
  • 网络International;International Service
  1. PaulButler是印第安纳大学国际服务办公室的财务经理。

    Paul Butler is the financial manager in the Office of International Services at Indiana University Bloomington .

  2. 国际服务外包是服务贸易的特殊实现方式,基于WTO体系框架下的多边贸易规则对国际服务外包产生了重要影响。

    International services outsourcing is a special implementation approach of international services trade . Multilateral trade rules based on the framework of the WTO system had a significant impact on international service outsourcing .

  3. 青岛市发展国际服务外包产业的意义及SWOT分析。

    The SWOT of Qingdao to develop the international service outsourcing industry .

  4. 《服务贸易总协定》是WTO中所有国际服务贸易必须遵守的游戏规则,约束着包括电信服务在内的诸多领域的服务贸易。

    The GATS controls most services field including telecommunications services , is the " game rule " of the international trade in services .

  5. 中国即将加入WTO,在国际服务贸易管理方面,为适应GATS相关原则、规则的要求,现有的管理模式亟待进一步完善。

    Management mode of international trade in services in China should be improved to adapt to the concerning rules of GATS .

  6. 在WTO奉行的逐步自由化原则的指引下,海运服务作为国际服务贸易的重要组成部分,也正朝着自由化的方向前进。

    Under the guidance of the principle of gradual liberalization in the WTO , as an important part of international service trade , shipping service also is heading for liberalization .

  7. 国际服务贸易统计研究中的有关问题:基于GATS的观点

    Some Problems of Statistical Research of International Service Trade : the Viewpoint Based on GATS

  8. GATS的成立为国际服务贸易活动的规范提供了合法性基础与完整的互动的框架。

    The GATS provides strong foundation and legal framework to regulate and liberalize trade in trade in services .

  9. 然而,GATS作为第一个规范国际服务贸易的框架性文件,不可避免地存在许多局限。

    However , as the first framework regulating international trade in services , GATS unavoidably has some defects .

  10. 本世纪初,ebay曾以拍卖网站的形式进入中国,经营模式与其国际服务非常类似。

    EBay initially entered China with an auction site closely resembling its international service at the start of the last decade .

  11. 中国还请求在WTO会议间歇在日内瓦与美国、欧盟和其他国家一起参与围绕一项拟议的国际服务贸易协议的谈判。

    There is also China 's request to join with the U.S. , the EU , and others in talks on a proposed agreement on international trade in services in Geneva on the sidelines of the WTO .

  12. 随着经济全球化进一步发展和国际服务市场的开放,服务业外商直接投资(FDIinService)在全球FDI中的比重和地位不断提高,已成为外商直接投资最重要的领域。

    As the further development of economic globalization and the continued opening up of international service market , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) in service sector has become the most important area of the world FDI field .

  13. 世界贸易组织(WTO)的建立和《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)的签署,规范了国际服务贸易的运作,促进了国际服务贸易的发展。

    The establishments of World Trade Organization and General Agreement on Trade in Service have normalized the operation on international trade services , and promoted the development of international trade services .

  14. 加入WTO后,教育已经被纳入国际服务贸易体系之中,必须以国际服务贸易的观念和规则来考虑我国教育的改革和发展问题。

    After China 's entry into WTO , education has been brought into the International Service Trade System . We must consider the reform and development of China 's education with the sense and regulations of international service trade .

  15. 我国入世后,作为国际服务贸易重要组成部分的我国海运服务业不可避免地要受到GATS的影响和约束。

    As an important part of international service trade , international maritime services in China is bound to be affected and regulated by GATS .

  16. 《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)是WTO成员方在开展国际服务贸易方面必须遵守的基本规则,是迄今为止第一套有关国际服务贸易的具有法律效力的多边规则。

    GATS , as one of the basic rules that the member of WTO is required to observe to develop international service trade , is the first set of legal multilateral rules in this field up to now .

  17. 在这种前提下,建立FDI的统计日益成为各国发展经济和与经济合作方谈判的需要,同时,FDI统计也是建立国际服务贸易FATS统计的需要。

    Under such circumstances , to establish FDI statistics , which is also the premises of FATS of a nation 's international service trade , becomes a necessity of all countries to accelerate economic development and participate in economic negotiations .

  18. GATS作为第一个关于国际服务贸易的多边框架性法律文件,也是规范国际旅游服务贸易的重要法律依据。

    GATS , as the first multilateral legal framework for the liberalization of the international trade in services , provides an important basis for the trade in services of international tourism .

  19. 包括GATS在内的乌拉圭回合一揽子协定的签署,初步构建了国际服务贸易的基本法律框架。

    It is with the signing of " a package of agreements ", including the GATS , in Uruguay Round , the basic legal framework of international trade in services has initially been built .

  20. 全文共分三大部分:第一部分:对国际服务贸易的基本理论加以阐述,为下文研究GATS及我国服务贸易立法提供理论和现实依据。

    This paper is divided into three sections : The first section comments on the basic theory of international trade in services . This provides the theoretical basis for studying GATS and our country 's legislation of trade in services .

  21. 纵观服务贸易研究的成果,主要是从两个方面来研究它的:一是研究国际服务贸易的纯理论,二是研究GATS下服务贸易多边谈判体系及服务贸易政策。

    Studying trade in services is sure to start from two respects . First , study the pure theory of trade in services , second , study the multilateral negotiation system of trade in services and service trade policy under GATS .

  22. 中国国际服务贸易现行的相关立法与GATS中的优惠安排存在许多差异,为了争取主动地位,充分利用GTAS中的优惠,我国必须对现行立法在形式和内容上进行完善。

    China 's laws relevant to trade services are quite different from those in GATS . In order to obtain the preferential treatment granted by GATS , and to be in an active position , China should improve it 's relevant laws both in contents and in forms .

  23. 自然人流动是GATS协定下的四种国际服务贸易方式之一,即一成员方的自然人服务提供者在任何其他成员方境内提供短期服务的贸易方式。

    Movement of Natural Persons ( MNP ), that is supplying a service by a service supplier of one member , through presence of natural persons of a member in the territory of any other member , is one of the four modes of conducting international trade in services .

  24. 国际服务贸易&国际贸易地理研究的新领域

    International Service Trade : A New Sub-field of International Trade Geography

  25. 国际服务贸易统计体系的比较研究

    The Comparative Research on the System of External Service Trade Statistics

  26. 国际服务贸易统计方法制度研究(上)

    A Study on Method System of International Trade Service Statistics ;

  27. 我国国际服务贸易存在的问题及对策

    The problems of China 's international service trade and the countermeasures

  28. 这些原则构成了国际服务贸易的基本法律框架,它对世界各国特别是广大发展中国家的服务业的发展和服务贸易的自由化产生了重大的影响。

    These rules constitute the basic law frame for international service trade .

  29. 国际服务组织进小区倒贴钱给你要吗?

    International service organizations into small pockets of money to you to ?

  30. 中国承接国际服务外包的经济增长效应分析

    The Analysis on Chinese Economic Growth Effect by Undertaking International Service Outsourcing