
  • 网络international advisory committee;International Advisory Board;International Advisory Council;IAC
  1. 许多年前,我确实是伊利诺伊理工大学国际咨询委员会的成员,

    Back many years ago , I was indeed a member of the international advisory council of IIT ,

  2. 纯科学和应用科学文献术语国际咨询委员会

    International Advisory Committee on Documentation and Terminology in Pure and Applied Sciences

  3. 中国银监会将抓紧进行各项准备工作,在适当的时候尽快召开国际咨询委员会第一次会议。

    The first meeting of the Council is expected to take place at a proper time in the near future .

  4. 真伪的最终评估由策展人、修复者和国际咨询委员会的成员进行。

    The final assessment of attribution was made through the judgments of curators , restorers and members of the international advisory board .

  5. 文章分析了卫星电视中的预加重网络,其元件是根据国际无线电咨询委员会(CCIR)推荐决定的。

    TV pre-emphasis network in satellite communication is analysed , the circuit elements are determined according to the CCIR recommendation .

  6. 国际公务员咨询委员会第21届会议的报告

    Report of the Twenty-First Session of the International Civil Service Advisory Board

  7. 国际电报咨询委员会

    International Telegraph Consultative Committee

  8. 国际无线电咨询委员会

    International Radio Consultative Committee

  9. 综合阐述了国际无线电咨询委员会报告中有关短波地波、天波场强的估算方法,并对我国南海台湾岛周边海域上200公里的作用距离下地波、天波场强进行了具体计算。

    And the numerical evaluation of groundwave and skywave field intensities are computed in the ocean region 200 kilometers around Taiwan .

  10. 史密斯先生同时还是重庆市长国际经济咨询委员会成员、上海国际金融咨询委员会及香港管理协会成员。

    Mr Smith is also a member of the Chongqing Mayor 's International Economic Advisory Council , the Shanghai International Financial Advisory Council and a Fellow of The Hong Kong Management Association .

  11. 方法通过国际尿失禁咨询委员会(InternationalConsultantonIncontinence,ICI)提供的短表问卷,电话了解103例患者术前及术后半年后尿失禁的症状和程度。

    Methods One hundred and three postoperative patients were inquired by phone with the inquiry of International Consultant on Incontinence about urinary incontinence symptoms before and after vaginal total hysterectomy .

  12. 扼要介绍了CCITT(国际电报电话咨询委员会)图解法的基本原理及其软件方法实现光纤通信系统设计的关键措施和突出特点。

    The fundamental principles of CCITT graphic method are introduced . The key method for designing optical fiber communication system with computer software are discussed .

  13. 本文用格状编码原理对CCITT(国际电报电话咨询委员会)V.32和V.33建议中的编码调制方案进行了分析。

    Using the principle of trellis coding , analyses of coding modulation schemes of CCITT recommendations V.32 and V.33 are carried out .

  14. 论述了用横向错移法测量单模光纤模场直径的测量原理、测量装置和测量结果,该方法是国际电信电报咨询委员会(CCITT)所推荐的单模光纤模场直径测量方法之一。

    The principles and devices of the offset joint method for the measurement of mode field diameter of single mode fibers , which is one of the recommendations by CCITT , are described , and the experimental results are presented .

  15. 国际电话电报咨询委员会(CCITT)(现ITU-T)于1988年接受了SONET概念并重新命名为SDH,使其成为不仅适用于光纤也适用于微波和卫星传输的通用技术体制。

    Advisory Committee on International Telephone and Telegraph ( CCITT ) ( now ITU-T ) in 1988 to accept the concept of the SONET and SDH renamed . Applies not only to make it also applicable to fiber-optic microwave and satellite transmission system of the Common Technical .

  16. 国际电报电话咨询委员会

    International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee

  17. 国际无线电通信咨询委员会

    International Consultative Committee for Radio Communication

  18. 国际校外教育咨询委员会

    International Advisory Committee on Out-of-School Education

  19. 本文根据国际电报电话咨询委员会1963年导则的定义推导出等效干扰电流的严格表达式。

    This paper gives the expression of equivalent disturbing current which is de rived from the definition of CCITT Directive s ( 1963 ) .

  20. 维也纳国际中心会议事务咨询委员会

    Advisory Committee for Conference Services at the Vienna International Centre

  21. 国际计量局温度咨询委员会第18次会议简介

    On the 18th Session of the Consultative Committee on Thermometry

  22. 国际农业教育科学咨询委员会

    International Advisory Committee on Agricultural Education and Science

  23. 国际商品贸易常设咨询委员会

    Permanent Advisory Commission on International Commodity Trade

  24. 国际人口和法律咨询委员会

    International Advisory Committee on Population and Law

  25. 国际环境技术转让咨询委员会

    International Environmental Technology Transfer Advisory Board

  26. 国际科学和专业咨询委员会

    International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council