
  • 网络Treasury bond repurchase market;repurchase market for government bonds
  1. 我国国债回购市场运行分析

    The Analysis on the Operation of Chinese Treasury Bonds Repurchase Market

  2. 我国国债回购市场利率期限结构分析

    Term structure analysis of the bond repurchasing interest rates market of China

  3. 国债回购市场利率价差预测能力的再检验

    Retesting Predictive Power of Repo Bond Interest Rate Price Spread

  4. 基于我国国债回购市场的利率预期理论检验

    Expectation Hypothesis on Interest Rate of Chinese TB Repo

  5. 第四部分提出改革和完善我国国债回购市场的基本思路。

    The fourth part proposes the suggestions for Chinese Treasury bond repo market reform .

  6. 中国国债回购市场分析

    Chinese National Debt Repurchase Market Analysis

  7. 第二部分分析我国国债回购市场的现状和存在问题;

    The second part analyzes the current situation and problems in Chinese Treasury bond repo market .

  8. 同样的,国债回购市场的规范和发展也反过来影响着国债的发行和流通。

    In the same time , the repo market affects inversely the bond market 's issuance , scale and development .

  9. 但是我国的国债回购市场显然还没有进入轨道,规模过小、分割现象严重,这些问题都严重地阻碍了国债回购市场的健康发展。

    Without stepping onto the right track and due to the small-scale market , the healthy development of the government market is hindered .

  10. 中国的国债回购市场由于历史遗留因素及整个证券市场发展现状的制约,至今仍然存在许多问题。

    Limited by factors of history and the developing level of security market , Treasury bond repo market in China has many problems .

  11. 从制度分析的角度看,金融制度对国债回购市场影响巨大,金融制度的特征及其变迁是影响国债回购运行的内生因素。

    The character and its variance of the finance system is the interior factor that could make effect on treasury bonds repo transaction .

  12. 国债回购市场是国债市场的重要组成部分,是短期融资的重要渠道。

    The treasury bonds repurchase market is an important part of the treasury bonds market and is a way to get short-term margin .

  13. 国债回购市场由国债市场而派生,国债市场的规模、种类等影响和制约着国债回购市场的活跃程度;

    As a derivative market of bond market , the repo market is greatly affected by the bond market in aspects of scale , category , etc.

  14. 第三部分介绍发达国家国债回购市场的发展情况,并总结出可供我国借鉴的若干经验;

    The third part introduces the actual state of Treasury bond repo market in the developed countries and summarizes some experiences , which we can use for reference in China .

  15. 建立起了全国统一的银行间拆借市场,初步形成票据贴现市场和国债回购市场。

    Stock market is developing rapidly , a uniform market for inter-bank borrowing and lending has been set up , bill discounting market and Treasury bond market have come into being .

  16. 通过对我国国债回购市场利率的基本特征进行分析,指出了我国国债回购利率的统计特征,为人们对利率模型进行进一步的分析,给出一些基础性结论。

    With the analysis of repurchase rates of Chinese government bonds in the market , this paper arrives at the statistical features of the rates , which has laid down the foundation for further studies .

  17. 我国国债回购市场分析但在我国目前的国债回购市场中还存在着一些问题,同时也积累了相当的风险,本文通过对存在问题的阐述,提出相应的解决办法。

    But there are still some questions in the present national debt buy-back market of our country , having accumulated considerable risk as well , This thesis analyses the current problems and then put forward the corresponding solution .

  18. 向证券公司开放银行间拆借市场、股票抵押贷款市场、国债回购市场、金融债券市场等以打通货币市场资金流向资本市场的通道。

    Open the markets of inter-bank short-term loans , mortgage loan on stocks , buy-back national debts , and float bonds , etc. to the securities company in order to make the funds of the money market move to the capital market .

  19. 结合国债回购问题存在的市场分割、交易主体和货币资本市场等三方面原因,探讨了国债回购与现券套利解决现存问题的效果。

    It puts forward the effect of the method by the arbitrage combing with the three reasons in the markets , members and money capital market aspects .

  20. 国债二级市场和国债回购市场的投资决策模型研究

    The Decision Making Model of Bond Exchanging Market and Bond Repo Market

  21. 随着我国国债发行规模的不断扩大,国债回购市场也逐渐发展壮大,市场交易日渐活跃。

    Along with the continuous enlarging of our bond publishing scale , the Treasury bond repo market is also gradually developing and getting strong .

  22. 为了促进国债市场体系的健康发展,应建立统一的国债回购市场,扩大国债发行规模,促进国债市场的基准利率的形成,完善回购市场传导货币政策的功能。

    In order to push the growth of the bond market , the government should establish a united buy-back market , enlarge the scale of issuing the bond , advance the form of the standard interest and improve the currency function of the market .

  23. 财政部通过发行国债实现其对宏观经济的调控,中央银行通过国债回购来实现对市场短期资金供给的微调。

    Treasury Ministry control the macro economy by issuing bonds and National Central Bank realize its short-term monetary targets with Treasury bond repo .

  24. 进入上个世纪90年代,伴随着国债市场的迅速发展,我国的金融市场中悄然出现了一种新型的交易市场&国债回购市场。

    Since 90 's in 20 century , with the rapid development of the government bond market , a new type trade market-the bond buy-back market has appeared quietly in the financial market in China .