
xiàng zhàn
  • street fighting;street battle;house to house fighting;combat in street;street combat
巷战 [xiàng zhàn]
  • [street fighting;street combat] 在城镇街巷中进行的战斗

  • 技击利巷战。--清. 徐珂《清稗类钞.战事类》

  • 百人驰突巷战。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

  • 巷战死者又七千。

巷战[xiàng zhàn]
  1. 巷战中格斗技术的运用原则及特点

    Application of Combat Technique in Street Battle under Hi-Tech Environment

  2. 和平谈判进行之际巷战依然炮声隆隆。

    Street Battle In Heavy Shelling As Peace Talks Proceed . ( Street Battle In Heavy Shelling As Peace Talks Proceeded . )

  3. 革命的浪潮在剧烈的巷战中达到了顶峰。

    The revolutionary upsurge reached its climax in bitter street fighting .

  4. 我有过在巷战和海战中的狙击经验。

    Ve got experience sniping in urban and marine environments .

  5. 大城市中的巷战又扬升起来了。

    Street-fighting has flared up again in the big cities .

  6. 许多反对派士兵在昨晚的巷战中死亡,37辆武装的皮卡车被摧毁。

    Many rebels have died yesterday night street fights.37 pickup trucks were destroyed .

  7. 有个无辜的路人在巷战中被杀死了。

    Several harmless passers-by were killed during the street-fighting .

  8. 华沙市内发生了血腥的巷战。

    In Warsaw there is bloody street fighting .

  9. 他们目击了几起巷战。

    They witnessed several street battles .

  10. 就在此前几天,许多人在与敌对党派的巷战中丧生。

    Scores had died in the previous few days in street battles against a rival party .

  11. 查利是个巷战能手,是个战略家,他永远先想好下一步怎么办。

    Charlie was a street fighter and a strategist , always thinking ahead about what he could do next .

  12. 它不按理出牌,十分快速,干劲十足,能够带动你的情绪而且提出了好像在进行巷战的心态去跳舞。

    It 's erratic , quick , aggressive and emotional , and brings a street fighting mentality to dance .

  13. 军方和塔利班展开巷战,几乎每一面墙上都是坑洞,弹痕处处。

    The army and Taliban had fought street to street and almost every wall was pockmarked with bullet holes .

  14. 在萨德尔下令军队撤出巷战、双方经历了一个相对平静的星期之后,这次袭击又一次使双方发生激烈的战斗。

    This sparked heavy fighting after a week of relative calm when the cleric called his militias off the street .

  15. 在莎士比亚作品中,一个蒙太古人和一个凯普莱特人悲惨地死于巷战中的舞台上。

    As in Shakespeare , one Jet ( Montague ) and one Shark ( Capulet ) die tragically on stage , in street fight .

  16. 此外我还置身于一场街头巷战之中,身边子弹横飞,爆炸不断,被炸起的废墟以慢镜头飞过空中。

    I was also caught in a street battle with bullets and explosions going off all around me while debris hurtled through the air in slow motion .

  17. 暗杀事件发生在萨利赫拒绝签署交权协议后,萨利赫的拒绝态度也引发了首都萨那的多起巷战,首都多处遭到破坏。

    The attempt on Saleh 's life came after he ducked out of the deal , which ushered in street battles that devastated parts of his capital Sanaa .

  18. 利比亚过渡政府军队与前领导人卡扎菲军队在苏尔特激战,苏尔特巷战已经入了第二天。

    Street fighting has raged in Sirte for a second day as troops loyal to Libya 's transitional government confront the remnants of ex-leader Col Muammar Gaddafi 's forces .

  19. 移民潮和大屠杀让20世纪早期最有活力的一座城市失去了精英阶层;随后,狂轰滥炸和巷战又让它的基础设施毁于一旦。

    One of the most dynamic cities of the early 20th century lost its elite to emigration or genocide , and then its infrastructure to saturation bombing and street-to-street fighting .

  20. 这个精明的巷战斗士发明了“作战空间”这个词,也可能叫商业上的打手前来助阵。

    She is a savvy street fighter who invented the term " war room " and can call on the help of some of the dirtiest bruisers in the business .

  21. 全球安全组织称,第一特种兵兵团三角洲军团(特派军事)专门从事反恐任务,包括拯救人质,进行侦察,和展开城市巷战。

    According to GlobalSecurity.org , the 1st Special Operations Operational Detachment Delta unit ( 1st SFOD-D ) specializes in counter-terrorism missions , including hostage rescue , reconnaissance , and barricade operations .