
  • 网络National history museum;natural history museum;National Historical Museum
  1. 为协助此项教育,奥斯陆大学(theuniversityofoslo)国家历史博物馆刚举办了一场关于同性恋动物的展览。

    Assisting with this education , the National History Museum at the University of Oslo has just opened an exhibition of gay animals .

  2. 艾伯还把雕屏和寺庙里见到的那种顶梁等传统细节元素融入了后来建筑(比如当年的财政局(theBureaudesFinances)、如今的国家历史博物馆(theNationalHistoryMuseum))的外立面中。

    Mr. Hebrard also incorporated traditional details such as carved screens and the roof beams seen in temples into the facades of later buildings , like the Bureau des Finances and what is now the National History Museum .

  3. GeorgeBurgess领导研究位于Florida大学的Florida国家历史博物馆的国际鲨鱼袭击档案。

    George Burgess leads the International Shark Attack File at the Florida Museum of Natural History of the University of Florida .

  4. 没有到国家历史博物馆的直达车

    There 's not through bus to the National History Museum , madam

  5. 参观国家历史博物馆使人们想起了中国的古代文明。

    Visiting National Museum of History makes people think of Chinese ancient civilization .

  6. 有声英语情景对话:这趟车到国家历史博物馆吗?

    No , it doesn 't.There 's no through bus to the National History Museum , madam .

  7. 华盛顿有史以来第一次把质询与司法调查的历史法院会议开设在国家历史博物馆。

    Washington 's first-ever Historical Court of Inquiry and Justice into session at the State History Museum .

  8. 这是“国家历史博物馆”,展出过往的俄罗斯文物。

    And the " State Historical Museum . " It has exhibits from ancient Russia until nowadays .

  9. 截至1934年位于伦敦的国家历史博物馆和位于爱丁堡的苏格兰皇家博物馆都想得到尼斯湖水怪。

    By 1934 both the Natural History Museum in London and the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh wanted Nessie .

  10. 在纽约,来自美国国家历史博物馆的科学家们把蜂箱设置在博物馆特别准备好的实验室里。

    In new york , scientists from the American Museum of national history the hive in a specially prepared laboratory in the museum .

  11. 喜欢烹饪的人们正在华盛顿特区史密森尼博物院的美国国家历史博物馆参观一个展览。

    People who love to cook are enjoying a new exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution 's National Museum of American History in Washington , D.C.

  12. 星期二,在史密森尼学会美国国家历史博物馆举行的新闻发布会上,美国国家铸币局局长。

    U.S.Mint Director Ed Moy introduced the new coin at a news conference Tuesday at the Smithsonian Institution 's National Museum of American History .

  13. 1934年3月一位不愿透露姓名的国家历史博物馆官员大谈特谈了他对猎人们应该如何处置水怪的想法。

    In March 1934 an unnamed official at the National History Museum made no bones about how he thought bounty hunters should deal with the creature .

  14. 国家历史博物馆里记录于20世纪60年代的文献显示当接触沉迷于尼斯湖水怪的保守党大卫詹姆斯时,菲利浦亲王鼓励他要多接触皇家海军以获取皇家海军的帮助。

    Natural History Museum files from the 1960s also state that when approached by a Tory MP , David James , who was obsessed with Nessie , Prince Philip encouraged him to contact the Royal Navy for assistance .

  15. 国家历史博物馆里记录于20世纪60年代的文献显示当接触沉迷于尼斯湖水怪的保守党大卫•詹姆斯时,菲利浦亲王鼓励他要多接触皇家海军以获取皇家海军的帮助。

    Natural History Museum files from the 1960s also state that when approached by a Tory MP , David James , who was ' obsessed " with Nessie , Prince Philip encouraged him to contact the Royal Navy for assistance .

  16. 在位于伦敦的国家历史博物馆里也发现了类似的文献记载,描述了苏格兰人得知对水怪的悬赏后,担心它的尸体会被带到英格兰。

    And similar files have also been found at the Natural History Museum in London , with the contents describing Scotlands fears that Nessie should not be allowed to find its last resting place in England after a bounty was placed on the monsters head .

  17. 从今年4月28日起,相关人员将开始对国家自然历史博物馆里的化石馆进行修复。

    Starting April 28 of this year , the National Museum of Natural History will begin renovating its fossil hall .

  18. 问题3:关于国家自然历史博物馆的化石馆,新闻报道说了些什么?

    Question 3 . What does the news report say about the fossil hall of the National Museum of Natural History ?

  19. 本周,我有幸参观华盛顿的非裔美国人国家历史文化博物馆。

    This week , I had the privilege of visiting the National Museum of African American History and Culture right here in Washington , D.C.

  20. 史密森国家自然历史博物馆和考古学家们表示,英国殖民地一个少女的骨头显示她的肉是被人吃掉的。

    The Smithsonian 's National Museum of Natural History and archaeologists say the bones of a girl at the English settlement show she was cannibalized .

  21. 来自美国国家自然历史博物馆的克里斯-斯汀格表示:在科幻小说中有场景描述未来人类拥有巨脑,但其实脑袋大并不意味着最好。

    Science fiction images show humans of the future with huge brains but big brains are not necessarily the best , says Chris Stringer , from the Natural History Museum .

  22. 华盛顿史密森国家自然历史博物馆的两栖动物和爬行动物馆长,动物学家罗伊麦克迪阿迈德说,他已经看到这种小型动物的标本。

    Zoologist Roy McDiarmid , curator of amphibians and reptiles at the Smithsonian 's National Museum of Natural History in Washington , said he has seen a specimen of the diminutive creature .

  23. 作品被作为国礼赠送国际友人和中国国家博物馆,中国历史博物馆、江西省博物馆等单位收藏。

    Work is presented as a national ceremony of China 's international friends and the National Museum , Museum of Chinese History , Jiangxi Province , the museum collections and other units .

  24. 在地震和海啸过后,日本北部已经停水断电,福岛第一核电站的抢修工作还在继续。与此同时,位于新墨西哥州阿尔布开克市的国家核科学与历史博物馆的参观人数在最近一个周末一下子增加了20%。

    At the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History in Albuquerque , N.M. , attendance jumped about 20 percent on a recent weekend as work continued at the Fukushima Dai-ichi reactors after the earthquake and tsunami wiped out power to northern Japan .