
  1. 国有企业股份制改革中的产权问题

    The Property Rights Problems in the Joint-stock Reform of the State-owned Enterprises

  2. 国有企业股份制改造及发展研究

    The Study of State-owned Enterprise Share System Transformation and Development

  3. 国有企业股份制改革继续推进。

    Fresh progress was made in transforming state-owned enterprises into stock companies .

  4. 对国有企业股份制改革中几个问题的思考

    Thought on Several Problems about the State-owned Enterprise Reform

  5. 论国有企业股份制改革的四个相关问题

    Four problems in the state-owned enterprise stock system reform

  6. 从生产关系变革角度透视国有企业股份制改造

    An Insight into Shareholding System Transformation of State-owned Enterprises from the Change of Productive Relationship

  7. 加快国有企业股份制改制的对策

    Policies of State-owned Enterprises share-holding Transformation

  8. 辽宁省大型国有企业股份制改革中的股权结构与股权制衡

    Ownership Structure and Balance Mechanism of Liaoning 's Large State-owned Enterprises in the Stock System Reform

  9. 关于西部地区股份制改革与证券市场建设的探讨国有企业股份制改革与股票市场可持续发展

    The Relation between the Joint Stock System of State-Owned Enterprises and the Continued Development of Stock Market

  10. 目前,在国有企业股份制改造的过程中存在许多影响财务审计与资产评估质量的问题。

    At present , there are many factors affecting the quality of financial audit and assets valuation in the process of SOEs reform .

  11. 因此,构造职工参与的多元所有制,塑造改革的利益主体,应是职工持股制度在国有企业股份制改造中应担当的历史使命。

    Therefore , to construct a multi-ownership system in SOEs with employees holding shares is very significant to shareholding reform of SOEs in China .

  12. 而中国的员工持股制度起步较晚,它的试行是伴随着国有企业股份制改造而进行的。

    Yet , ESOP in China started somewhat late , as its trying out was accompanied by a pilot joint-stock reform of state-owned enterprises .

  13. 证券市场的正常运作对我国经济体制改革和国有企业股份制改造的成功意义重大。

    The normal running of the securities market means much to the success of China 's economic reform and joint-stock system transformation of stated enterprises .

  14. 即使国有企业股份制改革进程接近尾声,但企业的代理成本、效益低下等问题还是存在。

    Even we are already at the end of state-owned enterprise shareholding reform , the high agent cost , low benefit and many other problems still exist .

  15. 尽管这些投行会怀念国有企业股份制改造过程中的巨额佣金,但协助私营企业实现融资需求预计也将为它们带来丰厚利润。

    While the banks are set to miss the mega-fees involved in state-owned privatisations , assisting the financing needs of private companies is expected to be lucrative .

  16. 我国国有企业股份制改革已取得了很大成就,但也存在着对股份制改革目的认识不清,行政干预过多,和一些企业所有者虚置等问题。

    Great achievements have been achieved in the reform of share-holding system in state-owned enterprises , but there are still some problems existing in the process of reform .

  17. 加快国有企业股份制改革,一批具有国际竞争力的大公司大企业集团发展壮大。

    We accelerated the reform to institute a stockholding system in SOEs , and a number of large companies and conglomerates with the ability to compete internationally were formed .

  18. 本文将从技术与管理两个角度对这些问题进行深入分析,为提高国有企业股份制改造中财务审计与资产评估的质量指明方向。

    This paper makes an in-depth analysis on these problems from technical and managerial point-of-view , and predicts the direction to improve the quality of financial audit and assets valuation .

  19. 国有企业股份制改造后存在的主要问题可归结于在公司治理结构方面存在着重大缺陷。

    The main problem a state - owned stock enterprise faces after its jiont - stock - system - reform lies in the tremendous shortcomings in structure administration the company has .

  20. 国有企业股份制改造后,产权结构依然单一,国有资产流动性差,无法实现社会资源的合理配置。

    After the state-owned enterprise 's share-holding system is reformed , the structure of property right is still unitary ; State-owned asset mobility difference can not realize the reasonable disposition of social resource .

  21. 研究发现,我国国有企业股份制改革关键在于理顺产权关系,形成有效的产权结构,建立完善的公司治理结构。

    Studies have shown that the shareholding system reform in state-owned enterprises lies in sorting out property rights relations and the establishment of an effective structure , establish a sound corporate governance structure .

  22. 研究现代企业的产权结构及其绩效不仅具有理论意义,而且对国有企业股份制改革具有积极的指导作用。

    Researching the structure of property rights of the modern enterprise and its performance has not only theoretical meaning , but also the positive guiding role for the state-owned enterprises ' share-holding system reform .

  23. 证券市场和股份制的关系是密不可分,息息相关的,研究如何利用证券市场的功能,解决好国有企业股份制改造中存在的问题,具有重要的现实意义。

    Securities business has a close and coherent relationship with stock system , so to study how to take use of securities business functions and make a good settlement for problems in stock reconstruction of state-owned enterprises has significantly realistic meaning .

  24. 目前我国国有企业股份制改造已到了关键时期,处于一个新的十字路口,迫切需要加强国有经济在国民经济中的控制力,提高国有资本运营的效率,实现国有资产收益最大化。

    Now , we 've reached a crucial moment of China 's economic reforms , and it is of urgent need to strengthen the domination of the state-owned economy in the national economy and to raise the efficiency of the state-owned capital operation .

  25. 若不对小股东的权益加以保护,势必导致社会不公正,影响小股东的投资热情和信心,阻碍我国公司制度的健康发展,进而影响我国国有企业股份制改革的进程。

    If we can 't protect the latter 's rights , it must be unjust and influence the investment passion and confidence of minority shareholders . Finally , it will block the healthy development of the corporation system and affect the course of our state enterprises ' reform .

  26. G公司是2000年由国有企业经股份制改造成的电子制造类企业。

    G company is the electronics manufacturing enterprise , which was transferred into joint-stock from the state-owned enterprise in the year 2000 .

  27. 方法随机抽取嘉兴市即将破产的企业、国有企业、股份制企业职工各100名为研究对象,采用SCL-90、LES问卷对3组职工对象进行调查。

    Methods Random sampling was used to choose 100 subjects from the employees in the bankrupt enterprise , the state-owned enterprise , and the stock-company type enterprise of Jiaxing city . The symptom checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ) and the life events scale ( LES ) were applied in questionnaire surveys .

  28. 国有企业模拟股份制&国有资产经营探索

    State Enterprise Imitate Stock System - State Assets Management Explore

  29. 国有林业企业股份制改造探索

    Probe of the Reform from State-owned Forestry Enterprise to a Limited Company

  30. 国有企业实行股份制改造应注意的问题

    Attention to the Problems Caused by Improving the Stock of State Enterprises