三个阶段。

    International microfinance can be divided into the beginning of the trial phase , the exploratory phase , and sustained-developing phase .

  22. 例举了国外正规金融机构从事小额信贷实现可持续发展的典型经验及国际小额信贷的可持续发展方向。

    Meanwhile , it also exemplifies the typical experience and directions in the implementation of sustainable microcredit of the foreign financial institutions .

  23. 通过国际商业信贷银行倒闭的实例,说明加强跨国银行监管的必要性和紧迫性。

    Through the collapse of Bank of Credit and Commercial International , the thesis introduces necessity and urgency of strengthening the transnational bank supervision .

  24. 通过对福利主义小额信贷模式和制度主义小额信贷模式的比较,揭示国际小额信贷发展的制度主义倾向及其成功经验。

    By comparing the pattern of welfarism microfinance with that of systemism microfinance , this paper reveals the systemism trend and successful experiences of international microfinance .

  25. 最近十几年,小额信贷的创新机制&小组贷款、动态激励、分期还款、非金融服务在国际小额信贷项目中广泛流行。

    In the last decade , microfinance innovations , such as group lending , dynamics incentives , regular repayment and nonfinancial services have spread widely over the world .

  26. 国际储蓄和信贷合作联络委员会

    International Liaison Committee on Cooperative Thrift and Credit

  27. 零售贷款由于盈利空间大且风险相对分散,逐渐成为国际商业银行信贷结构调整的重要方向。

    Because the retail loan has the large profit margins and relatively scattered risk , it gradually becomes the important direction for adjusting credit structure among the international commercial banks .

  28. 我国国有银行的资本充足率未达到国际标准,信贷资产质量低,盈利逐年减少,国家的信誉担保成了国有银行稳健经营的关键性要素。

    In our country the bank capital adequacy has not yet been up to the international standards ; the credit asset quality is low ; the profit is yearly decreased , and the state credit worthiness guarantee has become the key factor of prudently operating the state bank .

  29. 国际银行业VaR信贷风险技术发展与应用

    The Development of VaR Technology and Its Application in International Banking

  30. 在国际上,小额信贷资金的发放主要是通过国家的金融机构或合作组织、资金主要用于农业生产和技术的改造。

    Internationally , microcredit funds are mainly used for agricultural production and technology transformation through financial institutions or cooperative organizations .