
  1. 让白人成为我们国家命运的唯一主人。

    And to make whites * The sole masters of our nation 's destiny .

  2. 因为我们认为,决定一个国家命运的,最终要靠这个国家的人民。

    We believe the destiny of a country is in the hands of its people .

  3. 他们想要把我们的国玺作为代表这个新国家命运的一个象征。

    They wanted our seal to be an allegory representing the destiny of the new nation .

  4. 我想这也是美国民众面对国家命运的一种悲观情绪吧。

    I think this is the American people face the destiny of a pessimistic mood bar .

  5. 民族关怀则表现为对国民劣根性的批判和对国家命运的关注。

    Nationality solicitude represents the criticism on citizen 's ill-behave and the concern to nation 's future .

  6. 但雅克过分笃信文化是国家命运的终极决定因素。

    Yet Jacques puts too much faith in culture as the ultimate arbiter of a nation 's destiny .

  7. 制造商与农业、商业利益群体一样成为决定国家命运的强大声音;

    Manufacturers had earned a strong voice in determining the nation 's destiny along with agricutural and commercial interests .

  8. 东周时期,邦交关系成为影响国家命运的重要因素。

    In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty , the diplomatic relations played a important role affecting the fate of the country .

  9. 这次会议讨论和解决了许多有关党和国家命运的重大问题。

    At this conference we have discussed and resolved many major issues concerning the destinies of our party and state .

  10. 中国的先进分子开始用无产阶级的宇宙观作为观察国家命运的工具。

    China advanced elements of the universe began with the proletariat observe the fate of their country as a tool .

  11. 此外,两杂志中的中国媒体人也对国家命运进行了思考。

    Besides , Chinese media people who were on the " two magazines " thought about the fate of the nation .

  12. 大学生是祖国的希望与未来,大学生是与国家命运息息相关的群体,了解他们的状况,就显得尤为重要。

    College students are closely linked with the national destiny group , to understand their situation , it is particularly important .

  13. 坚持这个传统的制度,并且使它更加完善起来,是十分重要的事情,是关系我们党和国家命运的事情。

    Upholding and perfecting this traditional system is of vital significance , bearing on the destiny of our Party and state .

  14. 日本国家命运的关键,是尽快奠定理性的安全观与发展观。

    Therefore , the key to the fate of the Japanese nation is to foster its rational outlooks on security and development .

  15. 所谓中国之命运,就是以国家命运的名义,提出的一道政治选择的命题。

    The so-called " destiny of China ", is the fate of the country name , proposed a political choice of proposition .

  16. 有人曾说过,政治家们在喝一杯威士忌的功夫决定整个国家命运的时代已经过去了。

    Someone once said that the days in which politicians decided the fate of entire nations over a glass of whiskey are gone .

  17. 传播与国家命运之间具有耐人寻味的密切关系,其背后蕴含着诸多内在规律,故而能引发历史的思考。

    Communication and national fate have intriguing close relation , which contains some underlying rules , so that it can raise historical thinking .

  18. 通过全面实施素质教育,培养和开发一大批富于创造才能的高素质人才,已经成为维系国家命运和民族兴衰的关键。

    Education and cultivation of a sufficient number of qualified laborers and personnel through implementing personality education has become a key to the survival and development of a nation .

  19. 我知道现在谈论爱国主义或者国家命运可能过时了,但是我认为在此时此刻做这样的事情很有意义。

    I know it may not be fashionable to speak of patriotism or national destiny these days , but I feel it is appropriate to do so on this occasion .

  20. 胡适,作为一名忧心国家命运的爱国学者,他不满北洋军阀政府的黑暗统治,主张建立“好人政府”,实行“联省自治”,以维系国家的统一,消除军阀的混战,促进国内的和平;

    Hu Shi was dissatisfied with the dark rule of the Northern Warlords , advocated establishing " the government of kind people " and pursuing " joint autonomy among provinces " .

  21. 昨天是伊拉克召开抉择国家命运的会议的第一天,各类抗议和其它政治勾当令人瞩目,让伊拉克人初度看见了没有萨达姆的糊口会是什么样子。

    Yesterday , Iraqis got a glimpse of what life without Saddam Hussein may hold , as protests and politicking marked the first day of meetings to decide the country 's fate .

  22. 俄国知识分子与西方知识分子有着明显差别。俄国知识分子的共同特征是关心社会问题和国家命运,具有批判精神,同情劳动人民。

    Russian intellectuals were different from western intelligentsia in that they were greatly concerned over social issues and the nation 's destiny , full of critical spirit and sympathetic with the working people .

  23. 我们的责任,当然也是总统的责任,是利用美国强大的力量来塑造历史,而不是躲在后面去控制,任凭国家命运受各种事件的摆布。

    It is our responsibility , and the responsibility of the president to use America 's greatest power to shape history , not to lead from behind , leaving our destiny at the mercy of events .

  24. 许多最具才能的人才和勤劳的公民&那些能够建立一个更加美好的世界和改变自己国家命运的的人,由于感染了艾滋病毒,而面对早期死亡的悲惨命运。

    Many of the most talented and industrious citizens , who could build a better world and shape the destinies of the countries they live in , face tragically early death as a result of HIV infection .

  25. 陆游和辛弃疾都是著名的词人,他们参加过南宋抗金的斗争,因此作品中多半表现出为国家命运担忧的主题。

    Both Lu You and Xin Qiji were famous ci poets and both had participated in the anti-Jin struggle . Their works , therefore , reflected their concern for their country and their lofty sentiments and emotions .

  26. 情志内涵丰富,表达了对国家命运民众疾苦的关心,阐述了深刻的道理,寄托了深厚真挚的情感,抒发了对自然和生活的热爱。

    The sentimental connotation is rich , too . These poems express concern about the sufferings of people and the destiny of nation , expound profound truth , show a deep and sincere affection and express love of nature and life .

  27. 他似乎在一瞬间又一次将国家的命运握在了手中。

    He seems for a moment to be again holding the fate of the country in his hands

  28. 国家的命运不是被政府花了GDP的百分比决定的。

    National destinies are not shaped by what percentage of G.D.P.federal spending consumes .

  29. 举行了公民投票以决定国家的命运。

    A plebiscite was held to decide the fate of the country .

  30. 这所学校与国家的命运息息相关。

    This university is closely linked with the fate of our country .