
Fergus Edwards , head of debt syndicate in Asia at UBS , said : Over the past five years we have seen Chinese domestic bond markets take incremental steps forward , adding both depth and sophistication .
Gemloc also responds to a G8 Action Plan for the development of local bond markets announced in May by finance ministers meeting in Potsdam .
Still , it is a gesture towards a deeper domestic bond market .
Seventh , open the domestic bond market ;
Mr Marson believes the best way to get exposure to emerging markets is through the domestic bond market .
You know what the second and third largest , most liquid domestic bond markets are in the world ?
Domestic bond markets in sub-Saharan Africa are largely undeveloped and are overwhelmingly dominated by South Africa and Nigeria .
Another key reason was the re-opening of the domestic bond market to property developers , following a six-year hiatus .
Shanghai Chaori Solar has become the first company of any stripe to default in China 's domestic bond market .
For emerging markets that have shallow deposit bases and undeveloped domestic bond markets , it all adds up to slower credit growth .
If the company fails to meet its obligations , it would mark the first principal default in China 's domestic bond market .
Local bond markets can be stimulated by deregulation , opening markets to foreign investors , independent credit research and greater financial innovation .
However , under the severe control and supervision of domestic government , many companies lack of channels for issuance of corporate bond .
In recent years , the domestic bond market is booming , corporate bonds , medium-term notes based credit product development at an alarming rate .
The World Bank urged Asian countries to speed the development of their domestic bond markets to meet the huge demand for public works financing .
With the development of the multi-level capital market in China , collateralized debt obligation will show its positive benefit to the innovation of China debt market .
Such overseas interest in domestic Chinese bonds is expected to continue , say fund managers , because the yields available are far superior to those that characterise fixed-income opportunities in Europe , Japan and elsewhere in developed markets .
He said China had to ease its control of interest rates and deepen the domestic bond market before opening the capital account to lessen the risk of speculative capital rushing in and local companies accumulating dangerously big foreign debts .
But before the renminbi can play a large international role , it will need to be fully convertible and China will need a deep domestic bond market two reforms that could be a question of decades rather than years .
Study on the Immunization of Interest Risk of the Investment in Government Bonds At the same time , the risk management toolkit of treasury investors is still poor and the research on immunization strategies in China is in a low stage .
This paper did the empirical analysis of the medium-term notes of credit spreads based on the theoretical explanations , and draw relevant conclusions then attempted to identify the inherent relationship that exists between them by models using a variety of macroeconomic indicators as explanatory variables .
Finally , through the analysis of the correlation between the control variables and capital structure , this paper analyzes the possible causes why SMEs have strong preference for short-term debt and provides suggestion for the choice of capital structure and the development of domestic bond market .
In July , the central bank widened access to its vast domestic bond market for foreign central banks , sovereign wealth funds and multilateral financial institutions such as the World Bank .
However , empirical studies of the domestic bond market liquidity are still relatively scarce .
While in China , people pay much attention to the equity market and there is little research about bond market .
In China , bond market has received little attention for a long time and the research on the bond market is still weak .
Deeper and broader domestic bond and equity markets must be developed as an alternative to bank intermediation for savings and investment .
China will allow foreign central banks and overseas lenders to start investing in its domestic interbank bond market , in a move aimed at encouraging internationalisation of the Chinese currency .
They were said to have acted in exchange for payments and favours from brokerages that allegedly used the information to predict domestic equity and bond market movements before official data releases .
The chapter analyzes the main content of guarantee system of domestic and foreign corporate bond market from such aspects as the regulatory system , legal system , and fundamental system of corporate bond market .